module LD::Patch::Algebra ## # The LD Patch `bind` operator. # # The Bind operation is used to bind a single term to a variable. # # @example simple value to variable binding # Bind ?x . #=> # (bind ?x ()) # # @example constant path (filter-forward.ldpatch) # Bind ?x / . #=> # (bind ?x ()) # # @example list index (path-at.ldpatch) # Bind ?x / 1 . #=> # (bind ?x ((index 1))) # # @example reverse (path-backward.ldpath) # Bind ?x / ^ . #=> # (bind ?x ((reverse ))) # # @example constraint (path-filter-equal.ldpatch) # Bind ?x / [ / = "b" ] . #=> # (bind ?x ( # # (constraint () "b"))) # # @example constraint (path-filter.ldpatch) # Bind ?x / [ / ] . #=> # (bind ?x ( # # (constraint ()))) # # @example starting with a literal # Bind ?x "a" / ^ / ^ . #=> # (bind ?x "a" ( # (reverse ) # (reverse ))) # # @example unicity (path-unicity.ldpath) # Bind ?x / ! . #=> # SELECT ?x # WHERE { ?x} # GROUP BY ?x # HAVING COUNT(?x) = 1 # (bind ?x ?0 # ((pattern ??0) # (unique ??0))) class Bind < SPARQL::Algebra::Operator::Ternary include SPARQL::Algebra::Query include SPARQL::Algebra::Evaluatable NAME = :bind ## # Maps the value to a single output term by executing the path and updates `bindings` with `var` set to that output term # # @param [RDF::Queryable] queryable # the graph or repository to write # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # any additional options # @option options [RDF::Query::Solutions] :bindings # @return [RDF::Query::Solutions] A single solution including passed bindings with `var` bound to the solution. # @raise [Error] # If path does not evaluate to a single term or if unbound variables are used. # @see def execute(queryable, options = {}) debug(options) {"Bind"} bindings = options.fetch(:bindings) solution = bindings.first var, value, path = operands # Bind variables to path if value.variable? raise"Operand uses unbound variable #{value.inspect}", code: 400) unless solution.bound?(value) value = solution[value] end path = path.dup.replace_vars! do |v| raise Error, "Operand uses unbound variable #{v.inspect}" unless solution.bound?(v) solution[v] end results = path.execute(queryable, terms: [value]) raise LD::Patch::Error, "Bind path bound to #{results.length} terms, expected just one" unless results.length == 1 [solution.merge(var.to_sym => results.first.path)] end end end