require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') describe ApipieBindings::Route do let(:route) {"/api/architectures/:id", "GET") } it "should list params in path" do route.params_in_path.must_equal ['id'] end it "should downcase the method" do route.method.must_equal 'get' end it "should fill in the params" do route.path({ "id" => 1 }).must_equal "/api/architectures/1" end it "should fill in the params as symbols" do route.path({ :id => 1 }).must_equal "/api/architectures/1" end it "should return the path as is without the params" do route.path.must_equal "/api/architectures/:id" end it "should have path visible in puts" do out, err = capture_io { puts route } out.must_equal "\n" end it "should have path visible in inspect" do route.inspect.must_equal "" end end