// WHAT IS THIS? // This is typography for the Electric Book Classic theme (http://electricbook.io). // It is built with Sass. (See http://sass-lang.com, and http://jekyllrb.com/docs/assets for how Jekyll implements Sass.) // Jekyll will compile the finished CSS for your books in _site/_themes/classic/css. // // HOW TO USE IT // // Edit the default variables below. // Comment/uncomment or add font imports below. // Add your own custom CSS at the bottom. // First, let's set character encoding. Don't change this. @charset "utf-8"; // ---------------------- // Hide unwanted elements // ---------------------- // Uncomment these @imports to hide elements completely (also comment out @imports for these elements): // @import "hide-footer"; // @import "hide-nav-bar"; // ------------- // Set variables // ------------- // Edition suffix: identifies this edition in certain classes (e.g. in _epub-fitting.scss). $edition-suffix: null !default; $font-text-main: "Crimson", serif !default; $font-text-secondary: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif !default; $font-display-main: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif !default; $font-display-secondary: "Crimson", serif !default; $font-code: "Inconsolata", monospace !default; $font-size-default: 1.2em !default; $line-height-default: 150% !default; // Some features rearrange at certain screen sizes. // What are your break points for rearrangement? $break-point-height: 600px !default; $break-point-width: 600px !default; // ---------------------------------------------------- // Import font files (@font-face) for fonts you specify // ---------------------------------------------------- // Import fonts from book-specific CSS. // --------------------- // Classic-theme modules // --------------------- // Structural HTML components @import "partials/web-wrappers"; // Default typography @import "partials/web-base-typography"; // Navigation @import "partials/web-nav-bar"; @import "partials/web-footer"; // Book parts @import "partials/web-cover"; @import "partials/web-title-page"; @import "partials/web-copyright-page"; @import "partials/web-dedications"; @import "partials/web-epigraphs"; @import "partials/web-toc"; // Book-feature classes @import "partials/web-bibliographies"; @import "partials/web-boxes"; @import "partials/web-buttons"; @import "partials/web-code"; @import "partials/web-definition-lists"; @import "partials/web-figures"; @import "partials/web-index"; @import "partials/web-maths"; @import "partials/web-notes"; @import "partials/web-openers"; @import "partials/web-pullquotes"; @import "partials/web-quotations"; @import "partials/web-tables"; @import "partials/web-valedictions"; @import "partials/web-verse"; @import "partials/web-video"; // Type-control classes @import "partials/web-smallcaps"; @import "partials/web-fitting"; // E.g. tracking and shrinking // Logic (if this then that) @import "partials/web-reset-sequences"; // This should stay last in the @import list