#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w # encoding: UTF-8 # # = UserProfileView.rb -- PostRunner - Manage the data from your Garmin sport devices. # # Copyright (c) 2014 by Chris Schlaeger # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # require 'fit4ruby' require 'postrunner/ViewFrame' module PostRunner class UserProfileView def initialize(fit_activity, unit_system) @fit_activity = fit_activity @unit_system = unit_system end def to_html(doc) return nil if @fit_activity.user_profiles.empty? ViewFrame.new('user_profile', 'User Profile', 600, profile, true).to_html(doc) end def to_s return '' if @fit_activity.user_profiles.empty? profile.to_s end private def profile t = FlexiTable.new profile = @fit_activity.user_profiles.first if profile.height unit = { :metric => 'm', :statute => 'ft' }[@unit_system] height = profile.get_as('height', unit) t.cell('Height:', { :width => '40%' }) t.cell("#{'%.2f' % height} #{unit}", { :width => '60%' }) t.new_row end if profile.weight unit = { :metric => 'kg', :statute => 'lbs' }[@unit_system] weight = profile.get_as('weight', unit) t.row([ 'Weight:', "#{'%.1f' % weight} #{unit}" ]) end t.row([ 'Gender:', profile.gender ]) if profile.gender t.row([ 'Age:', "#{profile.age} years" ]) if profile.age t.row([ 'Max. Heart Rate:', "#{profile.max_hr} bpm" ]) if profile.max_hr if (lthr = profile.running_lactate_threshold_heart_rate) t.row([ 'Running LTHR:', "#{lthr} bpm" ]) end if profile.activity_class t.row([ 'Activity Class:', profile.activity_class ]) end if profile.metmax t.row([ 'METmax:', "#{profile.metmax} MET" ]) t.row([ 'VO2max:', "#{'%.1f' % (profile.metmax * 3.5)} ml/kg/min" ]) end t end end end