module Numerals # # * insignificant_digit : symbol to represent insignificant digits; # use nil (the default) to omit insignificant digits and 0 # for a zero digit. Insignificant digits are digits which, in an # approximate value, are not determined: they could change to any # other digit and the approximated value would be the same. # # * repeating : (boolean) support repeating decimals? # class Format::Symbols < FormattingAspect class Digits < FormattingAspect DEFAULT_DIGITS = %w(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) def initialize(*args) @digits = DEFAULT_DIGITS @downcase_digits = @max_base = @digits.size @case_sensitive = false @uppercase = false @lowercase = false set! *args end include ModalSupport::StateEquivalent set do |*args| options = extract_options(*args) options.each do |option, value| send :"#{option}=", value end end attr_reader :digits_string, :max_base, :case_sensitive, :uppercase, :lowercase attr_writer :case_sensitive def digits(options = {}) base = options[:base] || @max_base if base >= @max_base @digits else @digits[0, base] end end def digits=(digits) if digits.is_a?(String) @digits = digits.each_char.to_a else @digits = digits end @max_base = @digits.size @lowercase = @digits.all? { |d| d.downcase == d } @uppercase = @digits.all? { |d| d.upcase == d } @downcase_digits = if @digits.uniq.size != @max_base raise "Inconsistent digits" end end def uppercase=(v) @uppercase = v self.digits = if v end def lowercase=(v) @lowercase = v self.digits = if v end def case_sensitive? case_sensitive end def is_digit?(digit_symbol, options={}) base = options[:base] || @max_base raise "Invalid base" if base > @max_base v = digit_value(digit_symbol) v && v < base end def digit_value(digit) if @case_sensitive @digits.index(digit) else @downcase_digits.index(digit.downcase) end end def digit_symbol(v, options={}) base = options[:base] || @max_base raise "Invalid base" if base > @max_base v >= 0 && v < base ? @digits[v] : nil end # Convert sequence of digits to its text representation. # The nil value can be used in the digits sequence to # represent the group separator. def digits_text(digit_values, options={}) insignificant_digits = options[:insignificant_digits] || 0 num_digits = digit_values.reduce(0) { |num, digit| digit.nil? ? num : num + 1 } num_digits -= insignificant_digits { |d| if d.nil? options[:separator] else num_digits -= 1 if num_digits >= 0 digit_symbol(d, options) else options[:insignificant_symbol] end end }.join end def parameters params = {} params[:digits] = @digits params[:case_sensitive] = @case_sensitive params[:uppercase] = @uppercase params[:lowercase] = @lowercase params end def to_s # TODO: show only non-defaults "Digits[#{parameters.inspect.unwrap('{}')}]" end def inspect "Format::Symbols::#{self}" end def dup Digits[parameters] end private def extract_options(*args) options = {} args = args.first if args.size == 1 && args.first.kind_of?(Array) args.each do |arg| case arg when Hash options.merge! arg when String, Array options[:digits] = arg when Format::Symbols::Digits options.merge! arg.parameters else raise "Invalid Symbols::Digits definition" end end options end end DEFAULTS = { nan: 'NaN', infinity: 'Infinity', plus: '+', minus: '-', exponent: 'e', point: '.', group_separator: ',', zero: nil, repeat_begin: '<', repeat_end: '>', repeat_suffix: '...', #repeat_detect: false, show_plus: false, show_exponent_plus: false, uppercase: false, lowercase: false, show_zero: true, show_point: false, repeat_delimited: false, repeat_count: 3, grouping: [], insignificant_digit: nil, repeating: true } def initialize(*args) DEFAULTS.each do |param, value| instance_variable_set "@#{param}", value end # @digits is a mutable Object, so we don't want # to set it from DEFAULTS (which would share the # default Digits among all Symbols) @digits = Format::Symbols::Digits[] # TODO: