# # ActiveFacts tests: Test the CQL parser by looking at its parse trees. # Copyright (c) 2008 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # require 'activefacts/support' require 'activefacts/api/support' require 'activefacts/input/cql' require 'set' describe "Sample data" do SamplePrefix = %q{ vocabulary V; Company Name is written as String; Date is written as Date; Company is identified by its Name; Person is identified by its Name where Person is called Person Name; Directorship is where Company is directed by Person; Directorship began on appointment-Date; } GoodSamples = [ [ # A simple ValueType instance "Company Name 'Microsoft';", [{:facts=>Set[], :instances=>Set["Company Name 'Microsoft'"]}] ], [ # Re-assert the same instance "Company Name 'Microsoft'; Company Name 'Microsoft';", [{:facts=>Set[], :instances=>Set["Company Name 'Microsoft'"]}] ], [ # The same instance, but in a named population "example: Company Name 'Microsoft';", [{:facts=>Set[], :instances=>Set["Company Name 'Microsoft'"]}] ], [ # A simply-identified EntityType instance "Company 'Microsoft';", [{:facts=>Set["Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'"], :instances=>Set["Company is identified by Company Name where Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Company Name 'Microsoft'"]}] ], [ # Re-assert the same instance "Company 'Microsoft'; Company 'Microsoft';", [{:facts=>Set["Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'"], :instances=>Set["Company is identified by Company Name where Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Company Name 'Microsoft'"]}] ], [ # The same instance in a named population "example: Company 'Microsoft';", [{:facts=>Set["Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'"], :instances=>Set["Company is identified by Company Name where Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Company Name 'Microsoft'"]}] ], [ # The Company instance asserted with an explicit identifying fact "Company has Company Name 'Microsoft';", [{:facts=>Set["Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'"], :instances=>Set["Company is identified by Company Name where Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Company Name 'Microsoft'"]}] ], [ # The Company instance asserted with an joined identifying instance "Company has Company Name, Company Name 'Microsoft';", [{:facts=>Set["Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'"], :instances=>Set["Company is identified by Company Name where Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Company Name 'Microsoft'"]}] ], [ # The same, with an explicit identifying instance join "Company Name 'Microsoft', Company has Company Name;", [{:facts=>Set["Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'"], :instances=>Set["Company is identified by Company Name where Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Company Name 'Microsoft'"]}] ], [ # A simple fact instance with two simply-identified entities "Company 'Microsoft' is directed by Person 'Gates';", [{:facts=>Set["Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Company is directed by Person", "Person is called Person Name 'Gates'"], :instances=>Set["Company is identified by Company Name where Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Directorship where Company is directed by Person", "Person is identified by Person Name where Person is called Person Name 'Gates'", "Person Name 'Gates'"]}] ], [ # Same with an explicit joined fact "Company 'Microsoft' is directed by Person, Person is called Person Name 'Gates';", [{:facts=>Set["Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Company is directed by Person", "Person is called Person Name 'Gates'"], :instances=>Set["Company is identified by Company Name where Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Directorship where Company is directed by Person", "Person is identified by Person Name where Person is called Person Name 'Gates'", "Person Name 'Gates'"]}] ], [ # Same with explicitly joined facts and instances "Company is directed by Person, Person is called Person Name, Person Name 'Gates', Company has Company Name, Company Name 'Microsoft';", [{:facts=>Set["Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Company is directed by Person", "Person is called Person Name 'Gates'"], :instances=>Set["Company is identified by Company Name where Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Directorship where Company is directed by Person", "Person is identified by Person Name where Person is called Person Name 'Gates'", "Person Name 'Gates'"]}] ], [ # Same in a named population "example: Company is directed by Person, Person is called Person Name, Person Name 'Gates', Company has Company Name, Company Name 'Microsoft';", [{:facts=>Set["Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Company is directed by Person", "Person is called Person Name 'Gates'"], :instances=>Set["Company is identified by Company Name where Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Directorship where Company is directed by Person", "Person is identified by Person Name where Person is called Person Name 'Gates'", "Person Name 'Gates'"]}] ], # Objectification