## 2.3.0 - Added support for Postgres 12 beta 1 - Added methods and tasks for cleaning up stats - Dropped support for Rails < 5 ## 2.2.1 - Added `config_path` option - Fixed error with sequences when temporary tables - Fixed error when `config.action_controller.include_all_helpers = false` ## 2.2.0 - Added check for connections idle in transaction - Improved duplicate index logic to detect more duplicates - Don't report concurrent indexes in-progress as invalid on dashboard - Fixed error with large number of sequences - Bumped `total_connections_threshold` to 500 by default ## 2.1.1 - Added `explain_timeout_sec` option - Fixed error with unparsable sequences - Stopped throwing `Same sequence name in multiple schemas` error ## 2.1.0 - Fixed issue with sequences in different schema than table - No longer throw errors for unreadable sequences - Fixed replication lag for Amazon Aurora - Added `vacuum_progress` method ## 2.0.8 - Added support for Postgres 10 replicas - Added support for pg_query 1.0.0 - Show queries with insufficient privilege on live queries page - Default to table schema for sequences ## 2.0.7 - Fixed issue with sequences in different schema than table - Fixed query details when multiple users have same query hash - Fixed error with invalid indexes in non-public schema - Raise error when capture query stats fails ## 2.0.6 - More robust methods for multiple databases - Added support for `RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT` for Linux and Docker ## 2.0.5 - Fixed error with sequences in different schemas - Better advice ## 2.0.4 - Fixed `AssetNotPrecompiled` error - Do not silently ignore sequence danger when user does not have permissions ## 2.0.3 - Added SQL to recreate invalid indexes - Added unused index marker to Space page - Fixed `capture_query_stats` on Postgres < 9.4 ## 2.0.2 - Fixed error with suggested indexes - Fixed error with `pg_replication_slots` ## 2.0.1 - Fixed capture space stats ## 2.0.0 New features - Query details page - Added check for inactive replication slots - Added `table_sizes` method for full table sizes - Added syntax highlighting - Added `min_size` option to `analyze_tables` Breaking changes - Methods now return symbols for keys instead of strings - Methods raise `PgHero::NotEnabled` error when a feature isn’t enabled - Requires pg_query 0.9.0+ for suggested indexes - Historical query stats require the `pghero_query_stats` table to have `query_hash` and `user` columns - Removed `with` option - use: ```ruby PgHero.databases[:database2].running_queries ``` instead of ```ruby PgHero.with(:database2) { PgHero.running_queries } ``` - Removed options from `connection_sources` method - Removed `locks` method ## 1.7.0 - Fixed migrations for Rails 5.1+ - Added `analyze`, `analyze_tables`, and `analyze_all` methods - Added `pghero:analyze` rake task - Fixed system stats display issue ## 1.6.5 - Added support for Rails API - Added support for Amazon STS - Fixed replica check when `hot_standby = on` for primary ## 1.6.4 - Only show connection charts if there are connections - Fixed duplicate indexes for multiple schemas - Fixed display issue for queries without word break - Removed maintenance tab for replicas ## 1.6.3 - Added 10 second timeout for explain - No longer show autovacuum in long running queries - Added charts for connections - Added new config format - Removed Chartkick gem dependency for charts - Fixed error when primary database is not PostgreSQL ## 1.6.2 - Suggest GiST over GIN for `LIKE` queries again (seeing better performance) ## 1.6.1 - Suggest GIN over GiST for `LIKE` queries ## 1.6.0 - Removed mostly inactionable items (cache hit rate and index usage) - Restored duplicate indexes to homepage - Fixed issue with exact duplicate indexes - Way better `blocked_queries` method ## 1.5.3 - Fixed Rails 5 error with multiple databases - Fixed duplicate index detection with expressions ## 1.5.2 - Added support for PostgreSQL 9.6 - Fixed incorrect query start for live queries in transactions ## 1.5.1 - Better tune page for PostgreSQL 9.5 ## 1.5.0 - Added user to query stats (opt-in) - Added user to connection sources - Added `capture_space_stats` method and rake task - Added visualize button to explain page - Better charts for system stats ## 1.4.2 - Fixed `wrong constant name` error in development - Added different periods for system stats ## 1.4.1 - Removed external assets ## 1.4.0 - Updated for Rails 5 - Fixed error when `pg_stat_statements` not enabled in `shared_libaries` ## 1.3.2 - Improved performance of query stats ## 1.3.1 - Improved grouping of query stats - Added `blocked_queries` method ## 1.3.0 - Added query hash for better query stats grouping - Added sequence danger check - Added `capture_query_stats` option to config ## 1.2.4 - Fixed user methods ## 1.2.3 - Added schema to queries - Fixed deprecation warning on Rails 5 - Fix for pg_query >= 0.9.0 ## 1.2.2 - Better suggested indexes - Removed duplicate indexes noise - Fixed partial and expression indexes ## 1.2.1 - Better suggested indexes - Removed unused indexes noise - Removed autovacuum danger noise - Removed maintenance tab - Fixed suggested indexes for replicas - Fixed issue w/ suggested indexes where same table name exists in multiple schemas ## 1.2.0 - Added suggested indexes - Added duplicate indexes - Added maintenance tab - Added load stats for RDS - Added `table_caching` and `index_caching` methods - Added configurable cache hit rate threshold - Show all connections in connections tab ## 1.1.4 - Added check for transaction ID wraparound failure - Added check for autovacuum danger ## 1.1.3 - Fixed system stats ## 1.1.2 - Added invalid indexes - Fixed RDS stats for aws-sdk 2 ## 1.1.1 - Added `tables` option to `create_user` method - Added ability to sort query stats by average_time and calls - Only show unused indexes with no index scans in UI ## 1.1.0 - Added historical query stats ## 1.0.1 - Fixed connection bad errors - Restore previous connection properly for nested with blocks - Added analyze button to explain page - Added explain button to live queries page ## 1.0.0 - More platforms! - Support for multiple databases! - Added `replica?` method - Added `replication_lag` method - Added `ssl_used?` method - Added `kill_long_running_queries` method - Added env vars for settings ## 0.1.10 - Added connections page - Added message for insufficient privilege - Added `ip` to `connection_sources` ## 0.1.9 - Added tune page - Removed minimum size for unused indexes ## 0.1.8 - Added `total_percent` to `query_stats` - Added `total_connections` - Added `connection_stats` for Amazon RDS ## 0.1.7 - Added support for pg_stat_statments on Amazon RDS - Added `long_running_query_sec`, `slow_query_ms` and `slow_query_calls` options ## 0.1.6 - Added methods to create and drop users - Added locks ## 0.1.5 - Added system stats for Amazon RDS - Added code to remove unused indexes - Require unused indexes to be at least 1 MB - Use `pg_terminate_backend` to ensure queries are killed ## 0.1.4 - Reduced long running queries threshold to 1 minute - Fixed duration - Fixed wrapping - Friendlier dependencies for JRuby ## 0.1.3 - Reverted `query_stats_available?` fix ## 0.1.2 - Fixed `query_stats_available?` method ## 0.1.1 - Added explain - Added query stats - Fixed CSS issues ## 0.1.0 - First major release