# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative '../../puppet/face' require_relative '../../puppet/settings/ini_file' Puppet::Face.define(:config, '0.0.1') do extend Puppet::Util::Colors copyright "Puppet Inc.", 2011 license _("Apache 2 license; see COPYING") summary _("Interact with Puppet's settings.") description "This subcommand can inspect and modify settings from Puppet's 'puppet.conf' configuration file. For documentation about individual settings, see https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/latest/configuration.html." DEFAULT_SECTION_MARKER = Object.new DEFAULT_SECTION = "main" option "--section " + _("SECTION_NAME") do default_to { DEFAULT_SECTION_MARKER } # Sentinel object for default detection during commands summary _("The section of the configuration file to interact with.") description <<-EOT The section of the puppet.conf configuration file to interact with. The three most commonly used sections are 'main', 'server', and 'agent'. 'Main' is the default, and is used by all Puppet applications. Other sections can override 'main' values for specific applications --- the 'server' section affects Puppet Server, and the 'agent' section affects puppet agent. Less commonly used is the 'user' section, which affects puppet apply. Any other section will be treated as the name of a legacy environment (a deprecated feature), and can only include the 'manifest' and 'modulepath' settings. EOT end action(:print) do summary _("Examine Puppet's current settings.") arguments _("all | [ ...]") description <<-'EOT' Prints the value of a single setting or a list of settings. This action is a replacement interface to the information available with `puppet --configprint`. EOT notes <<-'EOT' By default, this action reads the general configuration in the 'main' section. Use the '--section' and '--environment' flags to examine other configuration domains. EOT examples <<-'EOT' Get puppet's runfile directory: $ puppet config print rundir Get a list of important directories from the server's config: $ puppet config print all --section server | grep -E "(path|dir)" EOT when_invoked do |*args| options = args.pop @default_section = false if options[:section] == DEFAULT_SECTION_MARKER options[:section] = DEFAULT_SECTION @default_section = true end if Puppet::Util::Log.sendlevel?(:info) warn_default_section(options[:section]) if @default_section report_section_and_environment(options[:section], Puppet.settings[:environment]) end names = if args.empty? || args == ['all'] :all else args end Puppet.settings.stringify_settings(options[:section], names) end when_rendering :console do |to_be_rendered| output = ''.dup if to_be_rendered.keys.length > 1 to_be_rendered.keys.sort.each do |setting| output << "#{setting} = #{to_be_rendered[setting]}\n" end else output << "#{to_be_rendered.to_a[0].last}\n" end output end end def warn_default_section(section_name) messages = [] messages << _("No section specified; defaulting to '%{section_name}'.") % { section_name: section_name } # TRANSLATORS '--section' is a command line option and should not be translated messages << _("Set the config section by using the `--section` flag.") # TRANSLATORS `puppet config --section user print foo` is a command line example and should not be translated messages << _("For example, `puppet config --section user print foo`.") messages << _("For more information, see https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/latest/configuration.html") Puppet.warning(messages.join("\n")) end def report_section_and_environment(section_name, environment_name) $stderr.puts colorize(:hyellow, _("Resolving settings from section '%{section_name}' in environment '%{environment_name}'") % { section_name: section_name, environment_name: environment_name }) end action(:set) do summary _("Set Puppet's settings.") arguments _("[setting_name] [setting_value]") description <<-'EOT' Updates values in the `puppet.conf` configuration file. EOT notes <<-'EOT' By default, this action manipulates the configuration in the 'main' section. Use the '--section' flag to manipulate other configuration domains. EOT examples <<-'EOT' Set puppet's runfile directory: $ puppet config set rundir /var/run/puppetlabs Set the vardir for only the agent: $ puppet config set vardir /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache --section agent EOT when_invoked do |name, value, options| @default_section = false if options[:section] == DEFAULT_SECTION_MARKER options[:section] = DEFAULT_SECTION @default_section = true end if name == 'environment' && options[:section] == 'main' Puppet.warning _(<<~EOM).chomp The environment should be set in either the `[user]`, `[agent]`, or `[server]` section. Variables set in the `[agent]` section are used when running `puppet agent`. Variables set in the `[user]` section are used when running various other puppet subcommands, like `puppet apply` and `puppet module`; these require the defined environment directory to exist locally. Set the config section by using the `--section` flag. For example, `puppet config --section user set environment foo`. For more information, see https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/latest/configuration.html#environment EOM end if Puppet::Util::Log.sendlevel?(:info) report_section_and_environment(options[:section], Puppet.settings[:environment]) end # only validate settings we recognize setting = Puppet.settings.setting(name.to_sym) if setting # set the value, which will call `on_*_and_write` hooks, if any Puppet.settings[setting.name] = value # read the value to trigger interpolation and munge validation logic Puppet.settings[setting.name] end path = Puppet::FileSystem.pathname(Puppet.settings.which_configuration_file) Puppet::FileSystem.touch(path) Puppet::FileSystem.open(path, nil, 'r+:UTF-8') do |file| Puppet::Settings::IniFile.update(file) do |config| if options[:section] == "master" # delete requested master section if it exists, # as server section should be used setting_string = config.delete("master", name) if setting_string if Puppet::Util::Log.sendlevel?(:info) report_section_and_environment(options[:section], Puppet.settings[:environment]) end puts(_("Deleted setting from '%{section_name}': '%{setting_string}', and adding it to 'server' section") % { section_name: options[:section], name: name, setting_string: setting_string.strip }) end # add the setting to the to server section instead of master section config.set("server", name, value) else config.set(options[:section], name, value) end end end nil end end action(:delete) do summary _("Delete a Puppet setting.") arguments _("") # TRANSLATORS 'main' is a specific section name and should not be translated description "Deletes a setting from the specified section. (The default is the section 'main')." notes <<-'EOT' By default, this action deletes the configuration setting from the 'main' configuration domain. Use the '--section' flags to delete settings from other configuration domains. EOT examples <<-'EOT' Delete the setting 'setting_name' from the 'main' configuration domain: $ puppet config delete setting_name Delete the setting 'setting_name' from the 'server' configuration domain: $ puppet config delete setting_name --section server EOT when_invoked do |name, options| @default_section = false if options[:section] == DEFAULT_SECTION_MARKER options[:section] = DEFAULT_SECTION @default_section = true end path = Puppet::FileSystem.pathname(Puppet.settings.which_configuration_file) if Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(path) Puppet::FileSystem.open(path, nil, 'r+:UTF-8') do |file| Puppet::Settings::IniFile.update(file) do |config| # delete from both master section and server section if options[:section] == "master" || options[:section] == "server" master_setting_string = config.delete("master", name) puts(_("Deleted setting from '%{section_name}': '%{setting_string}'") % { section_name: 'master', name: name, setting_string: master_setting_string.strip[/[^=]+/] }) if master_setting_string server_setting_string = config.delete("server", name) puts(_("Deleted setting from '%{section_name}': '%{setting_string}'") % { section_name: 'server', name: name, setting_string: server_setting_string.strip[/[^=]+/] }) if server_setting_string else setting_string = config.delete(options[:section], name) if setting_string if Puppet::Util::Log.sendlevel?(:info) report_section_and_environment(options[:section], Puppet.settings[:environment]) end puts(_("Deleted setting from '%{section_name}': '%{setting_string}'") % { section_name: options[:section], name: name, setting_string: setting_string.strip }) else Puppet.warning(_("No setting found in configuration file for section '%{section_name}' setting name '%{name}'") % { section_name: options[:section], name: name }) end end end end else # TRANSLATORS the 'puppet.conf' is a specific file and should not be translated Puppet.warning(_("The puppet.conf file does not exist %{puppet_conf}") % { puppet_conf: path }) end nil end end end