# encoding: utf-8 #### fix: move to textutils for reuse !!!!!!!!!! - why?? why not ?? module SportDb class DateFinderBase MONTH_EN_TO_MM = { 'Jan' => '1', 'January' => '1', 'Feb' => '2', 'February' => '2', 'Mar' => '3', 'March' => '3', 'Apr' => '4', 'April' => '4', 'May' => '5', 'Jun' => '6', 'June' => '6', 'Jul' => '7', 'July' => '7', 'Aug' => '8', 'August' => '8', 'Sep' => '9', 'Sept' => '9', 'September' => '9', 'Oct' => '10', 'October' => '10', 'Nov' => '11', 'November' => '11', 'Dec' => '12', 'December' =>'12' } MONTH_FR_TO_MM = { 'Janvier' => '1', 'Janv' => '1', 'Jan' => '1', ## check janv in use?? 'Février' => '2', 'Févr' => '2', 'Fév' => '2', ## check fevr in use??? 'Mars' => '3', 'Mar' => '3', 'Avril' => '4', 'Avri' => '4', 'Avr' => '4', ## check avri in use??? if not remove 'Mai' => '5', 'Juin' => '6', 'Juillet' => '7', 'Juil' => '7', 'Août' => '8', 'Septembre' => '9', 'Sept' => '9', 'Octobre' => '10', 'Octo' => '10', 'Oct' => '10', ### check octo in use?? 'Novembre' => '11', 'Nove' => '11', 'Nov' => '11', ## check nove in use?? 'Décembre' => '12', 'Déce' => '12', 'Déc' => '12' } ## check dece in use?? MONTH_ES_TO_MM = { 'Ene' => '1', 'Enero' => '1', 'Feb' => '2', 'Mar' => '3', 'Marzo' => '3', 'Abr' => '4', 'Abril' => '4', 'May' => '5', 'Mayo' => '5', 'Jun' => '6', 'Junio' => '6', 'Jul' => '7', 'Julio' => '7', 'Ago' => '8', 'Agosto' => '8', 'Sep' => '9', 'Set' => '9', 'Sept' => '9', 'Oct' => '10', 'Nov' => '11', 'Dic' => '12' } private def calc_year( month, day, opts ) start_at = opts[:start_at] logger.debug " [calc_year] ????-#{month}-#{day} -- start_at: #{start_at}" if month >= start_at.month # assume same year as start_at event (e.g. 2013 for 2013/14 season) start_at.year else # assume year+1 as start_at event (e.g. 2014 for 2013/14 season) start_at.year+1 end end def parse_date_time( match_data, opts={} ) # convert regex match_data captures to hash # - note: cannont use match_data like a hash (e.g. raises exception if key/name not present/found) h = {} # - note: do NOT forget to turn name into symbol for lookup in new hash (name.to_sym) match_data.names.each { |name| h[name.to_sym] = match_data[name] } # or use match_data.names.zip( match_data.captures ) - more cryptic but "elegant"?? ## puts "[parse_date_time] match_data:" ## pp h logger.debug " [parse_date_time] hash: >#{h.inspect}<" h[ :month ] = MONTH_EN_TO_MM[ h[:month_en] ] if h[:month_en] h[ :month ] = MONTH_ES_TO_MM[ h[:month_es] ] if h[:month_es] h[ :month ] = MONTH_FR_TO_MM[ h[:month_fr] ] if h[:month_fr] month = h[:month] day = h[:day] year = h[:year] || calc_year( month.to_i, day.to_i, opts ).to_s hours = h[:hours] || '12' # default to 12:00 for HH:MM (hours:minutes) minutes = h[:minutes] || '00' value = '%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d' % [year.to_i, month.to_i, day.to_i, hours.to_i, minutes.to_i] logger.debug " date: >#{value}<" DateTime.strptime( value, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M' ) end end # class DateFinderBase class DateFinder < DateFinderBase include LogUtils::Logging # todo: make more generic for reuse ### fix: ### move to textutils ## date/fr.yml en.yml etc. ??? ## why? why not? MONTH_FR = 'Janvier|Janv|Jan|' + 'Février|Févr|Fév|' + 'Mars|Mar|' + 'Avril|Avri|Avr|' + 'Mai|' + 'Juin|' + 'Juillet|Juil|' + 'Août|' + 'Septembre|Sept|' + 'Octobre|Octo|Oct|' + 'Novembre|Nove|Nov|' + 'Décembre|Déce|Déc' WEEKDAY_FR = 'Lundi|Lun|L|' + 'Mardi|Mar|Ma|' + 'Mercredi|Mer|Me|' + 'Jeudi|Jeu|J|' + 'Vendredi|Ven|V|' + 'Samedi|Sam|S|' + 'Dimanche|Dim|D|' MONTH_EN = 'January|Jan|'+ 'February|Feb|'+ 'March|Mar|'+ 'April|Apr|'+ 'May|'+ 'June|Jun|'+ 'July|Jul|'+ 'August|Aug|'+ 'September|Sept|Sep|'+ 'October|Oct|'+ 'November|Nov|'+ 'December|Dec' ### ## todo: add days ## 1. Sunday - Sun. 2. Monday - Mon. ## 3. Tuesday - Tu., Tue., or Tues. 4. Wednesday - Wed. ## 5. Thursday - Th., Thu., Thur., or Thurs. 