#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: UTF-8 # (c) Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Forj Process solution require 'git' require 'fileutils' require 'find' require 'digest' require 'json' require 'encryptor' # gem install encryptor require 'base64' require 'net/ssh' $INFRA_VERSION = "0.0.37" # Functions for boot class ForjCoreProcess def build_metadata(sObjectType, hParams) key_file = File.join($FORJ_CREDS_PATH, '.key') if not File.exists?(key_file) # Need to create a random key. entr = { :key => rand(36**10).to_s(36), :salt => Time.now.to_i.to_s, :iv => Base64::strict_encode64(OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new('aes-256-cbc').random_iv) } PrcLib.debug("Writing '%s' key file" % key_file) File.open(key_file, 'w') do |out| out.write(Base64::encode64(entr.to_yaml)) end else PrcLib.debug("Loading '%s' key file" % key_file) encoded_key = IO.read(key_file) entr = YAML.load(Base64::decode64(encoded_key)) end os_enckey = hParams[:os_enckey] begin os_key = Encryptor.decrypt( :value => Base64::strict_decode64(os_enckey), :key => entr[:key], :iv => Base64::strict_decode64(entr[:iv]), :salt => entr[:salt] ) rescue => e raise "Unable to decript your password. You need to re-execute setup." end hpcloud_priv = nil IO.popen('gzip -c' , 'r+') {|pipe| pipe.puts('HPCLOUD_OS_USER=%s' % [hParams[:os_user]] ) pipe.puts('HPCLOUD_OS_KEY=%s' % [os_key] ) pipe.puts('DNS_KEY=%s' % [hParams[:account_id]] ) pipe.puts('DNS_SECRET=%s' % [hParams[:account_key]]) pipe.close_write hpcloud_priv = pipe.read } config.set(:server_name, "maestro.%s" % hParams[:instance_name]) # Used by :server object hMeta = { 'cdksite' => config.get(:server_name), 'cdkdomain' => hParams[:domain_name], 'eroip' => '', 'erosite' => config.get(:server_name), 'erodomain' => hParams[:domain_name], 'gitbranch' => hParams[:branch], 'security_groups' => hParams[:security_group], 'tenant_name' => hParams[:tenant_name], 'network_name' => hParams[:network_name], 'hpcloud_os_region' => hParams[:compute], 'PUPPET_DEBUG' => 'True', 'image_name' => hParams[:image_name], 'key_name' => hParams[:keypair_name], 'hpcloud_priv' => Base64.strict_encode64(hpcloud_priv).gsub('=', '') # Remove pad } if hParams[:dns_service] hMeta['dns_zone'] = hParams[:dns_service] hMeta['dns_tenantid'] = hParams[:dns_tenant_id] end # If requested by user, ask Maestro to instantiate a blueprint. hMeta['blueprint'] = hParams[:blueprint] if hParams[:blueprint] # Add init additionnal git clone steps. hMeta['repos'] = hParams[:repos] if hParams[:repos] # Add init bootstrap additionnal steps hMeta['bootstrap'] = hParams[:bootstrap] if hParams[:bootstrap] config.set(:meta_data, hMeta) # Used by :server object hMetaPrintable = hMeta.clone hMetaPrintable['hpcloud_priv'] = "XXX - data hidden - XXX" PrcLib.info("Metadata set:\n%s" % hMetaPrintable) oMetaData = register(hMeta, sObjectType) oMetaData[:meta_data] = hMeta oMetaData end def build_forge(sObjectType, hParams) oForge = Get(sObjectType, config[:instance_name]) if oForge.empty? or oForge[:servers].length == 0 PrcLib.high_level_msg ("\nBuilding your forge...\n") Create(:internet_server) else oForge[:servers].each { | oServerToFind | Get(:server, oServerToFind[:id]) if /^maestro\./ =~ oServerToFind[:name] } PrcLib.high_level_msg ("\nChecking your forge...\n") oServer = DataObjects(:server, :ObjectData) if oServer oIP = Query(:public_ip, :server_id => oServer[:id]) if oIP.length > 0 register oIP[0] end Create(:keypairs) else PrcLib.high_level_msg ("\nYour forge exist, without maestro. Building Maestro...