/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ #ifndef KLL_HELPER_IMPL_HPP_ #define KLL_HELPER_IMPL_HPP_ #include #include #include "common_defs.hpp" namespace datasketches { bool kll_helper::is_even(uint32_t value) { return (value & 1) == 0; } bool kll_helper::is_odd(uint32_t value) { return (value & 1) > 0; } uint8_t kll_helper::floor_of_log2_of_fraction(uint64_t numer, uint64_t denom) { if (denom > numer) return 0; uint8_t count = 0; while (true) { denom <<= 1; if (denom > numer) return count; count++; } } uint8_t kll_helper::ub_on_num_levels(uint64_t n) { if (n == 0) return 1; return 1 + floor_of_log2_of_fraction(n, 1); } uint32_t kll_helper::compute_total_capacity(uint16_t k, uint8_t m, uint8_t num_levels) { uint32_t total = 0; for (uint8_t h = 0; h < num_levels; h++) { total += level_capacity(k, num_levels, h, m); } return total; } uint16_t kll_helper::level_capacity(uint16_t k, uint8_t numLevels, uint8_t height, uint8_t min_wid) { if (height >= numLevels) throw std::invalid_argument("height >= numLevels"); const uint8_t depth = numLevels - height - 1; return std::max(min_wid, int_cap_aux(k, depth)); } uint16_t kll_helper::int_cap_aux(uint16_t k, uint8_t depth) { if (depth > 60) throw std::invalid_argument("depth > 60"); if (depth <= 30) return int_cap_aux_aux(k, depth); const uint8_t half = depth / 2; const uint8_t rest = depth - half; const uint16_t tmp = int_cap_aux_aux(k, half); return int_cap_aux_aux(tmp, rest); } uint16_t kll_helper::int_cap_aux_aux(uint16_t k, uint8_t depth) { if (depth > 30) throw std::invalid_argument("depth > 30"); const uint64_t twok = k << 1; // for rounding, we pre-multiply by 2 const uint64_t tmp = (uint64_t) (((uint64_t) twok << depth) / powers_of_three[depth]); const uint64_t result = (tmp + 1) >> 1; // then here we add 1 and divide by 2 if (result > k) throw std::logic_error("result > k"); return static_cast(result); } uint64_t kll_helper::sum_the_sample_weights(uint8_t num_levels, const uint32_t* levels) { uint64_t total = 0; uint64_t weight = 1; for (uint8_t lvl = 0; lvl < num_levels; lvl++) { total += weight * (levels[lvl + 1] - levels[lvl]); weight *= 2; } return total; } template void kll_helper::randomly_halve_down(T* buf, uint32_t start, uint32_t length) { if (!is_even(length)) throw std::invalid_argument("length must be even"); const uint32_t half_length = length / 2; #ifdef KLL_VALIDATION const uint32_t offset = deterministic_offset(); #else const uint32_t offset = random_bit(); #endif uint32_t j = start + offset; for (uint32_t i = start; i < (start + half_length); i++) { if (i != j) buf[i] = std::move(buf[j]); j += 2; } } template void kll_helper::randomly_halve_up(T* buf, uint32_t start, uint32_t length) { if (!is_even(length)) throw std::invalid_argument("length must be even"); const uint32_t half_length = length / 2; #ifdef KLL_VALIDATION const uint32_t offset = deterministic_offset(); #else const uint32_t offset = random_bit(); #endif uint32_t j = (start + length) - 1 - offset; for (uint32_t i = (start + length) - 1; i >= (start + half_length); i--) { if (i != j) buf[i] = std::move(buf[j]); j -= 2; } } // this version moves objects within the same buffer // assumes that destination has initialized objects // does not destroy the originals after the move template void kll_helper::merge_sorted_arrays(T* buf, uint32_t start_a, uint32_t len_a, uint32_t start_b, uint32_t len_b, uint32_t start_c) { const uint32_t len_c = len_a + len_b; const uint32_t lim_a = start_a + len_a; const uint32_t lim_b = start_b + len_b; const uint32_t lim_c = start_c + len_c; uint32_t a = start_a; uint32_t b = start_b; for (uint32_t c = start_c; c < lim_c; c++) { if (a == lim_a) { if (b != c) buf[c] = std::move(buf[b]); b++; } else if (b == lim_b) { if (a != c) buf[c] = std::move(buf[a]); a++; } else if (C()(buf[a], buf[b])) { if (a != c) buf[c] = std::move(buf[a]); a++; } else { if (b != c) buf[c] = std::move(buf[b]); b++; } } if (a != lim_a || b != lim_b) throw std::logic_error("inconsistent state"); } // this version is to merge from two different buffers into a third buffer // initializes objects is the destination buffer // moves objects from buf_a and destroys the originals // copies objects from buf_b template void kll_helper::merge_sorted_arrays(const T* buf_a, uint32_t start_a, uint32_t len_a, const T* buf_b, uint32_t start_b, uint32_t len_b, T* buf_c, uint32_t start_c) { const uint32_t len_c = len_a + len_b; const uint32_t lim_a = start_a + len_a; const uint32_t lim_b = start_b + len_b; const uint32_t lim_c = start_c + len_c; uint32_t a = start_a; uint32_t b = start_b; for (uint32_t c = start_c; c < lim_c; c++) { if (a == lim_a) { new (&buf_c[c]) T(buf_b[b++]); } else if (b == lim_b) { new (&buf_c[c]) T(std::move(buf_a[a])); buf_a[a++].~T(); } else if (C()(buf_a[a], buf_b[b])) { new (&buf_c[c]) T(std::move(buf_a[a])); buf_a[a++].