module Platformx module FormHelpers # View helper to generate check box # @param id [String] the checkbox id attribute # @param name [String] the checkbox name attribute # @param value [String] the checkbox value # @param label [String] the checkbox label # @param checked [Boolean] if the checkbox is checked # @param switch [Boolean] if the checkbox is a switch # @param align [String] if the alignment should be left or right # @param inline [Boolean] if the element is inline # @param form_group [Boolean] if a form group # @param required [Boolean] if required or not # @return [String] Compiled html checkbox def x_checkbox(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", checked: false, switch: false, align: false, inline: false, form_group: true, required: false) checked_output = "" switchery_div = "" switchery_input = "" align_class = "" inline_class = "" form_group_start = "" form_group_end = "" required_output = "" if checked == true then checked_output='checked="checked"' end if switch == true then switchery_div='checkbox-switchery' end if switch == true then switchery_input='switch' end if align == "left" then align_class='pull-left' end if align == "right" then align_class='pull-right' end if inline == true then inline_class ='inline' end if form_group == true then form_group_start = '
' end if form_group == true then form_group_end = '
' end if required == true then required_output = "data-parsley-mincheck='1'" end cb = < #{form_group_end} EOS return cb end # Check box helper # @param id [String] the checkbox id # @param name [String] the name attribute of the checkbox # @param value [String] the checkbox value # @param label [String] the label text of the checkbox # @param checked [Boolean] if the checkbox is checked # @param switch [Boolean] if the checkbox is a switchery input # @param align [String] if the check box aligned 'left' or 'right' # @param inline [Boolean] if the checkbox is inline or not # @param form_group [Boolean] if the checkbox is of form group # @param required [Boolean] if checkbox is required # @return [String] the compiled checkbox def x_checkbox_string(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", checked: false, switch: false, align: false, inline: false, form_group: true, required: false) checked_output = "" switchery_div = "" switchery_input = "" align_class = "" inline_class = "" form_group_start = "" form_group_end = "" required_output = "" if checked == true then checked_output='checked="checked"' end if switch == true then switchery_div='checkbox-switchery' end if switch == true then switchery_input='switch' end if align == "left" then align_class='pull-left' end if align == "right" then align_class='pull-right' end if inline == true then inline_class ='inline' end if form_group == true then form_group_start = '
' end if form_group == true then form_group_end = '
' end if required == true then required_output = "data-parsley-mincheck='1'" end cb = < #{form_group_end} EOS return cb end # Radio button view helper # @param id [String] the radio id # @param name [String] the name attribute of the radio # @param value [String] the radio value # @param label [String] the label text of the radio # @param checked [Boolean] if the radio is checked # @param align [String] if the check box aligned 'left' or 'right' # @param inline [Boolean] if the radio is inline or not # @param form_group [Boolean] if the radio is of form group # @return [String] the compiled radio def x_radio(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", checked: false, align: false, inline: false, form_group: true) checked_output = "" align_class = "" inline_class = "" form_group_start = "" form_group_end = "" if checked == true then checked_output='checked="checked"' end if align == "left" then align_class='pull-left' end if align == "right" then align_class='pull-right' end if inline == true then inline_class ='inline' end if form_group == true then form_group_start = '
' end if form_group == true then form_group_end = '
' end cb = < #{form_group_end} EOS return cb end # Hidden input helper # @param id [String] hidden input id # @param name [String] hidden input name # @param value [String] hidden input value # @return [String] compiled hidden input html def x_hidden(id: "", name: "", value: "") hi = < EOS return hi end # Text input helper # @param id [String] input element id # @param name [String] input element name # @param value [String] input element value # @param label [String] input element label # @param required [Boolean] if input element is required # @param placeholder [String] input element placeholder # @param mask [String] input element mask # @param maxlength [String] input element max length # @return [String] compiled input element def x_input(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", required: false, placeholder: "", mask: "", maxlength: "") id = name unless id != "" if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end if maxlength != "" maxlength = "maxlength='#{maxlength}'" end if mask != "" mask = "data-masked-input='#{mask}'" end tb = < #{label}#{required_output} EOS return tb end # Money input helper # @param id [String] the money input id # @param name [String] the money input name # @param label [String] the money input label # @param required [Boolean] if money input is required or not # @param placeholder [String] the moeny input placeholder # @param mask [String] the money input mask # @param maxlength [String] max length of the input # @return [String] compiled money input html def x_money(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", required: false, placeholder: "", mask: "", maxlength: "") id = name unless id != "" if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end if maxlength != "" maxlength = "maxlength='#{maxlength}'" end if mask != "" mask = "data-masked-input='#{mask}'" end if value == 0 || value.nil? || value == "" value = "0.00" else value = "%.2f" % value rescue nil end tb = < #{label}#{required_output}
