# This file is part of Metasm, the Ruby assembly manipulation suite # Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Yoann GUILLOT # # Licence is LGPL, see LICENCE in the top-level directory require 'metasm/cpu/cy16/opcodes' require 'metasm/decode' module Metasm class CY16 def build_opcode_bin_mask(op) # bit = 0 if can be mutated by an field value, 1 if fixed by opcode op.bin_mask = 0 op.fields.each { |f, off| op.bin_mask |= (@fields_mask[f] << off) } op.bin_mask ^= 0xffff end def build_bin_lookaside # sets up a hash byte value => list of opcodes that may match # opcode.bin_mask is built here lookaside = Array.new(256) { [] } opcode_list.each { |op| build_opcode_bin_mask op b = (op.bin >> 8) & 0xff msk = (op.bin_mask >> 8) & 0xff for i in b..(b | (255^msk)) lookaside[i] << op if i & msk == b & msk end } lookaside end def decode_findopcode(edata) di = DecodedInstruction.new self return if edata.ptr+2 > edata.length bin = edata.decode_imm(:u16, @endianness) edata.ptr -= 2 return di if di.opcode = @bin_lookaside[(bin >> 8) & 0xff].find { |op| bin & op.bin_mask == op.bin & op.bin_mask } end def decode_instr_op_r(val, edata) bw = ((val & 0b1000) > 0 ? 1 : 2) case val & 0b11_0000 when 0b00_0000 Reg.new(val) when 0b01_0000 if val == 0b01_1111 Expression[edata.decode_imm(:u16, @endianness)] else Memref.new(Reg.new(8+(val&7)), nil, bw) end when 0b10_0000 if val & 7 == 7 Memref.new(nil, edata.decode_imm(:u16, @endianness), bw) else Memref.new(Reg.new(8+(val&7)), nil, bw, true) end when 0b11_0000 Memref.new(Reg.new(8+(val&7)), edata.decode_imm(:u16, @endianness), bw) end end def decode_instr_op(edata, di) before_ptr = edata.ptr op = di.opcode di.instruction.opname = op.name bin = edata.decode_imm(:u16, @endianness) field_val = lambda { |f| if off = op.fields[f] (bin >> off) & @fields_mask[f] end } op.args.each { |a| di.instruction.args << case a when :rs, :rd; decode_instr_op_r(field_val[a], edata) when :o7; Expression[2*Expression.make_signed(field_val[a], 7)] when :x7; Expression[field_val[a]] when :u3; Expression[field_val[a]+1] else raise SyntaxError, "Internal error: invalid argument #{a} in #{op.name}" end } di.instruction.args.reverse! di.bin_length += edata.ptr - before_ptr di rescue InvalidRD end def decode_instr_interpret(di, addr) if di.opcode.props[:setip] and di.opcode.args.last == :o7 delta = di.instruction.args.last.reduce arg = Expression[[addr, :+, di.bin_length], :+, delta].reduce di.instruction.args[-1] = Expression[arg] end di end # populate the @backtrace_binding hash with default values def init_backtrace_binding @backtrace_binding ||= {} mask = 0xffff opcode_list.map { |ol| ol.basename }.uniq.sort.each { |op| binding = case op when 'mov'; lambda { |di, a0, a1| { a0 => Expression[a1] } } when 'add', 'adc', 'sub', 'sbc', 'and', 'xor', 'or', 'addi', 'subi' lambda { |di, a0, a1| e_op = { 'add' => :+, 'adc' => :+, 'sub' => :-, 'sbc' => :-, 'and' => :&, 'xor' => :^, 'or' => :|, 'addi' => :+, 'subi' => :- }[op] ret = Expression[a0, e_op, a1] ret = Expression[ret, e_op, :flag_c] if op == 'adc' or op == 'sbb' # optimises eax ^ eax => 0 # avoid hiding memory accesses (to not hide possible fault) ret = Expression[ret.reduce] if not a0.kind_of? Indirection { a0 => ret } } when 'cmp', 'test'; lambda { |di, *a| {} } when 'not'; lambda { |di, a0| { a0 => Expression[a0, :^, mask] } } when 'call' lambda { |di, a0| { :sp => Expression[:sp, :-, 2], Indirection[:sp, 2, di.address] => Expression[di.next_addr] } } when 'ret'; lambda { |di, *a| { :sp => Expression[:sp, :+, 2] } } # TODO callCC, retCC ... when /^j/; lambda { |di, *a| {} } end # TODO flags ? @backtrace_binding[op] ||= binding if binding } @backtrace_binding end def get_backtrace_binding(di) a = di.instruction.args.map { |arg| case arg when Memref, Reg; arg.symbolic(di) else arg end } if binding = backtrace_binding[di.opcode.basename] bd = {} di.instruction.args.each { |aa| bd[aa.base.symbolic] = Expression[aa.base.symbolic, :+, aa.sz] if aa.kind_of?(Memref) and aa.autoincr } bd.update binding[di, *a] else puts "unhandled instruction to backtrace: #{di}" if $VERBOSE # assume nothing except the 1st arg is modified case a[0] when Indirection, Symbol; { a[0] => Expression::Unknown } when Expression; (x = a[0].externals.first) ? { x => Expression::Unknown } : {} else {} end.update(:incomplete_binding => Expression[1]) end end # patch a forward binding from the backtrace binding def fix_fwdemu_binding(di, fbd) case di.opcode.name when 'call'; fbd[Indirection[[:sp, :-, 2], 2]] = fbd.delete(Indirection[:sp, 2]) end fbd end def get_xrefs_x(dasm, di) return [] if not di.opcode.props[:setip] return [Indirection[:sp, 2, di.address]] if di.opcode.name =~ /^r/ case tg = di.instruction.args.first when Memref; [Expression[tg.symbolic(di)]] when Reg; [Expression[tg.symbolic(di)]] when Expression, ::Integer; [Expression[tg]] else puts "unhandled setip at #{di.address} #{di.instruction}" if $DEBUG [] end end # checks if expr is a valid return expression matching the :saveip instruction def backtrace_is_function_return(expr, di=nil) expr = Expression[expr].reduce_rec expr.kind_of?(Indirection) and expr.len == 2 and expr.target == Expression[:sp] end # updates the function backtrace_binding # if the function is big and no specific register is given, do nothing (the binding will be lazily updated later, on demand) def backtrace_update_function_binding(dasm, faddr, f, retaddrlist, *wantregs) b = f.backtrace_binding bt_val = lambda { |r| next if not retaddrlist b[r] = Expression::Unknown bt = [] retaddrlist.each { |retaddr| bt |= dasm.backtrace(Expression[r], retaddr, :include_start => true, :snapshot_addr => faddr, :origin => retaddr) } if bt.length != 1 b[r] = Expression::Unknown else b[r] = bt.first end } if not wantregs.empty? wantregs.each(&bt_val) else bt_val[:sp] end b end # returns true if the expression is an address on the stack def backtrace_is_stack_address(expr) Expression[expr].expr_externals.include?(:sp) end # updates an instruction's argument replacing an expression with another (eg label renamed) def replace_instr_arg_immediate(i, old, new) i.args.map! { |a| case a when Expression; a == old ? new : Expression[a.bind(old => new).reduce] when Memref a.offset = (a.offset == old ? new : Expression[a.offset.bind(old => new).reduce]) if a.offset a else a end } end end end