locales['foreman_ansible'] = locales['foreman_ansible'] || {}; locales['foreman_ansible']['de'] = { "domain": "foreman_ansible", "locale_data": { "foreman_ansible": { "": { "Project-Id-Version": "foreman_ansible 12.0.4", "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": "", "PO-Revision-Date": "2018-11-14 21:36+0000", "Last-Translator": "Wiederoder , 2023", "Language-Team": "German (https://app.transifex.com/foreman/teams/114/de/)", "MIME-Version": "1.0", "Content-Type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", "Content-Transfer-Encoding": "8bit", "Language": "de", "Plural-Forms": "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", "lang": "de", "domain": "foreman_ansible", "plural_forms": "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" }, "No added or removed roles nor variables.": [ "" ], "No added or removed roles nor variables detected on %s.": [ "" ], "No changes in variables detected on %s.": [ "Keine Änderungen an den Variablen erkannt auf %s." ], "No proxy found to import variables from, ensure that the smart proxy has the Ansible feature enabled.": [ "Es wurde kein Proxy gefunden, von dem Variablen importiert werden können. Auf dem Smart-Proxy muss das Ansible-Feature aktiviert sein." ], "Show Ansible inventory for hosts": [ "Zeige das Ansible-Inventar der Hosts" ], "IDs of hosts included in inventory": [ "IDs der Hosts, welche im Inventar enthalten sind" ], "Show Ansible inventory for hostgroups": [ "Zeige das Ansible-Inventar der Hostgruppen" ], "IDs of hostgroups included in inventory": [ "IDs der Hostgruppen, welche im Inventar enthalten sind" ], "Schedule generating of Ansible Inventory report": [ "Planen Sie die Erstellung des Ansible-Inventarberichts" ], "Hash of input values of type input=>value": [ "Hash von Eingabewerten vom Typ input=>value" ], "Report format, defaults to '%s'": [ "Berichtsformat, standardmäßig zu '%s'" ], "Override match": [ "Übereinstimmung überschreiben" ], "Override value, required if omit is false": [ "Überschreibungswert, wird benötigt falls der Parameter \\\"Übergehen\\\" den Wert \\\"false\\\" hat" ], "Create an override value for a specific ansible variable": [ "Überschreibungswert für eine bestimmte Ansible-Variable erzeugen" ], "Destroy an override value": [ "Überschreibungswert löschen" ], "Sync Ansible playbooks": [ "" ], "Smart Proxy to sync from": [ "" ], "Ansible playbooks names to be synced": [ "" ], "Fetch Ansible playbooks available to be synced": [ "" ], "Smart Proxy to fetch from": [ "Smart-Proxy von dem bezogen wird" ], "Smart proxy id is required": [ "Smart-Proxy-Kennung wird benötigt" ], "Show role": [ "Rolle anzeigen" ], "List Ansible roles": [ "Ansible-Rollen auflisten" ], "Deletes Ansible role": [ "Löscht die Ansible-Rolle" ], "DEPRECATED: Import Ansible roles": [ "" ], "Smart Proxy to import from": [ "Smart-Proxy von dem importiert wird" ], "Ansible role names to be imported": [ "" ], "Use sync instead, to sync roles from Smart Proxy with Ansible feature enabled": [ "" ], "Sync Ansible roles": [ "" ], "Ansible role names to be synced": [ "" ], "No changes detected in specified Ansible Roles and their variables": [ "" ], "DEPRECATED: Obsolete Ansible roles": [ "" ], "Fetch Ansible roles available to be synced": [ "" ], "Show variable": [ "Variable anzeigen" ], "List Ansible variables": [ "Ansible-Variablen auflisten" ], "Deletes Ansible variable": [ "Löscht die Ansible-Variable" ], "Name of variable": [ "Name der Variable" ], "Role ID": [ "Rollen-Kennung" ], "Default value of variable": [ "Standardwert der Variable" ], "When enabled the parameter is hidden in the UI": [ "Wenn aktiviert, so ist der Parameter im UI verborgen " ], "The order in which values are resolved": [ "Reihenfolge, in der