~T(); } else { new (&buf_c[c]) T(buf_b[b++]); } } if (a != lim_a || b != lim_b) throw std::logic_error("inconsistent state"); } /* * Here is what we do for each level: * If it does not need to be compacted, then simply copy it over. * * Otherwise, it does need to be compacted, so... * Copy zero or one guy over. * If the level above is empty, halve up. * Else the level above is nonempty, so... * halve down, then merge up. * Adjust the boundaries of the level above. * * It can be proved that general_compress returns a sketch that satisfies the space constraints * no matter how much data is passed in. * All levels except for level zero must be sorted before calling this, and will still be * sorted afterwards. * Level zero is not required to be sorted before, and may not be sorted afterwards. */ template kll_helper::compress_result kll_helper::general_compress(uint16_t k, uint8_t m, uint8_t num_levels_in, T* items, uint32_t* in_levels, uint32_t* out_levels, bool is_level_zero_sorted) { if (num_levels_in == 0) throw std::invalid_argument("num_levels_in == 0"); // things are too weird if zero levels are allowed const uint32_t starting_item_count = in_levels[num_levels_in] - in_levels[0]; uint8_t current_num_levels = num_levels_in; uint32_t current_item_count = starting_item_count; // decreases with each compaction uint32_t target_item_count = compute_total_capacity(k, m, current_num_levels); // increases if we add levels bool done_yet = false; out_levels[0] = 0; uint8_t current_level = 0; while (!done_yet) { // If we are at the current top level, add an empty level above it for convenience, // but do not increment num_levels until later if (current_level == (current_num_levels - 1)) { in_levels[current_level + 2] = in_levels[current_level + 1]; } const auto raw_beg = in_levels[current_level]; const auto raw_lim = in_levels[current_level + 1]; const auto raw_pop = raw_lim - raw_beg; if ((current_item_count < target_item_count) || (raw_pop < level_capacity(k, current_num_levels, current_level, m))) { // move level over as is // make sure we are not moving data upwards if (raw_beg < out_levels[current_level]) throw std::logic_error("wrong move"); std::move(items + raw_beg, items + raw_lim, items + out_levels[current_level]); out_levels[current_level + 1] = out_levels[current_level] + raw_pop; } else { // The sketch is too full AND this level is too full, so we compact it // Note: this can add a level and thus change the sketches capacities const auto pop_above = in_levels[current_level + 2] - raw_lim; const bool odd_pop = is_odd(raw_pop); const auto adj_beg = odd_pop ? 1 + raw_beg : raw_beg; const auto adj_pop = odd_pop ? raw_pop - 1 : raw_pop; const auto half_adj_pop = adj_pop / 2; if (odd_pop) { // move one guy over items[out_levels[current_level]] = std::move(items[raw_beg]); out_levels[current_level + 1] = out_levels[current_level] + 1; } else { // even number of items out_levels[current_level + 1] = out_levels[current_level]; } // level zero might not be sorted, so we must sort it if we wish to compact it if ((current_level == 0) && !is_level_zero_sorted) { std::sort(items + adj_beg, items + adj_beg + adj_pop, C()); } if (pop_above == 0) { // Level above is empty, so halve up randomly_halve_up(items, adj_beg, adj_pop); } else { // Level above is nonempty, so halve down, then merge up randomly_halve_down(items, adj_beg, adj_pop); merge_sorted_arrays(items, adj_beg, half_adj_pop, raw_lim, pop_above, adj_beg + half_adj_pop); } // track the fact that we just eliminated some data current_item_count -= half_adj_pop; // adjust the boundaries of the level above in_levels[current_level + 1] = in_levels[current_level + 1] - half_adj_pop; // increment num_levels if we just compacted the old top level // this creates some more capacity (the size of the new bottom level) if (current_level == (current_num_levels - 1)) { current_num_levels++; target_item_count += level_capacity(k, current_num_levels, 0, m); } } // end of code for compacting a level // determine whether we have processed all levels yet (including any new levels that we created) if (current_level == (current_num_levels - 1)) done_yet = true; current_level++; } // end of loop over levels if ((out_levels[current_num_levels] - out_levels[0]) != current_item_count) throw std::logic_error("inconsistent state"); for (uint32_t i = current_item_count; i < starting_item_count; i++) items[i].~T(); compress_result result; result.final_num_levels = current_num_levels; result.final_capacity = target_item_count; result.final_num_items = current_item_count; return result; } template void kll_helper::copy_construct(const T* src, size_t src_first, size_t src_last, T* dst, size_t dst_first) { while (src_first != src_last) { new (&dst[dst_first++]) T(src[src_first++]); } } template void kll_helper::move_construct(T* src, size_t src_first, size_t src_last, T* dst, size_t dst_first, bool destroy) { while (src_first != src_last) { new (&dst[dst_first++]) T(std::move(src[src_first])); if (destroy) src[src_first].~T(); src_first++; } } #ifdef KLL_VALIDATION uint32_t kll_helper::deterministic_offset() { const uint32_t result(kll_next_offset); kll_next_offset = 1 - kll_next_offset; return result; } #endif } /* namespace datasketches */ #endif // KLL_HELPER_IMPL_HPP_