# Bumbler Why stare blankly at your terminal window when you can clutter it up with awesome progress bars? Use Bumbler to track the load progress of your [Bundler](http://gembundler.com/)-based projects! Maybe you'll find a slow gem or two. ## Using Bumbler ### Step 1: gem install bumbler ### Step 1.5: Add bumbler to your Gemfile if you want to use `bundle exec` gem 'bumbler' ### Step 2: Add the following to your .profile, .bash_profile, .zshrc, .wtfrc or whatever shell config you use export RUBYOPT=-rbumbler/go ### Step 3: Restart your terminal ## Blammo, you're bumbling with bundler and bumbler! Run a Bundler-based command, and you should see a spiffy progress bar, such as: > rails c [######### ] ( 7/59) 492.04ms loaded data_mapper And then maybe you'll also want to contribute some patches to make your favorite gems load faster.