# Rakefile for facter # We need access to the Puppet.version method $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.expand_path("lib")) require 'facter/version' $LOAD_PATH << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'tasks') begin require 'rubygems' require 'rspec' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' require 'rcov' rescue LoadError end require 'rake' Dir['tasks/**/*.rake'].each { |t| load t } Dir['ext/packaging/tasks/**/*'].sort.each { |t| load t } build_defs_file = 'ext/build_defaults.yaml' if File.exist?(build_defs_file) begin require 'yaml' @build_defaults ||= YAML.load_file(build_defs_file) rescue Exception => e STDERR.puts "Unable to load yaml from #{build_defs_file}:" STDERR.puts e end @packaging_url = @build_defaults['packaging_url'] @packaging_repo = @build_defaults['packaging_repo'] raise "Could not find packaging url in #{build_defs_file}" if @packaging_url.nil? raise "Could not find packaging repo in #{build_defs_file}" if @packaging_repo.nil? namespace :package do desc "Bootstrap packaging automation, e.g. clone into packaging repo" task :bootstrap do if File.exist?("ext/#{@packaging_repo}") puts "It looks like you already have ext/#{@packaging_repo}. If you don't like it, blow it away with package:implode." else cd 'ext' do %x{git clone #{@packaging_url}} end end end desc "Remove all cloned packaging automation" task :implode do rm_rf "ext/#{@packaging_repo}" end end end task :default do sh %{rake -T} end if defined?(RSpec::Core::RakeTask) desc "Run all specs" RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new do |t| t.pattern ='spec/{unit,integration}/**/*_spec.rb' t.fail_on_error = true end RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new('spec:rcov') do |t| t.pattern ='spec/{unit,integration}/**/*_spec.rb' t.fail_on_error = true if defined?(Rcov) t.rcov = true t.rcov_opts = ['--exclude', 'spec/*,test/*,results/*,/usr/lib/*,/usr/local/lib/*,gems/*'] end end end