Werte aufgelöst werden" ], "Description of variable": [ "Beschreibung der Variable" ], "Types of validation values": [ "Typen von Validierungswerten" ], "Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values": [ "Verwendet, um bestimmte Werte für die Parameterwerte umzusetzen" ], "Types of variable values": [ "Typen von Variablenwerten" ], "Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)": [ "Alle übereinstimmenden Werte (nur vom Typ Array/Hash) zusammenführen" ], "Include default value when merging all matching values": [ "Standardwert einschließen, wenn alle übereinstimmenden Werte zusammengeführt werden" ], "Remove duplicate values (only array type)": [ "Duplikate (nur vom Typ Array) entfernen" ], "Whether to override variable or not": [ "Soll die Variable überschreiben werden oder nicht" ], "Create Ansible variable": [ "Ansible-Variable erstellen" ], "Updates Ansible variable": [ "Aktualisiert die Ansible-Variable" ], "DEPRECATED: Import Ansible variables. This will only import variables for already existing roles, it will not import any new roles": [ "" ], "DEPRECATED: Obsolete Ansible variables. This will only obsolete variables for already existing roles, it will not delete any old roles": [ "" ], "Runs all Ansible roles on a hostgroup": [ "Führt alle Ansible-Rollen auf einer Hostgruppe aus" ], "Runs all Ansible roles on hostgroups": [ "Führt alle Ansible-Rollen auf Hostgruppen aus" ], "IDs of hostgroups to play roles on": [ "IDs von Hostgruppen, auf denen Rollen gespielt werden sollen" ], "List all Ansible roles for a hostgroup": [ "Auflisten aller Ansible-Rollen einer Hostgruppe" ], "Assigns Ansible roles to a hostgroup": [ "Weißt Ansible-Rollen einer Hostgruppe zu" ], "Ansible roles to assign to a hostgroup": [ "Ansible-Rollen, die einer Hostgruppe zugewiesen werden können" ], "Directly add an Ansible role to a hostgroup": [ "" ], "Ansible role to add to a hostgroup": [ "" ], "Remove directly assigned Ansible role from a hostgroup": [ "" ], "Ansible role to remove from a hostgroup": [ "" ], "IDs of associated ansible roles": [ "IDs der zugehörigen Ansible-Rollen" ], "Runs all Ansible roles on a host": [ "Führt alle Ansible-Rollen auf einem Host aus" ], "Runs all Ansible roles on hosts": [ "Führt alle Ansible-Rollen auf Hosts aus" ], "IDs of hosts to play roles on": [ "IDs von Hosts, auf denen Rollen gespielt werden sollen" ], "List all Ansible roles for a host": [ "Alle Ansible-Rollen eines Hosts auflisten" ], "Assigns Ansible roles to a host": [ "Weist einem Host Ansible-Rollen zu" ], "Ansible roles to assign to a host": [ "Ansible-Rollen, die einem Host zugewiesen werden können" ], "Directly add an Ansible role to a host": [ "" ], "Ansible role to add to a host": [ "" ], "Remove directly assigned Ansible role from a host": [ "" ], "Ansible role to remove from a host": [ "" ], "Enable the callback plugin for this template": [ "" ], "Host group has no associated hosts": [ "Die Hostgruppe hat keine zugeordneten Hosts" ], "There are no Ansible roles to play": [ "Es gibt keine Ansible-Rollen zu spielen" ], "Could not run Ansible roles for %{host}": [ "Ansible-Rollen für %{host} konnten nicht ausgeführt werden" ], "Host not found by id: %s": [ "" ], "Ansible Variable not found by id: %s": [ "" ], "Run all Ansible roles": [ "Alle Ansible-Rollen ausführen" ], "Run all Ansible roles on hosts belonging to this host group": [ "Alle Ansible-Rollen auf Hosts aus, die zu dieser Hostgruppe gehören, ausführen" ], "Configure Ansible Job": [ "" ], "No roles/hosts assigned": [ "" ], "No additional data": [ "" ], "Show full value": [ "" ], "Add": [ "Hinzufügen" ], "Remove": [ "Entfernen" ], "Update": [ "Aktualisieren" ], "Import Role": [ "Rolle importieren" ], "Remove Role": [ "Rolle entfernen" ], "Update Role Variables": [ "Rollenvariablen entfernen" ], "Import from %s": [ "Aus %s importieren" ], "Ansible Role": [ "Ansible-Rolle" ], "Import": [ "Importieren" ], "%s ago": [ "vor %s" ], "Upgrade": [ "" ], "Import roles And Variables": [ "" ], "Foreman": [ "Foreman" ], "Unable to get roles from Ansible": [ "Rollen von Ansible können nicht abgerufen werden" ], "Unable to get roles/variables from Ansible": [ "Rollen/Variablen von Ansible können nicht abgerufen werden" ], "Unable to get playbook's names from Ansible": [ "" ], "Unable to get playbooks from Ansible": [ "" ], "Tags": [ "Tags" ], "Include/Exclude Tags": [ "" ], "Ansible provider specific inputs": [ "" ], "A comma separated list of tags to use for Ansible run": [ "" ], "Include\\\\Exclude tags for Ansible run": [ "" ], "Task Details": [ "Aufgabendetails" ], "Remediation Plan": [ "Sanierungsplan" ], "Job Details": [ "Auftragsdetails" ], "Proxy not found": [ "Kein Proxy gefunden" ], "Changed Ansible roles": [ "Geänderte Ansible-Rollen" ], "Ansible Roles": [ "Ansible-Rollen" ], "Role|Name": [ "Name" ], "Hostgroups": [ "Hostgruppen" ], "Hosts": [ "Hosts" ], "Variables": [ "Variablen" ], "Imported at": [ "Importiert um" ], "Actions": [ "Aktionen" ], "Delete %s?": [ "%s löschen?" ], "No Ansible Roles were found in Foreman. If you want to assign roles to your hosts,\\n you have to import them first.": [ "" ], "Learn more about this in the documentation.": [ "Mehr dazu in der Dokumentation." ], "Ansible Variable Details (Imported)": [ "Ansible-Variablendetails (Importiert)" ], "Ansible Variable Details": [ "Ansible-Variablendetails" ], "Default Behavior": [ "Standardmäßiges Verhalten" ], "Override the default value of the Ansible variable.": [ "Überschreibe den Standardwert der Ansible Variable." ], "Mark the variable to be managed by Foreman. When the Ansible role of this variable is assigned to a host, the default value will be added to Ansible inventory as a host variable. Specify matchers to set a different value for such variable.": [ "Markieren Sie die von Foreman zu verwaltende Variable. Wenn die Ansible-Rolle dieser Variablen einem Host zugewiesen wird, wird der Standardwert als Hostvariable zum Ansible-Inventar hinzugefügt. Geben Sie Matcher an, um einen anderen Wert für eine solche Variable festzulegen." ], "Value to use when there is no match.": [ "Zu verwendender Wert, falls es keine Übereinstimmung gibt" ], "Hidden Value": [ "Verborgener Wert" ], "Hide all values for this parameter.": [ "Alle Werte für diesen Parameter verbergen." ], "Optional Input Validator": [ "Optionaler Eingabe-Validator" ], "Before including these variables on your playbooks, Foreman will validate that your variables comply with the validation.": [ "Bevor diese Variablen in Ihre Playbooks aufgenommen werden, überprüft Foreman, ob Ihre Variablen der Validierung entsprechen." ], "If checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.": [ "Falls aktiviert, wird dies einen Fehler erzeugen, wenn kein Standardwert vorhanden ist und kein Treffer einen Wert vorschlägt." ], "Prioritize Attribute Order": [ "Priorisiere Eigenschaft-Reihenfolge" ], "Set the order in which values are resolved.": [ "Reihenfolge festlegen, in der die Werte aufgelöst werden." ], "Order": [ "Reihenfolge" ], "The order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.
You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of host group, environment would expect a matcher such as hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production": [ "Die Reihenfolge, in der Prüfwertschlüssel verarbeitet werden. Die erste Übereinstimmung ist maßgeblich.