justification/padding # width, adjust_mode (left, right, internal), fill_symbol # TODO: base_suffixes, base_preffixes, show_base set! *args end # TODO: transmit uppercase/lowercase to digits attr_reader :digits, :nan, :infinity, :plus, :minus, :exponent, :point, :group_separator, :zero, :insignificant_digit attr_reader :repeat_begin, :repeat_end, :repeat_suffix, :repeat_delimited attr_reader :show_plus, :show_exponent_plus, :uppercase, :lowercase, :show_zero, :show_point attr_reader :grouping, :repeat_count, :repeating attr_writer :uppercase, :lowercase, :nan, :infinity, :plus, :minus, :exponent, :point, :group_separator, :zero, :repeat_begin, :repeat_end, :repeat_suffix, :show_plus, :show_exponent_plus, :show_zero, :show_point, :repeat_delimited, :repeat_count, :grouping, :insignificant_digit, :repeating include ModalSupport::StateEquivalent def positive_infinity txt = "" txt << @plus if @show_plus txt << @infinity txt end def negative_infinity txt = "" txt << @minus txt << @infinity txt end def zero if @zero @zero else @digits.digit_symbol(0) end end def grouping? !@grouping.empty? && @group_separator && !@group_separator.empty? end set do |*args| options = extract_options(*args) options.each do |option, value| if option == :digits @digits.set! value else send :"#{option}=", value end end apply_case! end attr_writer :digits, :nan, :infinity, :plus, :minus, :exponent, :point, :group_separator, :zero, :repeat_begin, :repeat_end, :repeat_suffix, :show_plus, :show_exponent_plus, :uppercase, :show_zero, :show_point, :grouping, :repeat_count aspect :repeat do |*args| # TODO accept hash :begin, :end, :suffix, ... end aspect :grouping do |*args| args.each do |arg| case arg when Symbol if arg == :thousands @groups = [3] end when String @group_separator = arg when Array @groups = groups end end end def case_sensitive @digits.case_sensitive end def case_sensitive? @digits.case_sensitive end def case_sensitive=(v) @digits.set! case_sensitive: v end aspect :group_thousands do |sep = nil| @group_separator = sep if sep @grouping = [3] end aspect :signs do |plus, minus| @plus = plus @minus = minus end aspect :plus do |plus, which = nil| case plus when nil, false case which when :exponent, :exp @show_exponent_plus = false when :both, :all @show_plus = @show_exponent_plus = false else @show_plus = false end when true case which when :exponent, :exp @show_exponent_plus = true when :both, :all @show_plus = @show_exponent_plus = true else @show_plus = true end when :both, :all @show_plus = @show_exponent_plus = true when :exponent, :exp @show_exponent_plus = true else @plus = plus case which when :exponent, :exp @show_exponent_plus = true when :both, :all @show_plus = @show_exponent_plus = true else @show_plus = true end end end aspect :minus do |minus| @minus = minus end def parameters(abbreviated=false) params = {} DEFAULTS.each do |param, default| value = instance_variable_get("@#{param}") if !abbreviated || value != default params[param] = value end end if !abbreviated || @digits != Format::Symbols::Digits[] params[:digits] = @digits end params end def to_s "Digits[#{parameters(true).inspect.unwrap('{}')}]" end def inspect "Format::Symbols::#{self}" end def dup Format::Symbols[parameters] end # Group digits (inserting nil values as separators) def group_digits(digits) if grouping? grouped = [] i = 0 while digits.size > 0 l = @grouping[i] l = digits.size if l > digits.size grouped = [nil] + grouped if grouped.size > 0 grouped = digits[-l, l] + grouped digits = digits[0, digits.length - l] i += 1 if i < @grouping.size - 1 end grouped else digits end end def digits_text(digit_values, options={}) if options[:with_grouping] digit_values = group_digits(digit_values) end insignificant_symbol = @insignificant_digit insignificant_symbol = zero if insignificant_symbol == 0 @digits.digits_text( digit_values, options.merge( separator: @group_separator, insignificant_symbol: insignificant_symbol ) ) end # Generate a regular expression to match any of the passed symbols. # # symbols.regexp(:nan, :plus, :minus) #=> "(NaN|+|-)" # # The special symbol :digits can also be passed to generate all the digits, # in which case the :base option can be used to generate digits # only for some base smaller than the maximum defined for digits. # # symbols.regexp(:digits, :point, base: 10) # => "(0|1|...