# DatadogAPIClient::V1::FormulaAndFunctionApmDependencyStatsQueryDefinition ## Properties | Name | Type | Description | Notes | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- | | **data_source** | [**FormulaAndFunctionApmDependencyStatsDataSource**](FormulaAndFunctionApmDependencyStatsDataSource.md) | | | | **env** | **String** | APM environment. | | | **is_upstream** | **Boolean** | Determines whether stats for upstream or downstream dependencies should be queried. | [optional] | | **name** | **String** | Name of query to use in formulas. | | | **operation_name** | **String** | Name of operation on service. | | | **primary_tag_name** | **String** | The name of the second primary tag used within APM; required when `primary_tag_value` is specified. See https://docs.datadoghq.com/tracing/guide/setting_primary_tags_to_scope/#add-a-second-primary-tag-in-datadog. | [optional] | | **primary_tag_value** | **String** | Filter APM data by the second primary tag. `primary_tag_name` must also be specified. | [optional] | | **resource_name** | **String** | APM resource. | | | **service** | **String** | APM service. | | | **stat** | [**FormulaAndFunctionApmDependencyStatName**](FormulaAndFunctionApmDependencyStatName.md) | | | ## Example ```ruby require 'datadog_api_client/v1' instance = DatadogAPIClient::V1::FormulaAndFunctionApmDependencyStatsQueryDefinition.new( data_source: null, env: staging, is_upstream: false, name: query_errors, operation_name: cassandra.query, primary_tag_name: datacenter, primary_tag_value: staging, resource_name: DELETE FROM foo WHERE baz = ?, service: cassandra, stat: null ) ```