\n") Create(:internet_server) PrcLib.high_level_msg ("\nBuilding your forge...\n") end end oServer = DataObjects(:server, :ObjectData) #Get keypairs hKeys = keypair_detect(oServer[:key_name], File.join($FORJ_KEYPAIRS_PATH, oServer[:key_name])) private_key_file = File.join(hKeys[:keypair_path], hKeys[:private_key_name]) public_key_file = File.join(hKeys[:keypair_path], hKeys[:public_key_name]) oServerKey = Get(:keypairs, oServer[:key_name]) keypair_coherent = coherent_keypair?(hKeys, oServerKey) # Define the log lines to get and test. config.set(:log_lines, 5) PrcLib.info("Maestro server '%s' id is '%s'." % [oServer[:name], oServer[:id]]) # Waiting for server to come online before assigning a public IP. sStatus = :checking maestro_create_status(sStatus) oAddress = DataObjects(:public_ip, :ObjectData) if oServer[:attrs][:status] == :active sMsg = <<-END Your forj Maestro server is up and running and is publically accessible through IP '#{oAddress[:public_ip]}'. You can connect to '#{oServer[:name]}' with: ssh ubuntu@#{oAddress[:public_ip]} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i #{private_key_file} END if not keypair_coherent sMsg += ANSI.bold("\nUnfortunatelly") + " your current keypair is not usable to connect to your server.\nYou need to fix this issue to gain access to your server." end PrcLib.info(sMsg) oLog = Get(:server_log, 25)[:attrs][:output] if /cloud-init boot finished/ =~ oLog sStatus = :active PrcLib.high_level_msg ("\n%s\nThe forge is ready...\n" % sMsg) else PrcLib.high_level_msg ("\n%s\nThe forge is still building...\n" % sMsg) sStatus = :cloud_init end else sleep 5 sStatus = :starting end mCloudInitError = [] iCurAct = 0 oOldLog = "" while sStatus != :active maestro_create_status(sStatus, iCurAct) iCurAct += 1 iCurAct = iCurAct % 4 begin oServer = Get(:server, oServer[:attrs][:id]) rescue => e PrcLib.error(e.message) end if sStatus == :starting if oServer[:attrs][:status] == :active sStatus = :assign_ip end elsif sStatus == :assign_ip if oAddress.empty? query_cache_cleanup(:public_ip) # To be able to ask for server IP assigned oAddresses = Query(:public_ip, :server_id => oServer[:id]) if oAddresses.length == 0 # Assigning Public IP. oAddress = Create(:public_ip) else oAddress = oAddresses[0] end end sMsg = <<-END Public IP for server '#{oServer[:name]}' is assigned. Now, as soon as the server respond to the ssh port, you will be able to get a tail of the build with: while [ 1 = 1 ] do ssh ubuntu@#{oAddress[:public_ip]} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i #{private_key_file} tail -f /var/log/cloud-init.log sleep 5 done END if not keypair_coherent sMsg += ANSI.bold("\nUnfortunatelly") + " your current keypair is not usable to connect to your server.\nYou need to fix this issue to gain access to your server." end PrcLib.info(sMsg) PrcLib.high_level_msg ("\n%s\nThe forge is still building...\n" % sMsg) sStatus = :cloud_init else #analyze the log output oLog = Get(:server_log, 25)[:attrs][:output] iCurAct = 4 if oLog == oOldLog oOldLog = oLog if /cloud-init boot finished/ =~ oLog sStatus = :active if mCloudInitError != [] PrcLib.high_level_msg ("Critical error cleared. Cloud-init seems moving...") PrcLib.info ("Critical error cleared. Cloud-init seems moving...") mCloudInitError = [] end elsif /\[CRITICAL\]/ =~ oLog mCritical = oLog.scan(/.*\[CRITICAL\].