require 'bundler/inline' #require only what you need gemfile(true) do gem 'timescaledb', path: '../..' gem 'pry' gem 'faker' end require 'timescaledb' require 'pp' require 'pry' # ruby all_in_one.rb postgres://user:pass@host:port/db_name ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( ARGV.last) # Simple example class Event < ActiveRecord::Base self.primary_key = nil acts_as_hypertable end # Setup Hypertable as in a migration ActiveRecord::Base.connection.instance_exec do ActiveRecord::Base.logger = drop_table(:events, cascade: true) if Event.table_exists? hypertable_options = { time_column: 'created_at', chunk_time_interval: '1 day', compress_segmentby: 'identifier', compression_interval: '7 days' } create_table(:events, id: false, hypertable: hypertable_options) do |t| t.string :identifier, null: false t.jsonb :payload t.timestamps end end # Create some data just to see how it works 1.times do Event.transaction do Event.create identifier: "sign_up", payload: {"name" => "Eon"} Event.create identifier: "login", payload: {"email" => ""} Event.create identifier: "click", payload: {"user" => "eon", "path" => "/install/timescaledb"} Event.create identifier: "scroll", payload: {"user" => "eon", "path" => "/install/timescaledb"} Event.create identifier: "logout", payload: {"email" => ""} end end def generate_fake_data(total: 100_000) time = 1.month.ago total.times.flat_map do identifier = %w[sign_up login click scroll logout view] time = time + rand(60).seconds { created_at: time, updated_at: time, identifier: identifier.sample, payload: { "name" =>, "email" => } } end end def supress_logs ActiveRecord::Base.logger =nil yield ActiveRecord::Base.logger = end batch = generate_fake_data total: 10_000 supress_logs do Event.insert_all(batch, returning: false) end # Now let's see what we have in the scopes # => {"login"=>2, "click"=>1, "logout"=>1, "sign_up"=>1, "scroll"=>1} puts "compressing #{ Event.chunks.count }" Event.chunks.first.compress! puts "detailed size" pp Event.hypertable.detailed_size puts "compression stats" pp Event.hypertable.compression_stats puts "decompressing" Event.chunks.first.decompress! Pry.start