require 'tempfile' module SimpleCaptcha #:nodoc module ImageHelpers #:nodoc mattr_accessor :image_styles @@image_styles = { 'embosed_silver' => ['-fill darkblue', '-shade 20x60', '-background white'], 'simply_red' => ['-fill darkred', '-background white'], 'simply_green' => ['-fill darkgreen', '-background white'], 'simply_blue' => ['-fill darkblue', '-background white'], 'distorted_black' => ['-fill darkblue', '-edge 10', '-background white'], 'all_black' => ['-fill darkblue', '-edge 2', '-background white'], 'charcoal_grey' => ['-fill darkblue', '-charcoal 5', '-background white'], 'almost_invisible' => ['-fill red', '-solarize 50', '-background white'] } DISTORTIONS = ['low', 'medium', 'high'] IMPLODES = { 'none' => 0, 'low' => 0.1, 'medium' => 0.2, 'high' => 0.3 } DEFAULT_IMPLODE = 'medium' class << self def image_params(key = 'simply_blue') image_keys = @@image_styles.keys style = begin if key == 'random' image_keys[rand(image_keys.length)] else image_keys.include?(key) ? key : 'simply_blue' end end @@image_styles[style] end def distortion(key='low') key = key == 'random' ? DISTORTIONS[rand(DISTORTIONS.length)] : DISTORTIONS.include?(key) ? key : 'low' case key.to_s when 'low' then return [0 + rand(2), 80 + rand(20)] when 'medium' then return [2 + rand(2), 50 + rand(20)] when 'high' then return [4 + rand(2), 30 + rand(20)] end end def implode IMPLODES[SimpleCaptcha.implode] || IMPLODES[DEFAULT_IMPLODE] end end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' class Tempfile < ::Tempfile # Replaces Tempfile's +make_tmpname+ with one that honors file extensions. def make_tmpname(basename, n = 0) extension = File.extname(basename) sprintf("%s,%d,%d%s", File.basename(basename, extension), $$, n, extension) end end end private def generate_simple_captcha_image(simple_captcha_key) #:nodoc amplitude, frequency = ImageHelpers.distortion(SimpleCaptcha.distortion) text = Utils::simple_captcha_value(simple_captcha_key) params = ImageHelpers.image_params(SimpleCaptcha.image_style).dup params << "-size #{SimpleCaptcha.image_size}" params << "-wave #{amplitude}x#{frequency}" params << "-gravity Center" params << "-pointsize 22" params << "-implode #{ImageHelpers.implode}" unless SimpleCaptcha.font.empty? params << "-font #{SimpleCaptcha.font}" end params << "label:#{text}" if SimpleCaptcha.noise and SimpleCaptcha.noise > 0 params << "-evaluate Uniform-noise #{SimpleCaptcha.noise}" end params << "jpeg:-" SimpleCaptcha::Utils::run("convert", params.join(' ')) end end end