*\n/) if not (mCloudInitError == mCritical) sReported = oLog.clone sReported['CRITICAL'] = ANSI.bold('CRITICAL') PrcLib.error("cloud-init error detected:\n-----\n%s\n-----\nPlease connect to the box to decide what you need to do." % [sReported]) mCloudInitError = mCritical end elsif sStatus == :cloud_init and /cloud-init-nonet gave up waiting for a network device/ =~ oLog # Valid for ubuntu image 12.04 PrcLib.warning("Cloud-init has gave up to configure the network. waiting...") sStatus = :nonet elsif sStatus == :nonet and /Booting system without full network configuration/ =~ oLog # Valid for ubuntu image 12.04 PrcLib.warning("forj has detected an issue to bring up your maestro server. Removing it and re-creating a new one. please be patient...") sStatus = :restart elsif sStatus == :restart Delete(:server) Create(:internet_server) sStatus = :starting end end sleep(5) if sStatus != :active end oForge = get_forge(sObjectType, config[:instance_name], hParams) sMsg = "Your Forge '%s' is ready and accessible from IP #{oAddress[:public_ip]}." % config[:instance_name] # TODO: read the blueprint/layout to identify which services are implemented and can be accessible. if config[:blueprint] sMsg += "\nMaestro has implemented the following server(s) for your blueprint '%s':" % config[:blueprint] iCount = 0 oForge[:servers].each { | oServer| next if /^maestro\./ =~ oServer[:name] register(oServer) oIP = Query(:public_ip, :server_id => oServer[:id]) if oIP.length == 0 sMsg += "\n- %s (No public IP)" % [oServer[:name]] else sMsg += "\n- %s (%s)" % [oServer[:name], oIP[0][:public_ip]] end iCount += 1 } if iCount > 0 sMsg += "\n%d server(s) identified.\n" % iCount else sMsg = "No servers found except maestro" PrcLib.warning("Something went wrong, while creating nodes for " \ "blueprint '%s'. check maestro logs." % config[:blueprint]) end else sMsg += "\nMaestro has NOT implemented any servers, because you did not provided a blueprint. Connect to Maestro, and ask Maestro to implement any kind of blueprint you need. (Feature currently under development)" end PrcLib.info(sMsg) PrcLib.high_level_msg ("\n%s\nEnjoy!\n" % sMsg) oForge end def maestro_create_status(sStatus, iCurAct = 4) sActivity = "/-\\|?" if iCurAct < 4 sCurAct = "ACTIVE" else sCurAct = ANSI.bold("PENDING") end case sStatus when :checking PrcLib.state("Checking server status") when :starting PrcLib.state("STARTING") when :assign_ip PrcLib.state("%s - %s - Assigning Public IP" % [sActivity[iCurAct], sCurAct]) when :cloud_init PrcLib.state("%s - %s - Currently running cloud-init. Be patient." % [sActivity[iCurAct], sCurAct]) when :nonet PrcLib.state("%s - %s - Currently running cloud-init. Be patient." % [sActivity[iCurAct], sCurAct]) when :restart PrcLib.state("RESTARTING - Currently restarting maestro box. Be patient.") when :active PrcLib.info("Server is active") end end def clone_or_use_maestro_repo(sObjectType, hParams) maestro_url = hParams[:maestro_url] maestro_repo = File.expand_path(hParams[:maestro_repo]) unless hParams[:maestro_repo].nil? path_maestro = File.expand_path('~/.forj/') hResult = {} begin if maestro_repo and File.directory?(maestro_repo) PrcLib.info("Using maestro repo '%s'" % maestro_repo) hResult[:maestro_repo] = maestro_repo else hResult[:maestro_repo] = File.join(path_maestro, 'maestro') PrcLib.state("Cloning maestro repo from '%s' to '%s'" % [maestro_url, File.join(path_maestro, 'maestro')]) if File.directory?(path_maestro) if File.directory?