Sie können mehrere Attribute als Prüfwertschlüssel verwenden. Beispielsweise würde die Reihenfolge host group, environment einen Prüfwert wie etwa hostgroup = \\\"web servers\\\", environment = production erwarten." ], "Continue to look for matches after first find (only array/hash type)? Note: merging overrides ignores all matchers that are omitted.": [ "Nach dem ersten Treffer nach weiterhin nach Treffern suchen (nur Array-/Hash-Typ)? Hinweis: Das Zusammenlegen von Überschreibungen ignoriert alle Prüfwerte, die weggelassen werden." ], "Include default value when merging all matching values.": [ "Standardwert bei der Zusammenführung aller übereinstimmenden Werte einschließen." ], "Avoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?": [ "Doppelte Werte bei der Zusammenführung vermeiden (nur Array Typ)?" ], "Specify Matchers": [ "Prüfwert spezifizieren" ], "Ansible Variables": [ "Ansible-Variablen" ], "Edit %s": [ "%s bearbeiten" ], "Edit Ansible Variable": [ "Ansible-Variable bearbeiten" ], "New Ansible Variable": [ "Neue Ansible-Variable" ], "Variable|Name": [ "Variablenname" ], "Variable|Role": [ "Variable|Rolle" ], "Type": [ "Typ" ], "Imported?": [ "Importiert?" ], "Overriden": [ "Überschreiben" ], "Create Ansible Variable": [ "Ansible-Variable erstellen" ], "Ansible check mode": [ "" ], "Notice that ansible roles run in check mode.": [ "" ], "Level": [ "Stufe" ], "Task": [ "Aufgabe" ], "Message": [ "Nachricht" ], "Nothing to show": [ "Nichts anzuzeigen" ], "Enable Ansible Callback": [ "" ], "Ansible": [ "Ansible" ], "Jobs": [ "Aufträge" ], "Insights remediation on %{hosts_count} host(s) has finished successfully": [ "Insights-Korrektur auf %{hosts_count} Host(s) wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen" ], "Roles": [ "Rollen" ], "Import roles and variables has finished successfully": [ "" ], "Playbooks": [ "" ], "Import playbooks has finished successfully": [ "" ], "Use this to supply a path to an SSH Private Key that Ansible will use in lieu of a password Override with \\\"ansible_ssh_private_key_file\\\" host parameter": [ "Verwenden Sie dies, um einen Pfad zu einem privaten SSH-Schlüssel anzugeben, den Ansible anstelle eines Kennworts verwendet. Überschreiben Sie den Hostparameter \\\"ansible_ssh_private_key_file\\\"" ], "Private Key Path": [ "Privat-Key Pfad" ], "Use this connection type by default when running Ansible playbooks. You can override this on hosts by adding a parameter \\\"ansible_connection\\\"": [ "Verwenden Sie diesen Verbindungstyp standardmäßig, wenn Sie Ansible-Playbooks ausführen. Sie können dies auf Hosts überschreiben, indem Sie einen Parameter \\\"ansible_connection\\\" hinzufügen." ], "Connection type": [ "Verbindungstyp" ], "Enable/disable WinRM server certificate validation when running Ansible playbooks. You can override this on hosts by adding a parameter \\\"ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation\\\"": [ "Aktivieren/deaktivieren Sie die Validierung des WinRM-Serverzertifikats, wenn Sie Ansible-Playbooks ausführen. Sie können dies auf Hosts überschreiben, indem Sie einen Parameter \\\"ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation\\\" hinzufügen." ], "WinRM cert Validation": [ "WinRM Zertifikatsbestätigung" ], "Foreman will add this level of verbosity for additional debugging output when running Ansible playbooks.": [ "Foreman fügt diese Ausführlichkeitsstufe für zusätzliche Debugging-Ausgaben hinzu, wenn Ansible-Playbooks ausgeführt werden." ], "Default verbosity level": [ "Default verbosity level" ], "Disabled": [ "Deaktiviert" ], "Level 1 (-v)": [ "Level 1 (-v)" ], "Level 2 (-vv)": [ "Level 2 (-vv)" ], "Level 3 (-vvv)": [ "Level 3 (-vvv)" ], "Level 4 (-vvvv)": [ "Level 4 (-vvvv)" ], "Timeout (in seconds) to set when Foreman will trigger a play Ansible roles task after a host is fully provisioned. Set