6. Friday - Fri. ## 7. Saturday - Sat. MONTH_ES = 'Enero|Ene|'+ 'Feb|'+ 'Marzo|Mar|'+ 'Abril|Abr|'+ 'Mayo|May|'+ 'Junio|Jun|'+ 'Julio|Jul|'+ 'Agosto|Ago|'+ 'Sept|Set|Sep|'+ 'Oct|'+ 'Nov|'+ 'Dic' # todo/fix - add de and es too!! # note: in Austria - Jänner - in Deutschland Januar allow both ?? # MONTH_DE = 'J[aä]n|Feb|Mär|Apr|Mai|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Okt|Nov|Dez' # e.g. 2012-09-14 20:30 => YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM # nb: allow 2012-9-3 7:30 e.g. no leading zero required # regex_db DB__DATE_TIME_REGEX = /\b (?\d{4}) - (?\d{1,2}) - (?\d{1,2}) \s+ (?\d{1,2}) : (?\d{2}) \b/x # e.g. 2012-09-14 w/ implied hours (set to 12:00) # nb: allow 2012-9-3 e.g. no leading zero required # regex_db2 DB__DATE_REGEX = /\b (?\d{4}) - (?\d{1,2}) - (?\d{1,2}) \b/x # e.g. 14.09.2012 20:30 => DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM # nb: allow 2.3.2012 e.g. no leading zero required # nb: allow hour as 20.30 # regex_de DD_MM_YYYY__DATE_TIME_REGEX = /\b (?\d{1,2}) \. (?\d{1,2}) \. (?\d{4}) \s+ (?\d{1,2}) [:.] (?\d{2}) \b/x # e.g. 14.09. 20:30 => DD.MM. HH:MM # nb: allow 2.3.2012 e.g. no leading zero required # nb: allow hour as 20.30 or 3.30 instead of 03.30 # regex_de2 DD_MM__DATE_TIME_REGEX = /\b (?\d{1,2}) \. (?\d{1,2}) \. \s+ (?\d{1,2}) [:.] (?\d{2}) \b/x # e.g. 14.09.2012 => DD.MM.YYYY w/ implied hours (set to 12:00) # regex_de3 DD_MM_YYYY__DATE_REGEX = /\b (?\d{1,2}) \. (?\d{1,2}) \. (?\d{4}) \b/x # e.g. 14.09. => DD.MM. w/ implied year and implied hours (set to 12:00) # note: allow end delimiter ] e.g. [Sa 12.01.] or end-of-string ($) too # note: we use a lookahead for last part e.g. (?:\s+|$|[\]]) - do NOT cosume # regex_de4 (use lookahead assert) DD_MM__DATE_REGEX = /\b (?\d{1,2}) \. (?\d{1,2}) \. (?=\s+|$|[\]])/x ## note: allow end-of-string/line too # e.g. 12 May 2013 14:00 => D|DD.MMM.YYYY H|HH:MM EN__DD_MONTH_YYYY__DATE_TIME_REGEX = /\b (?\d{1,2}) \s (?#{MONTH_EN}) \s (?\d{4}) \s+ (?\d{1,2}) : (?\d{2}) \b/x ### # fix: pass in lang (e.g. en or es) # only process format for lang plus fallback to en? # e.g. EN__DD_MONTH and ES__DD_MONTH depend on order for match (first listed will match) # e.g. 12 May => D|DD.MMM w/ implied year and implied hours EN__DD_MONTH__DATE_REGEX = /\b (?\d{1,2}) \s (?#{MONTH_EN}) \b/x # e.g. Jun/12 2011 14:00 EN__MONTH_DD_YYYY__DATE_TIME_REGEX = /\b (?#{MONTH_EN}) \/ (?\d{1,2}) \s (?\d{4}) \s+ (?\d{1,2}) : (?\d{2}) \b/x # e.g. Jun/12 14:00 w/ implied year H|HH:MM EN__MONTH_DD__DATE_TIME_REGEX = /\b (?#{MONTH_EN}) \/ (?\d{1,2}) \s+ (?\d{1,2}) : (?\d{2}) \b/x # e.g. Jun/12 2013 w/ implied hours (set to 12:00) EN__MONTH_DD_YYYY__DATE_REGEX = /\b (?#{MONTH_EN}) \/ (?\d{1,2}) \s (?