(File.join(path_maestro, 'maestro')) FileUtils.rm_r File.join(path_maestro, 'maestro') end end git = Git.clone(maestro_url, 'maestro', :path => path_maestro) git.checkout(config[:branch]) if config[:branch] != 'master' PrcLib.info("Maestro repo '%s' cloned on branch '%s'" % [File.join(path_maestro, 'maestro'), config[:branch]]) end rescue => e PrcLib.error("Error while cloning the repo from %s\n%s\n%s" % [maestro_url, e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) PrcLib.info("If this error persist you could clone the repo manually in ~/.forj/") end oMaestro = register(hResult, sObjectType) oMaestro[:maestro_repo] = hResult[:maestro_repo] oMaestro end def create_or_use_infra(sObjectType, hParams) infra = File.expand_path(hParams[:infra_repo]) maestro_repo = hParams[:maestro_repository, :maestro_repo] branch = hParams[:branch] dest_cloud_init = File.join(infra, 'cloud-init') template = File.join(maestro_repo, 'templates', 'infra') cloud_init = File.join(template, 'cloud-init') hInfra = { :infra_repo => dest_cloud_init} AppInit.ensure_dir_exists(dest_cloud_init) bReBuildInfra = infra_is_original?(infra, maestro_repo) if bReBuildInfra PrcLib.state("Building your infra workspace in '%s'" % [infra]) PrcLib.debug("Copying recursively '%s' to '%s'" % [cloud_init, infra]) FileUtils.copy_entry(cloud_init, dest_cloud_init) file_ver = File.join(infra, 'forj-cli.ver') File.write(file_ver, $INFRA_VERSION) PrcLib.info("The infra workspace '%s' has been built from maestro predefined files." % [infra]) else PrcLib.info("Re-using your infra... in '%s'" % [infra]) end oInfra = register(hInfra, sObjectType) oInfra[:infra_repo] = hInfra[:infra_repo] oInfra end # Function which compare directories from maestro templates to infra. def infra_is_original?(infra_dir, maestro_dir) dest_cloud_init = File.join(infra_dir, 'cloud-init') template = File.join(maestro_dir, 'templates', 'infra') sMD5List = File.join(infra_dir, '.maestro_original.yaml') bResult = true hResult = {} if File.exists?(sMD5List) begin hResult = YAML.load_file(sMD5List) rescue => e PrcLib.error("Unable to load valid Original files list '%s'. Your infra workspace won't be migrated, until fixed." % sMD5List) bResult = false end if not hResult hResult = {} bResult = false end end # We are taking care on bootstrap files only. Find.find(File.join(template, 'cloud-init')) { | path | if not File.directory?(path) sMaestroRelPath = path.clone sMaestroRelPath[File.join(template, 'cloud-init/')] = "" sInfra_path = File.join(dest_cloud_init, sMaestroRelPath) if File.exists?(sInfra_path) md5_file = Digest::MD5.file(sInfra_path).hexdigest if hResult.key?(sMaestroRelPath) and hResult[sMaestroRelPath] != md5_file bResult = false PrcLib.info("'%s' infra file has changed from original template in maestro." % sInfra_path) else PrcLib.debug("'%s' infra file has not been updated." % sInfra_path) end end md5_file = Digest::MD5.file(path).hexdigest hResult[sMaestroRelPath] = md5_file end } begin File.open(sMD5List, 'w') do |out| YAML.dump(hResult, out) end rescue => e PrcLib.error("%s\n%s" % [e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) end if bResult PrcLib.debug("No original files found has been updated. Infra workspace can be updated/created if needed.") else PrcLib.warning("At least, one file has been updated. Infra workspace won't be updated by forj cli.") end bResult end def infra_rebuild(infra_dir) return false if not File.exists?(infra_dir) file_ver = File.join(infra_dir, 'forj-cli.ver') forj_infra_version = nil forj_infra_version = File.read(file_ver) if File.exist?