this to the maximum time you expect a host to take until it is ready after a reboot.": [ "Timeout (in Sekunden), um festzulegen, wann Foreman eine Ansible-Rollen-Aufgabe auslöst, nachdem ein Host vollständig bereitgestellt wurde. Stellen Sie hier die maximale Zeit ein, die ein Host voraussichtlich braucht, bis er nach einem Neustart bereit ist." ], "Post-provision timeout": [ "Zeitüberschreitung nach der Bereitstellung" ], "Timeout (in minutes) when hosts should have reported.": [ "Timeout (in Minuten), wann Hosts hätten melden sollen." ], "Ansible report timeout": [ "Zeitüberschreitung für Ansible-Berichte" ], "Disable host configuration status turning to out of sync for %{cfgmgmt} after report does not arrive within configured interval": [ "Deaktivieren Sie den Hostkonfigurationsstatus, der für %{cfgmgmt} nicht synchronisiert wird, nachdem der Bericht nicht innerhalb des konfigurierten Intervalls eintrifft" ], "%{cfgmgmt} out of sync disabled": [ "%{cfgmgmt} nicht synchronisiert deaktiviert" ], "Foreman will use this template to schedule the report with Ansible inventory": [ "Foreman verwendet diese Vorlage, um den Bericht mit Ansible-Inventar zu planen" ], "Default Ansible inventory report template": [ "Standardvorlage für Ansible-Inventarberichte" ], "Those roles will be excluded when importing roles from smart proxy, The expected input is comma separated values and you can use * wildcard metacharactersFor example: foo*, *b*,*bar": [ "" ], "Ansible roles to ignore": [ "" ], "Number of tasks which should be sent to the smart proxy in one request, if foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_trigger is enabled. If set, overrides foreman_tasks_proxy_batch_size setting for Ansible jobs.": [ "" ], "Proxy tasks batch size for Ansible": [ "" ], "Update Smart Proxy": [ "" ], "Run Ansible roles": [ "Ansible-Rollen ausführen" ], "Runs an Ansible playbook which contains all the roles defined for a host": [ "Führt ein Ansible-Playbook aus, das alle für einen Host definierten Rollen enthält" ], "Ansible: Run Insights maintenance plan": [ "Ansible: Insights-Wartungsplan ausführen" ], "Runs a given maintenance plan from Red Hat Access Insights given an ID.": [ "Führt einen bestimmten Wartungsplan von Red Hat Access Insights mit einer ID aus." ], "Run playbook": [ "Playbook ausführen" ], "Run an Ansible playbook against given hosts": [ "Führen Sie ein Ansible-Playbook gegen bestimmte Hosts aus" ], "Enable web console": [ "" ], "Run an Ansible playbook to enable web console on given hosts": [ "" ], "Upgrade Capsules on given hosts": [ "" ], "Upgrade Capsules on given Capsule server hosts": [ "" ], "Name": [ "Name" ], "Ansible role": [ "Ansible Rolle" ], "Value": [ "Wert" ], "Source attribute": [ "" ], "Delete": [ "Löschen" ], "Delete Ansible variable override": [ "" ], "Are you sure you want to delete override for %s?": [ "" ], "Default value": [ "Standardwert" ], "Ansible variable override was successfully deleted.": [ "" ], "There was a following error when deleting Ansible variable override: %s": [ "" ], "Invalid, expected to match a regex: %s": [ "" ], "Invalid, expected one of: %s": [ "" ], "is required": [ "" ], "There was a following error when changing Ansible variable override: %s": [ "" ], "Ansible variable override successfully changed.": [ "" ], "true": [ "" ], "false": [ "" ], "No Ansible variables found for Host": [ "" ], "Only variables marked to Override are shown here.": [ "" ], "There was a following error when deleting Ansible config job: %s": [ "" ], "Ansible job was successfully canceled.": [ "" ], "(from host group)": [ "" ], "hourly": [ "stündlich" ], "daily": [ "täglich" ], "weekly": [ "wöchentlich" ], "monthly": [ "" ], "Must not be in the past": [ "" ], "Required field": [ "" ], "There was a following error when creating Ansible job: %s": [ "" ], "Ansible job was successfully created.": [ "" ], "Submit": [ "Absenden" ], "Cancel": [ "Abbrechen" ], "This job will run all the assigned Ansible roles.": [ "" ], "For more advanced scheduling options": [ "" ], "view remote execution page.": [ "" ], "Schedule recurring Ansible roles job": [ "" ], "Description": [ "Beschreibung" ], "Result": [ "Ergebnis" ], "State": [ "Status" ], "Executed at": [ "Ausgeführt um" ], "Schedule": [ "Plan" ], "Previously executed jobs": [ "" ], "Next Run": [ "" ], "Cancel Ansible config job": [ "" ], "Are you sure you want to cancel Ansible config job?": [ "" ], "Scheduled recurring jobs": [ "" ], "Schedule recurring job": [ "" ], "No config job for Ansible roles scheduled": [ "" ], "No previous job executions found": [ "" ], "Source": [ "Quelle" ], "Inherited from Hostgroup": [ "" ], "Directly assigned to Host": [ "" ], "All assigned Ansible roles": [ "" ], "This list consists of host assigned roles and group assigned roles. Group assigned roles will always be executed prior to host assigned roles.": [ "" ], "No Ansible roles assigned": [ "" ], "Confirm": [ "Bestätigen" ], "There was a following error when assigning Ansible Roles: %s": [ "" ], "Ansible Roles were successfully assigned.": [ "" ], "Edit Ansible Roles": [ "Ansible-Rollen bearbeiten" ], "Add, remove or reorder host assigned Ansible roles. This host has also group assigned roles that are not displayed here and will always be executed prior to host assigned roles.": [ "" ], "Close": [ "Schließen" ], "Edit Ansible roles": [ "Ansible-Rollen bearbeiten" ], "Ansible roles assigned directly to host": [ "" ], "view all assigned roles": [ "" ], "Assign roles directly to the host": [ "" ], "View inherited roles": [ "" ], "No roles assigned directly to the host": [ "" ], "Inventory": [ "Bestand" ], "Import roles and variables started: ": [ "" ], "view the task in progress": [ "" ], "Failed to import roles and variables ": [ "" ], "Operation": [ "Vorgang" ], "Host count": [ "" ], "Hostgroup count": [ "" ], "Available Ansible Roles": [ "Verfügbare Ansible-Rollen" ], "Assigned Ansible Roles": [ "" ], "Failed to fetch Ansible Roles from server.": [ "" ], "You are not authorized to perform this action.": [ "Sie sind nicht berechtigt, diese Aktion durchzuführen." ], "Please request one of the required permissions listed below from a Foreman administrator:": [ "Bitte fordern Sie eine der erforderlichen Berechtigungen unterhalb bei einem Foreman-Administrator an:" ], "Permission Denied": [ "" ], "This Ansible role is inherited from parent host group": [ "" ], "This Ansible role is inherited from host group": [ "" ], "Use drag and drop to change order of the roles. Ordering of roles is respected for Ansible runs, inherited roles are always before those assigned directly": [ "" ], "Add selected": [ "" ], "Add all": [ "" ], "Remove all": [ "" ], "Remove selected": [ "" ], "%(selectedCount)s of %(totalCount)s items selected": [ "" ], "Available Ansible roles": [ "" ], "Host assigned Ansible roles": [ "" ], "Error!": [ "Fehler!" ], "Nothing Found!": [ "" ], "Permission denied": [ "Erlaubnis verweigert" ], "You are not authorized to view the page. ": [ "" ], "Request the following permissions from administrator: %s.": [ "" ], "Configure Recurring Job": [ "" ], "Action with sub plans": [ "Aktion mit Unterplänen" ], "Check for long running tasks": [ "" ], "Deliver notifications about long running tasks": [ "" ], "Import Puppet classes": [ "Puppet-Klassen importieren" ], "Import facts": [ "Fakten importieren" ], "Remote action:": [ "Entfernte Aktion" ], "Ansible support in Foreman": [ "Ansible Unterstützung in Foreman" ] } } };