module CanTango module Permits class RoleGroupPermit < CanTango::Permit class Builder < CanTango::PermitEngine::Builder::Base #class NoAvailableRoleGroups < StandardError; end # builds a list of Permits for each role group of the current ability user (or account) # @return [Array<RoleGroupPermit::Base>] the role group permits built for this ability def build matching_permits = matching_role_groups(roles).inject([]) do |permits, role_group| puts "Building RoleGroupPermit for #{role_group}" if CanTango.debug? (permits << create_permit(role_group)) if valid?(role_group) permits end.compact if matching_permits.empty? puts "Not building any RoleGroupPermits since no role groups are roles that are members of a role group could be found for the permission candidate" if CanTango.debug? return [] end end def valid? role_group return true if !role_groups_filter? filter(role_group).valid? end def filter role_group role_group end private def matching_role_groups roles role_groups | matching_role_groups_for(roles) end # will also run role_groups for which any role of the candidate is a member # so if the candidate is a user and the user has a :trustee role and this role is part of the :trust role group, # then the :trust role group permit will be run! # Thus if the candidate has a particular role group or just has a role belonging to that role group, the permit # for that role group will be run def matching_role_groups_for roles roles.inject([]) do |groups, role| groups << subject.role_groups_for(role) if subject.respond_to?(:role_groups_for) groups end.flatten.compact.uniq end def role_groups_filter? CanTango.config.role_groups.filter? end end end end end