(file_ver) if forj_infra_version.nil? or forj_infra_version == "" # Prior version 37 return(old_infra_data_update(oConfig, '0.0.36', infra_dir)) elsif Gem::Version.new(forj_infra_version) < Gem::Version.new($INFRA_VERSION) return(old_infra_data_update(oConfig, forj_infra_version, infra_dir)) end end def old_infra_data_update(oConfig, version, infra_dir) PrcLib.info("Migrating your local infra repo (%s) to the latest version." % version) bRebuild = false # Be default migration is successful. No need to rebuild it. case version when '0.0.36' # Moving from 0.0.36 or less to 0.0.37 or higher. # SET_COMPUTE="{SET_COMPUTE!}" => Setting for Compute. ignored. Coming from HPC # SET_TENANT_NAME="{SET_TENANT_NAME!}" => Setting for Compute. ignored. Need to query HPC from current Tenant ID # SET_DNS_TENANTID="{SET_DNS_TENANTID!}" => Setting for DNS. meta = dns_tenantid # ==> :forj_accounts, sAccountName, :dns, :tenant_id # SET_DNS_ZONE="{SET_DNS_ZONE!}" => Setting for DNS. meta = dns_zone # ==> :forj_accounts, sAccountName, :dns, :service # SET_DOMAIN="{SET_DOMAIN!}" => Setting for Maestro (required) and DNS if enabled. # ==> :forj_accounts, sAccountName, :dns, :domain_name sAccountName = oConfig.get(:account_name) yDns = {} yDns = oConfig.oConfig.ExtraGet(:forj_accounts, sAccountName, :dns) if oConfig.oConfig.ExtraExist?(:forj_accounts, sAccountName, :dns) Dir.foreach(infra_dir) do | file | next if not /^maestro\.box\..*\.env$/ =~ file build_env = File.join(infra_dir, file) PrcLib.debug("Reading data from '%s'" % build_env) tags = {'SET_DNS_TENANTID' => :tenant_id, 'SET_DNS_ZONE' => :service, 'SET_DOMAIN' => :domain_name } begin bUpdate = nil File.open(build_env) do |f| f.each_line do |line| mObj = line.match(/^(SET_[A-Z_]+)=["'](.*)["'].*$/) if mObj PrcLib.debug("Reviewing detected '%s' tag" % [mObj[1]]) tag = (tags[mObj[1]]? tags[mObj[1]] : nil) if tag and mObj[2] if bUpdate == nil and rhGet(yDns, tag) and rhGet(yDns, tag) != mObj[2] PrcLib.message("Your account setup is different than build env.") PrcLib.message("We suggest you to update your account setup with data from your build env.") bUpdate = agree("Do you want to update your setup with those build environment data?") end if bUpdate != nil and bUpdate PrcLib.debug("Saved: '%s' = '%s'" % [mObj[1],mObj[2]]) rhSet(yDns, mObj[2], tag) end end end end end rescue => e PrcLib.fatal(1, "Failed to open the build environment file '%s'" % build_env, e) end end file_ver = File.join(infra_dir, 'forj-cli.ver') File.write(file_ver, $INFRA_VERSION) oConfig.oConfig.ExtraSet(:forj_accounts, sAccountName, :dns, yDns) oConfig.oConfig.ExtraSave(File.join($FORJ_ACCOUNTS_PATH, sAccountName), :forj_accounts, sAccountName) return bRebuild end end def build_userdata(sObjectType, hParams) # get the paths for maestro and infra repositories maestro_path = hParams[:maestro_repository].values infra_path = hParams[:infra_repository].values # concatenate the paths for boothook and cloud_config files #~ build_dir = File.expand_path(File.join($FORJ_DATA_PATH, '.build')) #~ boothook = File.join(maestro_path, 'build', 'bin', 'build-tools') #~ cloud_config = File.join(maestro_path, 'build', 'maestro') mime = File.join($FORJ_BUILD_PATH, 'userdata.mime.