define([ 'view/base' ], function( BaseView ){ var DashboardTileView = BaseView.extend({ events : { 'click .save.btn' : 'save', 'click .settings.btn' : 'settings', 'click figure.front' : 'loadDashboard', 'click .cancel.btn' : 'settings', 'click .add.btn' : 'addCategory' }, initialize : function(options) { _.bindAll(this); this.templar = options.templar; this.intervalLength = ( options.intervalLength ) ? options.intervalLength : 60; // seconds this.render(); }, render : function() { this.templar.render({ path : 'dashboardtile', el : this.$el, append : true, data : { 'dashboard' : this.model.toJSON() } }); this.$dashboardTile = this.$el.find('.dashboard' + this.model.get('id')); this.setElement(this.$dashboardTile); this.startStatusCheck(); }, loadDashboard : function(e) { location.href = '#dash/' + this.model.get('id'); }, addCategory : function(e) {'view:dashboard:add', { dashboard : { id : this.model.get('id'), name : this.model.get('name'), children : this.model.get('children') } }); }, startStatusCheck : function() { this.updateTile(); this.interval = setInterval(function() { this.updateTile(); }.bind(this), this.intervalLength * 1000); clearInterval(this.interval); }, updateTile : function() { $.ajax({ url : '/dashboards/' + this.model.get('id') + '/jobs.json', success : function(response) {, function(job) { job.createdAt = ( job.createdAt ) ? this.formatServerDateTime(job.createdAt, true) : job.createdAt; job.modifiedAt = ( job.modifiedAt ) ? this.formatServerDateTime(job.modifiedAt, true) : job.modifiedAt; }, this); this.checkErrorState(response); }.bind(this) }); }, checkErrorState : function(response) { var dashboardErrorState = false; for (var i = response.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ( response[i].status != 'success' && typeof response[i].status != 'undefined' && response[i].active ) { dashboardErrorState = true; break; } }; if ( dashboardErrorState ) { this.$el.find('.dashboard' + this.model.get('id')).addClass('red'); } else { this.$el.find('.dashboard' + this.model.get('id')).removeClass('red'); } }, settings : function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); this.$dashboardTile.toggleClass('flipped'); setTimeout(function() { this.$dashboardTile.find('.front .btn').toggle(); }.bind(this), 600); }, save : function(e) { e.stopPropagation();{ 'name' : this.$dashboardTile.find('.dashboard-name').val() },{ success : function(response) {'view:dashboard:save', { 'model' : this.model, 'message' : "Your changes to '" + this.model.get('name') + "' dashboard were saved.", 'attention' : 'Dashboard Saved!' }); }.bind(this), error : function(model, xhr, options) {'view:dashboard:save', { 'model' : this.model, 'message' : "The dashboard '" + model.get('name') + "' produced an error during the process of saving.", 'attention' : 'Dashboard Save Error!', 'status' : 'error' }); }.bind(this) }); }, destructor : function() { // go ahead and clear out the graph updating interval clearInterval(this.interval); this.remove(); this.$el.remove();; // remove model bound events; } }); return DashboardTileView; });