EOS return tb end # Percentage input helper # @param id [String] percentage input id # @param name [String] percentage input name # @param value [String] percentage input value # @param label [String] percentage input label # @param required [Boolean] if percentage input is required # @param placeholder [String] percentage input placeholder # @param mask [String] percentage input mask # @param maxlength [String] percentage input maxlength def x_percentage(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", required: false, placeholder: "", mask: "", maxlength: "") id = name unless id != "" if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end if maxlength != "" maxlength = "maxlength='#{maxlength}'" end if mask != "" mask = "data-masked-input='#{mask}'" end tb = < #{label}#{required_output}
EOS return tb end # Sq Ft input helper # @param id [String] percentage input id # @param name [String] percentage input name # @param value [String] percentage input value # @param label [String] percentage input label # @param required [Boolean] if percentage input is required # @param placeholder [String] percentage input placeholder # @param mask [String] percentage input mask # @param maxlength [String] percentage input maxlength def x_sqft(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", required: false, placeholder: "", mask: "", maxlength: "") id = name unless id != "" if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end if maxlength != "" maxlength = "maxlength='#{maxlength}'" end if mask != "" mask = "data-masked-input='#{mask}'" end tb = < #{label}#{required_output}
EOS return tb end # Number input helper # @param id [String] number input id # @param name [String] number input name # @param value [String] number input value # @param label [String] number input label # @param required [Boolean] if required or not # @param placeholder [String] number input placeholder text # @param mask [String] number input mask # @param maxlength [String] nuber input max length # @return [String] compiled html of number input def x_number(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", required: false, placeholder: "", mask: "", maxlength: "") if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end if maxlength != "" maxlength = "maxlength='#{maxlength}'" end if mask != "" mask = "data-masked-input='#{mask}'" end tb = < #{label} EOS return tb end # Phone input helper # @param id [String] phone input id # @param name [String] phone input name # @param value [String] phone input value # @param label [String] phone input label # @param required [Boolean] if required or not # @param placeholder [String] phone input placeholder text # @param mask [String] phone input mask # @param maxlength [String] nuber input max length # @return [String] compiled html of phone input def x_phone(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", required: false, placeholder: "", mask: "(999) 999-9999 x99999", maxlength: "22") if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end if mask != "" mask = "data-masked-input='#{mask}'" end if maxlength != "" maxlength = "maxlength='#{maxlength}'" end tb = < #{label} EOS return tb end # SSN input helper # @param id [String] ssn input id # @param name [String] ssn input name # @param value [String] ssn input value # @param label [String] ssn input label # @param required [Boolean] if required or not # @param placeholder [String] ssn input placeholder text # @param mask [String] ssn input mask # @param maxlength [String] nuber input max length # @return [String] compiled html of ssn input def x_ssn(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", required: false, placeholder: "", mask: "999-99-9999", maxlength: "11") if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end if mask != "" mask = "data-masked-input='#{mask}'" end if maxlength != "" maxlength = "maxlength='#{maxlength}'" end tb = < #{label} EOS return tb end # EIN input helper # @param id [String] ein input id # @param name [String] ein input name # @param value [String] ein input value # @param label [String] ein input label # @param required [Boolean] if required or not # @param placeholder [String] ein input placeholder text # @param mask [String] ein input mask # @param maxlength [String] nuber input max length # @return [String] compiled html of ein input def x_ein(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", required: false, placeholder: "", mask: "99-9999999", maxlength: "10") if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end if mask != "" mask = "data-masked-input='#{mask}'" end if maxlength != "" maxlength = "maxlength='#{maxlength}'" end tb = < #{label} EOS return tb end # Zip input helper # @param id [String] zip input id # @param name [String] zip input name # @param value [String] zip input value # @param label [String] zip input label # @param required [Boolean] if required or not # @param placeholder [String] zip input placeholder text # @param mask [String] zip input mask # @param maxlength [String] nuber input max length # @return [String] compiled html of zip input def x_zip(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", required: false, placeholder: "", mask: "99999", maxlength: "5") if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end if mask != "" mask = "data-masked-input='#{mask}'" end if maxlength != "" maxlength = "maxlength='#{maxlength}'" end tb = < #{label} EOS return tb end # State input helper # @param id [String] state input id # @param name [String] state input name # @param value [String] state input value # @param label [String] state input label # @param required [Boolean] if required or not # @param placeholder [String] state input placeholder text # @param mask [String] state input mask # @param maxlength [String] nuber input max length # @return [String] compiled html of state input def x_state(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", required: false, placeholder: "", mask: "**", maxlength: "2") if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end if mask != "" mask = "data-masked-input='#{mask}'" end if maxlength != "" maxlength = "maxlength='#{maxlength}'" end tb = < #{label} EOS return tb end # Credit card input helper # @param id [String] credit card input id # @param name [String] credit card input name # @param value [String] credit card input value # @param label [String] credit card label # @param required [Boolean] if required or not # @param placeholder [String] credit card input placeholder text # @param mask [String] credit card input mask # @param maxlength [String] nuber input max length # @return [String] compiled html of credit card input def x_credit_card(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", required: false, placeholder: "", maxlength: "16", mask:"") if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end if mask != "" mask = "data-masked-input='#{mask}'" end if maxlength != "" maxlength = "maxlength='#{maxlength}'" end tb = < #{label} EOS return tb end # CVC input helper # @param id [String] cvc input id # @param name [String] cvc input name # @param value [String] cvc input value # @param lable [String] cvc label # @param required [Boolean] if required or not # @param placeholder [String] cvc input placeholder text # @param mask [String] cvc input mask # @param maxlength [String] nuber input max length # @return [String] compiled html of cvc input def x_cvc(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", required: false, placeholder: "", maxlength: "4", mask:"999999999999999999") if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end if mask != "" mask = "data-masked-input='#{mask}'" end if maxlength != "" maxlength = "maxlength='#{maxlength}'" end tb = < #{label}#{required_output} EOS return tb end # Email input helper # @param id [String] email input id # @param name [String] email input name # @param value [String] email input value # @param label [String] email input label # @param required [Boolean] if required or not # @param placeholder [String] email input placeholder text # @return [String] compiled html of email input def x_email(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", required: false, placeholder: "") if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end tb = < #{label}#{required_output} EOS return tb end # URL input helper # @param id [String] url input id # @param name [String] url input name # @param value [String] url input value # @param label [String] url input label # @param required [Boolean] if required or not # @param placeholder [String] url input placeholder text # @return [String] compiled html of url input def x_url(id:"", name:"", value:"", label:"", required: false, placeholder: "") if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end tb = < #{label}#{required_output} EOS return tb end # File input helper # @param id [String] file input id # @param name [String] file input name # @param value [String] file input value # @param label [String] file input label # @param required [Boolean] if required or not # @param placeholder [String] file input placeholder text # @param css [String] file input css # @return [String] compiled html of file input def x_file(id:"", name:"", value:"", label:"", required: false, placeholder: "", css: "") if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end tb = < #{label}#{required_output} EOS return tb end # Image Upload # @param id [String] file input id # @param name [String] file input name # @param value [String] file input value # @param label [String] file input label # @param required [Boolean] if required or not # @param placeholder [String] file input placeholder text # @param css [String] file input css # @return [String] compiled html of file input def x_image_upload(id: "input1",name: "input1",value: "",label: "Input1",required: false, size: "1M",height: "",default: "") if required && label != "" required_output = '*' required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if height == "" height = "" else height="data-height='#{height}'" end tb = < EOS return tb end # Date input helper # @param id [String] date input id # @param name [String] date input name # @param value [String] date input value # @param label [String] date input label # @param required [Boolean] if required or not # @param placeholder [String] date input placeholder text # @return [String] compiled html of date input def x_date(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", required: false, placeholder: "") if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end tb = < #{label}#{required_output}
EOS return tb end # Date-time input helper # @param id [String] date-time input id # @param name [String] date-time input name # @param value [String] date-time input value # @param label [String] date-time input label # @param required [Boolean] if required or not # @param placeholder [String] date-time input placeholder text # @return [String] compiled html of date-time input def x_datetime(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", required: false, placeholder: "") if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end tb = < #{label}#{required_output}
EOS return tb end # Time input helper # @param id [String] time input id # @param name [String] time input name # @param value [String] time input value # @param label [String] time input label # @param required [Boolean] if required or not # @param placeholder [String] time input placeholder text # @return [String] compiled html of time input def x_time(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", required: false, placeholder: "") if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end tb = < #{label}#{required_output}