\d{4}) \b/x # e.g. Jun/12 w/ implied year and implied hours (set to 12:00) # note: allow space too e.g Jun 12 -- check if conflicts w/ other formats??? (added for rsssf reader) # -- fix: might eat french weekday mar 12 is mardi (mar) !!! see FR__ pattern # fix: remove space again for now - and use simple en date reader or something!!! ## was [\/ ] changed back to \/ EN__MONTH_DD__DATE_REGEX = /\b (?#{MONTH_EN}) \/ (?\d{1,2}) \b/x # e.g. 12 Ene w/ implied year and implied hours (set to 12:00) ES__DD_MONTH__DATE_REGEX = /\b (?\d{1,2}) \s (?#{MONTH_ES}) \b/x # e.g. Ven 8 Août or [Ven 8 Août] or Ven 8. Août or [Ven 8. Août] ### note: do NOT consume [] in regex (use lookahead assert) FR__WEEKDAY_DD_MONTH__DATE_REGEX = /\b (?:#{WEEKDAY_FR}) # note: skip weekday for now; do NOT capture \s+ (?\d{1,2}) \.? # note: make dot optional \s+ (?#{MONTH_FR}) (?=\s+|$|[\]])/x ## note: allow end-of-string/line too # map table - 1) tag, 2) regex - note: order matters; first come-first matched/served FORMATS = [ [ '[YYYY_MM_DD_hh_mm]', DB__DATE_TIME_REGEX ], [ '[YYYY_MM_DD]', DB__DATE_REGEX ], [ '[DD_MM_YYYY_hh_mm]', DD_MM_YYYY__DATE_TIME_REGEX ], [ '[DD_MM_hh_mm]', DD_MM__DATE_TIME_REGEX ], [ '[DD_MM_YYYY]', DD_MM_YYYY__DATE_REGEX ], [ '[DD_MM]', DD_MM__DATE_REGEX ], [ '[FR_WEEKDAY_DD_MONTH]', FR__WEEKDAY_DD_MONTH__DATE_REGEX ], [ '[EN_DD_MONTH_YYYY_hh_mm]', EN__DD_MONTH_YYYY__DATE_TIME_REGEX ], [ '[EN_MONTH_DD_YYYY_hh_mm]', EN__MONTH_DD_YYYY__DATE_TIME_REGEX ], [ '[EN_MONTH_DD_hh_mm]', EN__MONTH_DD__DATE_TIME_REGEX ], [ '[EN_MONTH_DD_YYYY]', EN__MONTH_DD_YYYY__DATE_REGEX ], [ '[EN_MONTH_DD]', EN__MONTH_DD__DATE_REGEX ], [ '[EN_DD_MONTH]', EN__DD_MONTH__DATE_REGEX ], [ '[ES_DD_MONTH]', ES__DD_MONTH__DATE_REGEX ] ] def initialize # nothing here for now end def find!( line, opts={} ) # fix: use more lookahead for all required trailing spaces!!!!! # fix: use for month,day,year etc.!!! # # fix: !!!! # date in [] will become [[DATE.DE4]] - when getting removed will keep ]!!!! # fix: change regex to \[[A-Z0-9.]\] !!!!!! plus add unit test too!!! # md = nil FORMATS.each do |format| tag = format[0] pattern = format[1] md=pattern.match( line ) if md date = parse_date_time( md, opts ) ## fix: use md[0] e.g. match for sub! instead of using regex again - why? why not??? ## fix: use md.begin(0), md.end(0) line.sub!( md[0], tag ) ## todo/fix: make sure match data will not get changed (e.g. using sub! before parse_date_time) return date end # no match; continue; try next pattern end return nil # no match found end end # class DateFinder class RsssfDateFinder < DateFinderBase include LogUtils::Logging MONTH_EN = 'Jan|'+ 'Feb|'+ 'March|Mar|'+ 'April|Apr|'+ 'May|'+ 'June|Jun|'+ 'July|Jul|'+ 'Aug|'+ 'Sept|Sep|'+ 'Oct|'+ 'Nov|'+ 'Dec' ## e.g. ## [Jun 7] or [Aug 12] etc. - not MUST include brackets e.g. [] ## ## check add \b at the beginning and end - why?? why not?? working?? EN__MONTH_DD__DATE_REGEX = /\[ (?#{MONTH_EN}) \s (?\d{1,2}) \]/x def find!( line, opts={} ) # fix: use more lookahead for all required trailing spaces!!!!! # fix: use for month,day,year etc.!!! tag = '[EN_MONTH_DD]' pattern = EN__MONTH_DD__DATE_REGEX md = pattern.match( line ) if md date = parse_date_time( md, opts ) ## fix: use md[0] e.g. match for sub! instead of using regex again - why? why not??? ## fix: use md.begin(0), md.end(0) line.sub!( md[0], tag ) ## todo/fix: make sure match data will not get changed (e.g. using sub! before parse_date_time) return date end return nil # no match found end end ## class RsssfDateFinder end # module SportDb