# typed: strict # frozen_string_literal: true require "shellwords" module RubyLsp module Requests #  # # The # [code lens](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specification#textDocument_codeLens) # request informs the editor of runnable commands such as tests # # # Example # # ```ruby # # Run # class Test < Minitest::Test # end # ``` class CodeLens < ExtensibleListener extend T::Sig extend T::Generic ResponseType = type_member { { fixed: T::Array[Interface::CodeLens] } } BASE_COMMAND = T.let((File.exist?("Gemfile.lock") ? "bundle exec ruby" : "ruby") + " -Itest ", String) ACCESS_MODIFIERS = T.let([:public, :private, :protected], T::Array[Symbol]) SUPPORTED_TEST_LIBRARIES = T.let(["minitest", "test-unit"], T::Array[String]) sig { override.returns(ResponseType) } attr_reader :_response sig { params(uri: URI::Generic, dispatcher: Prism::Dispatcher, message_queue: Thread::Queue).void } def initialize(uri, dispatcher, message_queue) @uri = T.let(uri, URI::Generic) @_response = T.let([], ResponseType) @path = T.let(uri.to_standardized_path, T.nilable(String)) # visibility_stack is a stack of [current_visibility, previous_visibility] @visibility_stack = T.let([[:public, :public]], T::Array[T::Array[T.nilable(Symbol)]]) @class_stack = T.let([], T::Array[String]) super(dispatcher, message_queue) dispatcher.register( self, :on_class_node_enter, :on_class_node_leave, :on_def_node_enter, :on_call_node_enter, :on_call_node_leave, ) end sig { params(node: Prism::ClassNode).void } def on_class_node_enter(node) @visibility_stack.push([:public, :public]) class_name = node.constant_path.slice @class_stack.push(class_name) if @path && class_name.end_with?("Test") add_test_code_lens( node, name: class_name, command: generate_test_command(class_name: class_name), kind: :group, ) end end sig { params(node: Prism::ClassNode).void } def on_class_node_leave(node) @visibility_stack.pop @class_stack.pop end sig { params(node: Prism::DefNode).void } def on_def_node_enter(node) class_name = @class_stack.last return unless class_name&.end_with?("Test") visibility, _ = @visibility_stack.last if visibility == :public method_name = node.name.to_s if @path && method_name.start_with?("test_") add_test_code_lens( node, name: method_name, command: generate_test_command(method_name: method_name, class_name: class_name), kind: :example, ) end end end sig { params(node: Prism::CallNode).void } def on_call_node_enter(node) name = node.name arguments = node.arguments # If we found `private` by itself or `private def foo` if ACCESS_MODIFIERS.include?(name) if arguments.nil? @visibility_stack.pop @visibility_stack.push([name, name]) elsif arguments.arguments.first.is_a?(Prism::DefNode) visibility, _ = @visibility_stack.pop @visibility_stack.push([name, visibility]) end return end if @path&.include?("Gemfile") && name == :gem && arguments first_argument = arguments.arguments.first return unless first_argument.is_a?(Prism::StringNode) remote = resolve_gem_remote(first_argument) return unless remote add_open_gem_remote_code_lens(node, remote) end end sig { params(node: Prism::CallNode).void } def on_call_node_leave(node) _, prev_visibility = @visibility_stack.pop @visibility_stack.push([prev_visibility, prev_visibility]) end sig { override.params(addon: Addon).returns(T.nilable(Listener[ResponseType])) } def initialize_external_listener(addon) addon.create_code_lens_listener(@uri, @dispatcher, @message_queue) end sig { override.params(other: Listener[ResponseType]).returns(T.self_type) } def merge_response!(other) @_response.concat(other.response) self end private sig { params(node: Prism::Node, name: String, command: String, kind: Symbol).void } def add_test_code_lens(node, name:, command:, kind:) # don't add code lenses if the test library is not supported or unknown return unless SUPPORTED_TEST_LIBRARIES.include?(DependencyDetector.instance.detected_test_library) && @path arguments = [ @path, name, command, { start_line: node.location.start_line - 1, start_column: node.location.start_column, end_line: node.location.end_line - 1, end_column: node.location.end_column, }, ] @_response << create_code_lens( node, title: "Run", command_name: "rubyLsp.runTest", arguments: arguments, data: { type: "test", kind: kind }, ) @_response << create_code_lens( node, title: "Run In Terminal", command_name: "rubyLsp.runTestInTerminal", arguments: arguments, data: { type: "test_in_terminal", kind: kind }, ) @_response << create_code_lens( node, title: "Debug", command_name: "rubyLsp.debugTest", arguments: arguments, data: { type: "debug", kind: kind }, ) end sig { params(gem_name: Prism::StringNode).returns(T.nilable(String)) } def resolve_gem_remote(gem_name) spec = Gem::Specification.stubs.find { |gem| gem.name == gem_name.content }&.to_spec return if spec.nil? [spec.homepage, spec.metadata["source_code_uri"]].compact.find do |page| page.start_with?("https://github.com", "https://gitlab.com") end end sig { params(class_name: String, method_name: T.nilable(String)).returns(String) } def generate_test_command(class_name:, method_name: nil) command = BASE_COMMAND + T.must(@path) case DependencyDetector.instance.detected_test_library when "minitest" command += if method_name " --name " + "/#{Shellwords.escape(class_name + "#" + method_name)}/" else " --name " + "/#{Shellwords.escape(class_name)}/" end when "test-unit" command += " --testcase " + "/#{Shellwords.escape(class_name)}/" if method_name command += " --name " + Shellwords.escape(method_name) end end command end sig { params(node: Prism::CallNode, remote: String).void } def add_open_gem_remote_code_lens(node, remote) @_response << create_code_lens( node, title: "Open remote", command_name: "rubyLsp.openLink", arguments: [remote], data: { type: "link" }, ) end end end end