puppet-ghostbuster ================== [![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/voxpupuli/puppet-ghostbuster.svg)](https://github.com/voxpupuli/puppet-ghostbuster/blob/master/LICENSE) [![Test](https://github.com/voxpupuli/puppet-ghostbuster/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/voxpupuli/puppet-ghostbuster/actions/workflows/test.yml) [![Release](https://github.com/voxpupuli/puppet-ghostbuster/actions/workflows/release.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/voxpupuli/puppet-ghostbuster/actions/workflows/release.yml) [![RubyGem Version](https://img.shields.io/gem/v/puppet-ghostbuster.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/puppet-ghostbuster) [![RubyGem Downloads](https://img.shields.io/gem/dt/puppet-ghostbuster.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/puppet-ghostbuster) [![Donated by Camptocamp](https://img.shields.io/badge/donated%20by-camptocamp-fb7047.svg)](#transfer-notice) When you have dead puppet code hanging around ... *Who you gonna call ?* This gems helps puppet users to find dead code by displaying unused classes, defined resources, template and files. This gems only support PuppetDB APi v4 (PuppetDB 3+) Usage ----- ```shell $ find . -type f -exec puppet-lint --only-checks ghostbuster_classes,ghostbuster_defines,ghostbuster_facts,ghostbuster_files,ghostbuster_functions,ghostbuster_hiera_files,ghostbuster_templates,ghostbuster_types {} \+ ``` Environment variables --------------------- ### HIERA_YAML_PATH The location of the `hiera.yaml` file. Defaults to `/etc/puppetlabs/code/hiera.yaml` ### PUPPETDB_URL The url or the PuppetDB. Defaults to `http://puppetdb:8080` ### PUPPETDB_CACERT_FILE Your site’s CA certificate ### PUPPETDB_CERT_FILE An SSL certificate signed by your site’s Puppet CA ### PUPPETDB_KEY_FILE The private key for that certificate ### PE_TOKEN If set, PE token authentication will be used instead of certificate authentication. Value may be a token _or_ path to a file containing a token. Plugins ------- ### ghostbuster_classes Find unused classes in PuppetDB. ### ghostbuster_defines Find unused defined types in PuppetDB. ### ghostbuster_facts Find unused facts in Puppet manifests and templates. ### ghostbuster_files Find unused files in PuppetDB or in Puppet manifests. ### ghostbuster_functions Find unused functions in Puppet manifests or templates. ### ghostbuster_hiera_files Find unused hiera files in PuppetDB. ### ghostbuster_templates Find unused templates in Puppet manifests. ### ghostbuster_types Find unused types in Puppet manifests. Example output -------------- TODO ``` $ find . -type f -exec puppet-lint --only-checks ghostbuster_classes,ghostbuster_defines,ghostbuster_files,ghostbuster_hiera_files,ghostbuster_templates {} \+ ./modules/foo/manifests/install.pp - WARNING: Class Foo::Install seems unused on line 1 ./modules/foo/manifests/service.pp - WARNING: Class Foo::Service seems unused on line 1 ./modules/foo/manifests/init.pp - WARNING: Class Foo seems unused on line 1 ./modules/bar/manifests/baz.pp - WARNING: Define Bar::Baz seems unused on line 1 ./modules/modulename/templates/foo.erb - WARNING: Template modulename/foo.erb seems unused on line 1 ./modules/modulename/templates/bar.erb - WARNING: Template modulename/bar.erb seems unused on line 1 ./modules/modulename/templates/baz.erb - WARNING: Template modulename/baz.erb seems unused on line 1 ./modules/foo/files/bar.txt - WARNING: File foo/bar.txt seems unused on line 1 ./modules/foo/files/baz.txt - WARNING: File foo/baz.txt seems unused on line 1 ``` ## Transfer Notice This plugin was originally authored by [Camptocamp](http://www.camptocamp.com). The maintainer preferred that Puppet Community take ownership of the module for future improvement and maintenance. Existing pull requests and issues were transferred over, please fork and continue to contribute here instead of Camptocamp. Previously: https://github.com/camptocamp/puppet-ghostbuster