require "commander" require "net/http" require "yaml" require "json" require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access' require 'styled_yaml' require 'digest' module Pfab class CLI include Commander::Methods def run program :name, "pfab" program :version, Pfab::Version::STRING program :description, "k8s helper" if File.exist? "application.yaml" @application_yaml = YAML.load("application.yaml")).with_indifferent_access @application_yaml_hash = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(@application_yaml.to_json) else raise "I need to be run in a directory with a application.yaml" end global_option("--verbose") { $verbose = true } $dryrun = false global_option("--dryrun") { $dryrun = true } $env = :staging global_option("-p") do puts "please use `-e production` next time!" $env = :production end global_option("-e", "--environment ENV", "specify target env") do |env_name| puts "Using environment #{env_name}" $env = env_name end global_option("-a", "--application_name APP_NAME", "run without prompting for app") do |app_name| $app_name = app_name end command :build do |c| c.syntax = "pfab build" c.summary = "build image" c.option "--force", "force build and push" c.option "--check", "just check if built" c.action do |_args, options| cmd_build(force: options.force, checkonly: options.check) end end command :generate_yaml do |c| c.syntax = "pfab generate_yaml" c.summary = "build k8s yaml" c.action do cmd_generate_yaml end end command :apply do |c| c.syntax = "pfab apply" c.summary = "kubectl apply" c.action do cmd_apply end end command :shipit do |c| c.syntax = "pfab shipit" c.summary = "build, generate, apply" c.option "-t", "--timeout timeout", "timeout for rollout (default 240s)" c.action do |args, options| options.default :timeout => 240 app_name = get_app_name(all: true) puts "Shipping #{app_name}" success = cmd_build if success cmd_generate_yaml cmd_apply(timeout: options.timeout) end end end command :logs do |c| c.syntax = "pfab logs" c.summary = "tail logs" c.description = "show me my logs`" c.example "tail logs of the first pod in staging", "pfab logs" c.example "tail logs of the first pod in production", "pfab -p logs" c.action do set_kube_context app_name = get_app_name first_pod = get_first_pod(app_name) kubectl("logs -f #{first_pod}") end end command :restart do |c| c.syntax = "pfab restart" c.summary = "rolling restart of a deployment" c.description = "rolling restart of a deployment" c.action do set_kube_context app_name = get_app_name kubectl "rollout restart deployment.apps/#{app_name}" end end command :exec do |c| c.option "-c", "--command command", "use with exec to run a command and exit. default is /bin/sh" c.syntax = "pfab exec [-- command to execute]'" c.summary = "kubectl exec into a pod" c.description = "CLI to the Cloud" c.example "exec into the first pod in staging", "pfab -e staging exec" c.example "exec into the first pod in production", "pfab -p exec" c.action do |args, options| set_kube_context # Access the command line input after "--" additional_args = ARGV[ARGV.index('--') + 1..-1] if ARGV.include?('--') app_name = get_app_name first_pod = get_first_pod app_name kubectl "exec -it #{first_pod}", "-- #{additional_args ? additional_args.join(' ') : (options.command || '/bin/sh')}" end end command :status do |c| c.syntax = "pfab status" c.summary = "status of an app" c.description = "what's happening" c.example "what's happening in my app?", "pfab status" c.example "what's happening in production", "pfab status -p status" c.example "pick a single app", "pfab status --pick " c.example "verbose mode", "pfab status --verbose " c.example "watch deploy", "pfab status --watch " c.option "--watch", "Watch" c.action do |_args, options| set_kube_context selector = "application=#{@application_yaml['name']}" if kubectl "get pods -l #{selector} -w" elsif $verbose kubectl "describe pods -l #{selector}" else kubectl "get ingresses,jobs,services,cronjobs,deployments,pods -l #{selector}" end end end command :run_local do |c| c.syntax = "pfab run_local" c.summary = "run an app LOCALLY" c.description = "run the application command with all env vars set" c.example "run a command locally", "pfab run_local" c.option "-c", "--command COMMAND", "Run a command with the ENV vars of the selected app" c.action do |_args, options| $env = :development app_name = get_app_name(include_run_locals: true) puts "RUNNING THE FOLLOWING LOCALLY" env_vars = yy.env_vars(app_name). reject { |v| v.has_key? :valueFrom } env_var_string = { |item| "#{item[:name]}=\"#{item[:value]}\"" }.join(" ") options.default command: all_runnables[app_name][:command] puts_and_system "#{env_var_string} #{options.command}" end end alias_command :rl, :run_local command :clean do |c| c.syntax = "pfab clean" c.summary = "clean up pods" c.description = "clean up old pods" c.example "clean up", "pfab clean" c.action do |_args, options| set_kube_context puts "THIS APPLIES TO THE ENTIRE NAMESPACE" types = %w(Failed Pending Succeeded) types.each do |type| kubectl("get pods --field-selector status.phase=#{type}") if agree("Delete those?") kubectl("delete pods --field-selector status.phase=#{type}") puts "Deleted" end end end end alias_command :rl, :run_local default_command :help run! end def cmd_apply(timeout: 240) set_kube_context success = true get_apps.each do |app_name| app = deployables[app_name] if app[:deployable_type] == "cron" deployed_name = deployed_name(app) success &= kubectl("delete cronjob -l deployed-name=#{deployed_name}") end success &= kubectl("apply -f .application-k8s-#{$env}-#{app_name}.yaml") success &= puts_and_system("git tag release-#{$env}-#{app_name}-#{"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")} HEAD") success &= puts_and_system("git push origin --tags") end selector = "application=#{@application_yaml['name']}" # Get all deployments for the given selector deployment_json = `kubectl get deployment -l #{selector} -o json --namespace=#{yy.namespace}` deployments = JSON.parse(deployment_json) if deployments["items"].any? deployments["items"].each do |deployment| deployment_name = deployment["metadata"]["name"] puts "Waiting for deployment #{deployment_name} to roll out..." rollout_success = kubectl("rollout status deployment/#{deployment_name} --timeout=#{timeout}s") if rollout_success puts "Deployment #{deployment_name} successfully rolled out." else puts "Deployment #{deployment_name} failed to roll out within the specified timeout." end success &= rollout_success end else puts "No deployments found for selector: #{selector}" success = false end if success puts "All deployments successfully rolled out." else puts "One or more deployments failed to roll out successfully." end exit(success ? 0 : 1) end def image_exists?(full_image_name) # return 0 if image exists 1 if not cmd = "docker manifest inspect #{full_image_name} > /dev/null ; echo $?" say "Looking for images with #{cmd}" existing = `#{cmd}`.strip existing == "0" end def cmd_build(force: false, checkonly: false) rev = get_current_sha say "This repo is at rev: #{rev}" uncommitted_changes = !`git diff-index HEAD --`.empty? if uncommitted_changes say "FYI! There are uncommitted changes." continue = agree("Continue anyway?") if continue say "carrying on and pushing local code to #{rev}" else return false end end full_image_name = "#{container_repository}/#{image_name}:#{rev}" unless force if image_exists?(full_image_name) say "Found image #{full_image_name} already, skipping prebuild, build & push" return true else say "No image #{full_image_name} present" end return if checkonly end say "No image #{full_image_name} present, building" prebuild = @application_yaml["prebuild"] || "" if prebuild.empty? say "No prebuild task" else say "Prebuild, running system(#{prebuild})" result = system(prebuild) if result say 'Pfab prebuild success' else say "Pfab prebuild did not return success. Exiting" return false end end build_cmd = "docker buildx build -t #{image_name} --platform linux/amd64 #{build_args} ." puts build_cmd result = system(build_cmd) puts "Build Result #{result}" if result puts_and_system "docker tag #{image_name}:latest #{image_name}:#{rev}" puts_and_system "docker tag #{image_name}:#{rev} #{full_image_name}" puts_and_system "docker push #{container_repository}/#{image_name}:#{rev}" return true else say "Build Did Not Succeed" return false end end def yy all_runnables, application_yaml: @application_yaml, application_yaml_hash: @application_yaml_hash, env: $env, sha: get_current_sha, image_name: image_name, config: config ) end def cmd_generate_yaml wrote = yy.generate(deployables.keys) puts "Generated #{wrote}" end def deployed_name(app) [app[:application], app[:deployable_type], app[:deployable]].join("-") end def get_current_sha `git rev-parse --short=8 --verify HEAD`.chomp end def set_kube_context str = "kubectl config use-context #{config["envs"][$env.to_s]["context"]}" puts_and_system str end def image_name @application_yaml["name"] end def build_args args = @application_yaml["build_args"] || [] if args.any? return{|a| "--build-arg #{a}=$#{a}"}.join(" ") end "" end def container_repository @_container_repository ||= config["container.repository"] end def config @_config ||= YAML.load(, ".pfab.yaml"))) end def kubectl(cmd, post_cmd = "") result = puts_and_system("kubectl #{cmd} --namespace=#{yy.namespace} #{post_cmd}") result == true end def puts_and_system(cmd) puts cmd if $dryrun puts "dry run, didn't run that" true else system(cmd) end end def deployables @_deployables ||= calculate_runnables("deployables") end def run_locals @_rl ||= calculate_runnables("run_locals") end def all_runnables deployables.merge(run_locals) end def calculate_runnables(runnable_type) application = @application_yaml["name"] apps = {} (@application_yaml[runnable_type] || []).each do |deployable, dep| deployable_type = dep["type"] app_name = [application, deployable_type, deployable].join("-") apps[app_name] = { application: application, deployable: deployable, deployable_type: deployable_type, command: dep["command"], } end apps end def get_first_pod(app) if get_pods(app)["items"].empty? raise "There are no running pods for #{app}" end get_pods(app)["items"][0]["metadata"]["name"] end def get_pods(app) get_pods_str = "kubectl get pods -o json -l deployed-name=#{app} --namespace=#{yy.namespace}" pods_str = `#{get_pods_str}` JSON.parse(pods_str) end def get_app_name(all: false, include_run_locals: false) return $app_name unless $app_name.nil? apps = deployables.keys apps.concat(run_locals.keys) if include_run_locals apps << "all" if all $app_name = choose("which app?", *apps) end def get_apps name = get_app_name(all: true) (name == "all") ? deployables.keys : [name] end end end