%s' % rand(36**5).to_s(36)) meta_data = JSON.generate(hParams[:metadata, :meta_data]) build_tmpl_dir = File.expand_path(File.join($LIB_PATH, 'build_tmpl')) PrcLib.state("Preparing user_data - file '%s'" % mime) # generate boot_*.sh mime_cmd = "#{build_tmpl_dir}/write-mime-multipart.py" bootstrap = "#{build_tmpl_dir}/bootstrap_build.sh" cmd = "%s '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s'" % [ bootstrap, # script $FORJ_DATA_PATH, # $1 = Forj data base dir hParams[:maestro_repository, :maestro_repo], # $2 = Maestro repository dir config[:bootstrap_dirs], # $3 = Bootstrap directories config[:bootstrap_extra_dir], # $4 = Bootstrap extra directory meta_data, # $5 = meta_data (string) mime_cmd, # $6: mime script file to execute. mime # $7: mime file generated. ] # TODO: Replace shell script call to ruby functions if $LIB_FORJ_DEBUG >= 1 cmd += " >> #{$FORJ_DATA_PATH}/forj.log" else cmd += " | tee -a #{$FORJ_DATA_PATH}/forj.log" end raise ForjError.new, "#{bootstrap} script file is not found." if not File.exists?(bootstrap) PrcLib.debug("Running '%s'" % cmd) Kernel.system(cmd) raise ForjError.new(), "mime file '%s' not found." % mime if not File.exists?(mime) begin user_data = File.read(mime) rescue => e PrcLib.fatal(1, e.message) end if $LIB_FORJ_DEBUG < 5 File.delete(mime) else ForjLib.debug(5, "user_data temp file '%s' kept" % mime) end config[:user_data] = user_data oUserData = register(hParams, sObjectType) oUserData[:user_data] = user_data oUserData[:user_data_encoded] = Base64.strict_encode64(user_data) oUserData[:mime] = mime PrcLib.info("user_data prepared. File: '%s'" % mime) oUserData end end # Functions for setup class ForjCoreProcess # Check files existence def forj_check_keypairs_files(keypath) key_name = config.get(:keypair_name) keys_entered = keypair_detect(key_name, keypath) if not keys_entered[:private_key_exist? ] and not keys_entered[:public_key_exist? ] if agree("The key you entered was not found. Do you want to create this one?") base_dir = keys_entered[:keypair_path] if not File.directory?(base_dir) if agree("'%s' doesn't exist. Do you want to create it?" % base_dir) AppInit.ensure_dir_exists(base_dir) else return false end end else return false end end true end # keypair_files post setup def forj_setup_keypairs_files # Getting Account keypair information key_name = config[:keypair_name] key_path = File.expand_path(config[:keypair_files]) keys_imported = nil keys_imported = keypair_detect(key_name, config.oConfig.localGet(key_name, :imported_keys)) if config.oConfig.localExist?(key_name, :imported_keys) keys = keypair_detect(key_name, key_path) if keys_imported and keys_imported[:key_basename] != keys[:key_basename] and $FORJ_KEYPAIRS_PATH != keys[:keypair_path] PrcLib.warning("The private key '%s' was assigned to a different private key file '%s'.\nTo not overwrite it, we recommend you to choose a different keypair name." % [key_name, keys_imported[:key_basename] ]) new_key_name = key_name sMsg = "Please, provide a different keypair name:" while key_name == new_key_name new_key_name = ask (sMsg) do | q | q.validate = /.+/ end new_key_name = new_key_name.to_s sMsg = "Incorrect. You have to choose a keypair name different than '#{key_name}'. If you want to interrupt, press Ctrl-C and retry later.\nSo, please, provide a different keypair name:" if key_name == new_key_name end key_name = new_key_name config.set(:key_name, key_name) keys = keypair_detect(key_name, key_path) end private_key_file = File.join(keys[:keypair_path], keys[:private_key_name]) public_key_file = File.join(keys[:keypair_path], keys[:public_key_name]) # Creation sequences if not keys[:private_key_exist? ] # Need to create a key. ask if we need so. PrcLib.message("The private key file attached to keypair named '%s' is not found. Running ssh-keygen to create it." % keys[:keypair_name]) if not File.exists?