|9)" # # The option :no_capture can be used to avoid generating a capturing # group; otherwise the result is captured group (surrounded by parenthesis) # # symbols.regexp(:digits, no_capture: true) # => "(?:...)" # # The :case_sensitivity option is used to generate a regular expression # that matches the case of the text as defined by ghe case_sensitive # attribute of the Symbols. If this option is used the result should not be # used in a case-insensitive regular expression (/.../i). # # /#{symbols.regexp(:digits, case_sensitivity: true)}/ # # If the options is not used, than the regular expression should be # be made case-insensitive according to the Symbols: # # if symbols.case_sensitive? # /#{symbols.regexp(:digits)}/ # else # /#{symbols.regexp(:digits)}/i # def regexp(*args) options = args.pop if args.last.is_a?(Hash) options ||= {} symbols = args digits = symbols.delete(:digits) grouped_digits = symbols.delete(:grouped_digits) symbols = { |s| send(s.to_sym) } if grouped_digits symbols += [group_separator, insignificant_digit] elsif digits symbols += [insignificant_digit] end if digits || grouped_digits symbols += @digits.digits(options) end regexp_group(symbols, options) end def digits_values(digits_text, options = {}) digit_pattern = regexp( :grouped_digits, options.merge(no_capture: true) ), !case_sensitive? ? Regexp::IGNORECASE : 0 ) digits_text.scan(digit_pattern).map { |digit| case digit when /\A#{regexp(:insignificant_digit, case_sensitivity: true)}\Z/ 0 when /\A#{regexp(:group_separator, case_sensitivity: true)}\Z/ nil else @digits.digit_value(digit) end }.compact end private def regexp_char(c, options = {}) c_upcase = c.upcase c_downcase = c.downcase if c_downcase != c_upcase && !case_sensitive? && options[:case_sensitivity] "(?:#{Regexp.escape(c_upcase)}|#{Regexp.escape(c_downcase)})" else Regexp.escape(c) end end def regexp_symbol(symbol, options = {}) { |c| regexp_char(c, options) }.join end def regexp_group(symbols, options = {}) capture = !options[:no_capture] symbols = Array(symbols) { |s| !s.empty? } .map{ |d| regexp_symbol(d, options) }.join('|') if capture "(#{symbols})" else "(?:#{symbols})" end end def extract_options(*args) options = {} args = args.first if args.size == 1 && args.first.kind_of?(Array) args.each do |arg| case arg when Hash options.merge! arg when Format::Symbols::Digits options[:digits] = arg when Format::Symbols options.merge! arg.parameters when :group_thousands options[:grouping] = [3] when :case_sensitive options[:case_sensitive] = true else raise "Invalid Symbols definition" end end options end def apply_case! if @uppercase @nan = @nan.upcase @infinity = @infinity.upcase @plus = @plus.upcase @exponent = @exponent.upcase @point = @point.upcase @group_separator = @group_separator.upcase @zero = @zero.upcase if @zero @repeat_begin = @repeat_begin.upcase @repeat_end = @repeat_end.upcase @repeat_suffix = @repeat_suffix.upcase @digits = @digits[uppercase: true] elsif @lowercase @nan = @nan.downcase @infinity = @infinity.downcase @plus = @plus.downcase @exponent = @exponent.downcase @point = @point.downcase @group_separator = @group_separator.downcase @zero = @zero.downcase if @zero @repeat_begin = @repeat_begin.downcase @repeat_end = @repeat_end.downcase @repeat_suffix = @repeat_suffix.downcase @digits = @digits[lowercase: true] end end def cased(symbol) @uppercase ? symbol.upcase : @lowercase ? symbol.downcase : symbol end end end