motion-firebase -------- A RubyMotion wrapper for the Firebase SDK. Adds more rubyesque methods to the built-in classes. For a Ruby (MRI) Firebase wrapper, check out . Versioning ------- versioning matches Firebase's SDK major and minor version numbers, but revision numbers could be different. SDK --- # Firebase Class Reference ##### Initializing a Firebase object ##### Getting references to children locations firebase[path] firebase[] # childByAutoId firebase['fred'] # childByAppendingPath('fred') ##### Writing data firebase << {'key': 'value'} # => firebase.childByAutoId.updateChildValues(values), returns the new child # set value firebase.value = value firebase.set(value) firebase.set(value) { 'completion block' } firebase.set(value, priority: priority) firebase.set(value, priority: priority) { 'completion block' } # set value of child node firebase['first_name'] = 'fred' # childByAppendingPath('fred').set('fred') # remove value firebase.clear! firebase.clear! { 'completion block' } # priority firebase.priority = priority firebase.priority(priority) firebase.priority(priority) { |error| 'completion block' } firebase.update(values) firebase.update(values) { |error| 'completion block' } ##### Attaching observers to read data handle = firebase.on(event_type) { |snapshot| 'completion block' } handle = firebase.on(event_type) { |snapshot, previous_sibling_name| 'completion block' } handle = firebase.on(event_type, completion: proc { |snapshot, previous_sibling_name| 'completion block' }, disconnect: proc { 'completion block' } ) handle = firebase.once(event_type) { |snapshot| 'completion block' } handle = firebase.once(event_type) { |snapshot, previous_sibling_name| 'completion block' } handle = firebase.once(event_type, completion: proc { |snapshot, previous_sibling_name| 'completion block' }, disconnect: proc { 'completion block' } ) ##### Detaching observers ##### Querying and limiting # these are not wrapped at the moment, because I don't completely understand # what they do. # firebase.queryStartingAtPriority() # firebase.queryStartingAtPriority(andChildName:) # firebase.queryEndingAtPriority() # firebase.queryEndingAtPriority(andChildName:) # firebase.queryLimitedToNumberOfChildren() ##### Managing presence firebase.on_disconnect(value) firebase.on_disconnect(value) { |error| 'completion block' } firebase.on_disconnect(value, priority:priority) firebase.on_disconnect(value, priority:priority) { |error| 'completion block' } firebase.on_disconnect(nil) firebase.on_disconnect(nil) { |error| 'completion block' } firebase.on_disconnect({ child: values }) firebase.on_disconnect({ child: values }) { |error| 'completion block' } firebase.cancel_disconnect firebase.cancel_disconnect { |error| 'completion block' } ##### Authenticating firebase.auth(credential) firebase.auth(credential) { |error, data| 'completion block' } firebase.auth(credential, completion: proc { |error, data| 'completion block' }, disconnect: proc { |error| 'completion block', }, ) firebase.unauth # when using FirebaseSimpleLogin to authenticate, this child node should be # monitored for changes firebase.auth_state # usually you'll want to monitor its value, so this is a helper for that: handle = firebase.on_auth do |snapshot| end # be a good citizen and turn off the listener later! ##### Transactions { |data| 'transaction block' } transaction: proc { |data| 'transaction block' }, completion: proc { |error, committed, snapshot| } ) transaction: proc { |data| 'transaction block' }, completion: proc { |error, committed, snapshot| } local: true || false, ) ##### Retrieving String Representation firebase.to_s firebase.inspect ##### Properties firebase.parent firebase.root ##### Global configuration and settings Firebase.dispatch_queue=(queue) Firebase.sdkVersion # FirebaseSimpleLogin Class Reference ##### Initializing a FirebaseSimpleLogin instance ref = auth = ##### Checking current authentication status auth.check { |error, user| } ##### Removing any existing authentication auth.logout ##### Email/password authentication methods `credentials` for `create,remove,login` should include `:email` and `:password`. For `update`, `credentials` should include `:email`, `:old_password` and `:new_password`. auth.create(email: '', password: '12345') { |error, user| } auth.remove(email: '', password: '12345') { |error, user| } auth.login(email: '', password: '12345') { |error, user| } auth.update(email: '', old_password: '12345', new_password: '54321') { |error, success| } ##### Facebook authentication methods `credentials` should include `:app_id` and `:permissions` auth.login_to_facebook(app_id: '123abc', permissions: ['email']) { |error, user| } ##### Twitter authentication methods `credentials` should include `:app_id` and `:on_multiple` block. The `:on_multiple` block is called when more than one account is found. It is passed an array of usernames and should return an index or `NSNotFound`. auth.login_to_twitter(app_id: '123abc', on_multiple: ->(usernames) { return 0 }) { |error, user| } ##### Global configuration and settings FirebaseSimpleLogin.sdkVersion ##### Retrieving String Representation firebase.to_s firebase.inspect