(private_key_file) AppInit.ensure_dir_exists(File.dirname(private_key_file)) command = 'ssh-keygen -t rsa -f %s' % private_key_file PrcLib.debug("Executing '%s'" % command) system(command) end if not File.exists?(private_key_file) PrcLib.fatal(1, "'%s' not found. Unable to add your keypair to hpcloud. Create it yourself and provide it with -p option. Then retry." % [private_key_file]) else PrcLib.fatal(1, "ssh-keygen did not created your key pairs. Aborting. Please review errors in ~/.forj/forj.log") end end if not keys[:public_key_exist? ] PrcLib.message("Your public key '%s' was not found. Getting it from the private one. It may require your passphrase." % [public_key_file]) command = 'ssh-keygen -y -f %s > %s' % [private_key_file,public_key_file ] PrcLib.debug("Executing '%s'" % command) system(command) end forj_private_key_file = File.join($FORJ_KEYPAIRS_PATH, key_name ) forj_public_key_file = File.join($FORJ_KEYPAIRS_PATH, key_name + ".pub") # Saving sequences if keys[:keypair_path] != $FORJ_KEYPAIRS_PATH if not File.exists?(forj_private_key_file) or not File.exists?(forj_public_key_file) PrcLib.info("Importing key pair to FORJ keypairs list.") FileUtils.copy(private_key_file, forj_private_key_file) FileUtils.copy(public_key_file, forj_public_key_file) # Attaching this keypair to the account rhSet(@hAccountData, key_name, :credentials, 'keypair_name') rhSet(@hAccountData, forj_private_key_file, :credentials, 'keypair_path') config.oConfig.LocalSet(key_name.to_s, private_key_file, :imported_keys) else # Checking source/dest files content if Digest::MD5.file(private_key_file).hexdigest != Digest::MD5.file(forj_private_key_file).hexdigest PrcLib.info("Updating private key keypair piece to FORJ keypairs list.") FileUtils.copy(private_key_file, forj_private_key_file) else PrcLib.info("Private key keypair up to date.") end if Digest::MD5.file(public_key_file).hexdigest != Digest::MD5.file(forj_public_key_file).hexdigest PrcLib.info("Updating public key keypair piece to FORJ keypairs list.") FileUtils.copy(public_key_file, forj_public_key_file) else PrcLib.info("Public key keypair up to date.") end end end # Saving internal copy of private key file for forj use. config.set(:keypair_path, forj_private_key_file ) PrcLib.info("Configured forj keypair '%s' with '%s'" % [ keys[:keypair_name], File.join(keys[:keypair_path], keys[:key_basename]) ] ) true # forj_setup_keypairs_files successfull end def forj_DNS_settings() sAsk = "Optionally, you can ask Maestro to use/manage a domain name on your cloud. It requires your DNS cloud service to be enabled.\nDo you want to configure it?" config.set(:dns_settings, agree(sAsk)) true end def forj_DNS_settings?(sKey) # Return true to ask the question. false otherwise if not config.get(:dns_settings) config.set(sKey, nil) return false # Do not ask end true end def setup_tenant_name() # TODO: To re-introduce with a Controller call instead. oSSLError=SSLErrorMgt.new # Retry object PrcLib.debug("Getting tenants from hpcloud cli libraries") begin tenants = Connection.instance.tenants(@sAccountName) rescue => e if not oSSLError.ErrorDetected(e.message,e.backtrace, e) retry end PrcLib.fatal(1, 'Network: Unable to connect.') end tenant_id = rhGet(@oConfig.ExtraGet(:hpc_accounts, @sAccountName, :credentials), :tenant_id) tenant_name = nil tenants.each { |elem| tenant_name = elem['name'] if elem['id'] == tenant_id } if tenant_name PrcLib.debug("Tenant ID '%s': '%s' found." % [tenant_id, tenant_name]) rhSet(@hAccountData, tenant_name, :maestro, :tenant_name) else PrcLib.error("Unable to find the tenant Name for '%s' ID." % tenant_id) end @oConfig.set('tenants', tenants) end end #Funtions for get class ForjCoreProcess def get_forge(sCloudObj, sForgeId, hParams) sQuery = {} hServers = [] sQuery[:name] = sForgeId oServers = Query(:server, sQuery ) regex = Regexp.new('\.