# # This system manages an extensible set of metadata about plugins which it # collects by searching for files named "plugin_init.rb" in a series of # directories. Initially, these are simply the $LOAD_PATH. # # The contents of each file found is executed in the context of a Puppet::Plugins # object (and thus scoped). An example file might contain: # # ------------------------------------------------------- # @name = "Greet the CA" # # @description = %q{ # This plugin causes a friendly greeting to print out on a master # that is operating as the CA, after it has been set up but before # it does anything. # } # # def after_application_setup(options) # if options[:application_object].is_a?(Puppet::Application::Master) && Puppet::SSL::CertificateAuthority.ca? # puts "Hey, this is the CA!" # end # end # ------------------------------------------------------- # # Note that the instance variables are local to this Puppet::Plugin (and so may be used # for maintaining state, etc.) but the plugin system does not provide any thread safety # assurances, so they may not be adequate for some complex use cases. module Puppet class Plugins Paths = [] # Where we might find plugin initialization code Loaded = [] # Code we have found (one-to-one with paths once searched) # # Return all the Puppet::Plugins we know about, searching any new paths # def self.known Paths[Loaded.length...Paths.length].each { |path| file = File.join(path,'plugin_init.rb') Loaded << (Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(file) && new(file)) } Loaded.compact end # # Add more places to look for plugins without adding duplicates or changing the # order of ones we've already found. # def self.look_in(*paths) Paths.replace Paths | paths.flatten.collect { |path| File.expand_path(path) } end # # Initially just look in $LOAD_PATH # look_in $LOAD_PATH # # Calling methods (hooks) on the class calls the method of the same name on # all plugins that use that hook, passing in the same arguments to each # and returning an array containing the results returned by each plugin as # an array of [plugin_name,result] pairs. # def self.method_missing(hook,*args,&block) known. select { |p| p.respond_to? hook }. collect { |p| [p.name,p.send(hook,*args,&block)] } end # # # attr_reader :path,:name def initialize(path) @name = @path = path class << self private def define_hooks eval File.read(path),nil,path,1 end end define_hooks end end end