examples [ "Directorship (where Company 'Microsoft' is directed by Person 'Gates');", [{:facts=>Set["Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Company is directed by Person", "Person is called Person Name 'Gates'"], :instances=>Set["Person is identified by Person Name where Person is called Person Name 'Gates'", "Company is identified by Company Name where Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Directorship where Company is directed by Person", "Person Name 'Gates'"]}] ], [ "Directorship (where Company 'Microsoft' is directed by Person 'Gates') began on appointment Date '20/02/1981';", [{:facts=>Set["Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Company is directed by Person", "Directorship began on appointment-Date '20/02/1981'", "Person is called Person Name 'Gates'"], :instances=>Set["Person is identified by Person Name where Person is called Person Name 'Gates'", "Company is identified by Company Name where Company has Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Company Name 'Microsoft'", "Directorship where Company is directed by Person", "Person Name 'Gates'", "Date '20/02/1981'"]}] ], ] BadSamples = [ [ "Company Name", "Company Name", ], [ "foo: Company Name", "Company Name", ], [ # Omit the company name: "example: Company is directed by Person, Person is called Person Name, Person Name 'Gates', Company has Company Name;", [ "Company (lacking Company Name)", "Company Name (needs a value)" ] ], ] # REVISIT: This code does a better job than verbalise. Consider incorporating it? def instance_name(i) if i.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::Fact) fact = i reading = fact.fact_type.preferred_reading reading_roles = reading.role_sequence.all_role_ref.sort_by{|rr| rr.ordinal}.map{|rr| rr.role } role_values_in_reading_order = fact.all_role_value.sort_by{|rv| reading_roles.index(rv.role) } instance_verbalisations = role_values_in_reading_order.map do |rv| next nil unless v = rv.instance.value v.to_s end return reading.expand([], false, instance_verbalisations) # REVISIT: Include the instance_names of all role players end if i.object_type.is_a?(ActiveFacts::Metamodel::ValueType) return "#{i.object_type.name} #{i.value}" end if i.object_type.fact_type # An instance of an objectified fact type return "#{i.object_type.name} where #{instance_name(i.fact)}" end # It's an entity that's not an objectified fact type # REVISIT: If it has a simple identifier, there's no need to fully verbalise the identifying facts pi = i.object_type.preferred_identifier identifying_role_refs = pi.role_sequence.all_role_ref.sort_by{|rr| rr.ordinal} return "#{i.object_type.name}" + " is identified by " + identifying_role_refs.map do |rr| [ (l = rr.leading_adjective) ? l+"-" : nil, rr.role.role_name || rr.role.object_type.name, (t = rr.trailing_adjective) ? l+"-" : nil ].compact*"" end * " and " + " where " + identifying_role_refs.map do |rr| # Go through the identifying roles and emit the facts that define them instance_role = i.object_type.all_role.detect{|r| r.fact_type == rr.role.fact_type} identifying_fact = i.all_role_value.detect{|rv| rv.fact.fact_type == rr.role.fact_type}.fact #counterpart_role = (rr.role.fact_type.all_role.to_a-[instance_role])[0] #identifying_instance = counterpart_role.all_role_value.detect{|rv| rv.fact == identifying_fact}.instance instance_name(identifying_fact) end*", " end def instance_data(populations) populations = @vocabulary.constellation.Population populations.keys.sort.map do |popname| popvalue = populations[popname] { :instances => Set[*popvalue.all_instance.map { |i| instance_name(i) }], :facts => Set[*popvalue.all_fact.map { |fact| instance_name(fact) }] } end end # []. GoodSamples. each do |c| source, expected = *Array(c) it "should handle #{source.inspect}" do @text = SamplePrefix+source #pending if expected == [:pending] exception = nil lambda do begin @vocabulary = ActiveFacts::Input::CQL.readstring(@text) rescue => exception if debug :exception puts "#{exception.message}" puts "\t#{exception.backtrace*"\n\t"}" end raise end end.should_not raise_error result = instance_data(@vocabulary) if expected result[0].should == expected[0] else pending "#{source}:\n\t#{result.inspect}" end end it "should de-duplicate #{source.inspect}" do # Make sure you don't get anything duplicated @text = SamplePrefix+source+source #pending if expected == [:pending] exception = nil lambda do begin @vocabulary = ActiveFacts::Input::CQL.readstring(@text) rescue => exception if debug :exception puts "#{exception.message}" puts "\t#{exception.backtrace*"\n\t"}" end raise end end.should_not raise_error result = instance_data(@vocabulary) result[0].should == expected[0] end end BadSamples.each do |c| source, missing = *Array(c) it "should detect missing joins in #{source.inspect}" do @text = SamplePrefix+source lambda do begin @vocabulary = ActiveFacts::Input::CQL.readstring(@text) rescue => @exception raise end end.should raise_error if missing Array(missing).each do |m| @exception.message.should =~ (m.is_a?(Regexp) ? m : Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(m))) end else pending "raised #{@exception}" end end end end