%s$' % sForgeId) oServers.each { |oServer| oName = oServer[:name] hServers< oServer[:id]) if oAddress.length == 0 PrcLib.fatal(1, "ip address for %s server was not found" % oServer[:name]) else public_ip = oAddress[0][:public_ip] end if config[:identity].nil? or not config[:identity].is_a?(String) hKeys = keypair_detect(oServer[:key_name], File.join($FORJ_KEYPAIRS_PATH, oServer[:key_name])) else hKeys = keypair_detect(oServer[:key_name], File.expand_path(config[:identity])) end private_key_file = File.join(hKeys[:keypair_path], hKeys[:private_key_name]) public_key_file = File.join(hKeys[:keypair_path], hKeys[:public_key_name]) PrcLib.info("Found openssh private key file '%s'." % private_key_file) if hKeys[:private_key_exist? ] if hKeys[:public_key_exist? ] PrcLib.info("Found openssh public key file '%s'." % public_key_file) else PrcLib.warning("Openssh public key file '%s' not found. Unable to verify keys coherence with remote server." % public_key_file) end if hKeys[:private_key_exist? ] ssh_options = { :keys => private_key_file} PrcLib.debug("Using private key '%s'." % private_key_file) else PrcLib.fatal 1, <<-END The server '#{oServer[:name]}' has been configured with a keypair '#{oServer[:key_name]}' which is not found locally. You won't be able to connect to that server without '#{oServer[:key_name]}' private key. To connect to this box, you need to provide the appropriate private key file with option -i END end # Get ssh user image = Get(:image, oServer[:image_id]) user = hParams[:ssh_user] if user.nil? user = image[:ssh_user] end PrcLib.debug("Using account '%s'." % user) begin PrcLib.state("creating ssh connection with '%s' box" % oServer[:name]) session = Net::SSH.start(public_ip, user, ssh_options) do |ssh| ssh_login(ssh_options, user, public_ip) end PrcLib.debug("Error closing ssh connection, box %s " % oServer[:name]) if not session rescue => e PrcLib.fatal 1, <<-END #{e.message} You were not able to connect to this box. Please note that there is no garantuee that your local private key file '#{private_key_file}' is the one that was used while building this box. You have to check with the user who created that box. END end register({ :success => true }, sObjectType) end def setup_ssh_user(sCloudObj, hParams) images = Query(:image, { name: hParams[:image_name]} ) case images.length when 0 sDefault = hParams[:default_value] else if images[0, :ssh_user].nil? sDefault = hParams[:default_value] else sDefault = images[0, :ssh_user] end end { default_value: sDefault, list: config[:users] } end def ssh_login(options, user, public_ip) sOpts = "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ServerAliveInterval=180" sOpts += " -i %s" % options[:keys] if options[:keys] command = 'ssh %s %s@%s' % [sOpts, user, public_ip] PrcLib.debug("Running '%s'" % command) system(command) end def ssh_user(image_name) return "fedora" if image_name =~ /fedora/i return "centos" if image_name =~ /centos/i return "ubuntu" end end