module PoolParty module Installers class Ec2 < BaseInstaller def commands [ :get_access_key, :get_secret_access_key, :show_cert_message, # :get_ec2_api_tools, :get_keypair, :write_clouds_rb ] end def get_access_key key_help_str = <<-EOE Now you need to get your keys from Amazon AWS. If you don't already have your keys setup, navigate to and click on Your Account. Click on the Access Identifiers tab and find: Your Access Key ID. This is your access key. EOE access_key_str = <<-EOE Since you'll be using ec2, we'll have to set some things up before we can get going on PoolParty. Don't worry, this information will stay between us. EOE say access_key_str ask_with_help :message => "First, what's your access key?", :help => key_help_str do |t| @access_key = t end end def get_secret_access_key key_help_str = <<-EOE If you don't already have your keys setup, navigate to and click on Your Account. Click on the Access Identifiers tab and find: Your Secret Access Key ID. Click on the - show button. This is your secret access key. EOE ask_with_help :message => "Awesome. Now what's your secret access key? ", :help => key_help_str do |t| @secret_access_key = t end end def show_cert_message rescued_ask_str = <<-EOS Super duper! You'll need to make sure you have yout X.509 certificate downloaded too. Save this in your ~/.ec2 directory. Press enter when you're ready EOS cert_help_str = <<-EOE To get your X.509 certificates, navigate to and login. Click on Your Account and scroll down. The X.509 Certificate box is at the bottom. Make sure you click download and save the cert-*.pem file. If you don't know or don't have the pk-*.pem file you may have to recreate it. Not to worry though, it's super easy. Click on the Create New button. From there, you can download the cert-*.pem and the pk-*.pem files. EOE ask_with_help :message => rescued_ask_str, :help => cert_help_str do |t| @cert = true end end def get_ec2_api_tools url = "" download_url = "" require 'open-uri'"", "w") {|f| f << open(download_url).read } end def get_keypair begin ec2 = PoolParty::Remote::Ec2.ec2({:access_key => @access_key, :secret_access_key => @secret_access_key}) keypairs = ec2.describe_keypairs["keySet"]["item"] keynames = {|k| k["keyName"]} rescue Exception => e colored_say "There was an error: #{e}. Recheck your access_key and secret_access_key to make sure you copied them correctly" exit 1 end key_str =<<-EOK Finally, what's the name of the keypair you'd like to use? You already have the following keypairs setup: \t#{keynames.join("\n\t")} You can use one of these keys, or create a new one. EOK key_str_help =<<-EOH To make a new keypair, make sure you have the ec2 tools installed. You can create a new one by typing the command: ec2-add-keypair Save this into a file in your ~/.ec2 directory. Enter the name of the keypair here. EOH ask_with_help :message => key_str, :help => key_str_help do |t| @keypair = t say <<-EOE In your clouds.rb, you can use this keypair in your clouds. Create one for each cloud you want to use. EOE end end def write_clouds_rb clds =<<-EOC pool :my_pool do cloud :my_app do # Copy these lines and source them in your .profile or .bashrc file # export AWS_ACCESS_KEY="#{@access_key}" # export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="#{@secret_access_key}" # export EC2_PRIVATE_KEY=$(ls ~/.ec2/pk-*.pem) # export EC2_CERT=$(ls ~/.ec2/cert-*.pem) access_key "#{@access_key}" secret_access_key "#{@secret_access_key}" keypair "#{@keypair}" has_file "/etc/motd" do content "Welcome to your first PoolParty instance!" end end end EOC"clouds.rb", "w") {|f| f << clds} end end end end