EOS return tb end # Password input helper # @param id [String] password input id # @param name [String] password input name # @param value [String] password input value # @param label [String] password input label # @param required [Boolean] if required or not # @param placeholder [String] password input placeholder text # @return [String] compiled html of password input def x_password(id: "",name: "", value: "", label: "", required: false, placeholder: "") if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end tb = < #{label}#{required_output} EOS return tb end # Submit Helper # @param label [String] submit button label # @param css [String] submit button css # @param icon [String] submit button icon # @param size [String] submit button size # @param wrapper_css [String] submit button wrapper css # @return [String] compiled html of submit button def x_submit(label: "Submit", css: "btn-primary", icon: "", size: "", wrapper_css: "pull-right") if icon != "" icon = " " end submit = <
EOS return submit end # Text Area Helper # @param id [String] textarea id # @param name [String] textarea name # @param value [String] textarea value # @param placeholder [String] textarea placeholder text # @param label [String] textarea label # @param required [Boolean] if required or not # @param maxlength [String] textarea max length # @return [String] compiled html of textarea def x_textarea(id: "", name: "", value: "",label: "",placeholder: "",required: false, maxlength:"") if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end if label != "" label = "" end if maxlength != "" maxlength = "maxlength='#{maxlength}'" end ta = < #{label}#{required_output} EOS return ta end # Summernote # @param id [String] summernote id # @param name [String] summernote name # @param value [String] summernote value # @param label [String] summernote label # @param required [Boolean] if required or not # @return [String] compiled html of summernote def x_html(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", help: "", required: false) if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end ta = < #{label} EOS return ta end # Year Drop down def x_year current_year = year_dd = < EOS end # Year Drop down (expiry) def x_exp_year current_year = begining_year = + 6 year_dd = <
EOS end # Month Drop down def x_exp_month current_year = begining_year = - 6 year_dd = <
EOS end # Switch # @param id [String] summernote id # @param name [String] summernote name # @param value [String] summernote value # @param label [String] summernote label # @param checked [Boolen] if checked or not # @return [String] compiled html of summernote def x_switch(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", checked: false) checked_output = "" if checked == true then checked_output='checked="checked"' end cb = <
EOS return cb end # Tags # @param id [String] tags id # @param name [String] tags name # @param value [String] tags value # @param label [String] tags label # @param required [Boolean] if required or not # @param placeholder [String] tags placeholder text # @return [String] compiled html of tags def x_tags(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", required: false, placeholder: "") id = name unless id != "" if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end tb = < #{label}#{required_output} EOS return tb end # Typeahead # @param id [String] typeahead id # @param name [String] typeahead name # @param value [String] typeahead value # @param label [String] typeahead label # @param required [Boolean] if required or not # @param placeholder [String] typeahead placeholder text # @param css [String] typeahead css # @return [String] compiled html of typeahead def x_typeahead(id: "", name: "", value: "", label: "", required: false, placeholder: "", css: "") id = name unless id != "" if required if label != "" required_output = '*' else required_output = '' end required_tag = 'required="required"' else required_output = "" required_tag = "" end if label != "" label = "" end tb = < #{label}#{required_output} EOS return tb end # Rating Radios # @param id [String] id of the survey radio # @param name [String] name of the survey radio # @return [String] compiled html of the survey radio def x_survey_radio(id: "", name: "") tb = < EOS return tb end # Select Dropdown # @param id [String] id of the select # @param name [String] name of the select # @param value [String] value of the select # @param name_col [String] name col of the select # @param value_col [String] vale col of the select # @param label [String] label of the select # @param css [String] css of the select # @param menu_style [String] menu syle of the select # @param style [String] style classes of the select # @param option_data [String] option data # @param option_name [String] option name # @param option_value [String] option value # @param selected_value [String] selected value of the select # @param title [String] title of the select # @param multple [Boolean] if multiple selection is enabled # @return [String] compiled select drop down def x_select(id: "", name: "", value: "",name_col: "name", value_col: "id", label: "", css: "selectpicker", menu_style: "dropdown-blue", style: "btn-default btn-block", option_data: "", option_name: "name", option_value: "id", selected_value: "", title: "", multiple: false, add_none: false) options_html = "" show_multiple = "" add_none_option = "" if multiple == true show_multiple = "Multiple" end multiple_name = "" if multiple == true multiple_name = "[]" end option_data.each do |i| selected = "" if selected_value == i[:id] selected = "selected='selected'" end unless name_col.kind_of?(Array) options_html << "" else options_html << "" end end if option_data.count == 0 || option_data.nil? options_html << "" end if add_none == true add_none_option = "" end select = < EOS return select end end end