require 'travis/client' require 'forwardable' require 'json' if require 'pusher-client' # it's us that has been loading pusher-client # so let's assume we can mess with it - yay for global state PusherClient.logger.level = 2 end module Travis module Client class Listener class Socket < PusherClient::Socket attr_accessor :session, :signatures def initialize(application_key, options = {}) @session = options.fetch(:session) @signatures = {} super end def subscribe_all # bulk auth on connect fetch_auth(*channels.channels.keys) super end def fetch_auth(*channels)! { |c| signatures[c].nil? if c.start_with? 'private-' } signatures.merge! session.post_raw('/pusher/auth', :channels => channels, :socket_id => socket_id)['channels'] if channels.any? end def get_private_auth(channel) fetch_auth( signatures[] end end EVENTS = %w[ build:created build:started build:finished job:created job:started job:log job:finished ] Event =, :repository, :build, :job, :payload) class EntityListener attr_reader :listener, :entities extend Forwardable def_delegators :listener, :disconnect, :on_connect, :subscribe def initialize(listener, entities) @listener, @entities = listener, Array(entities) end def on(*events) listener.on(*events) { |e| yield(e) if dispatch?(e) } end private def dispatch?(event) entities.include? event.repository or entities.include? or entities.include? event.job end end attr_reader :session, :socket def initialize(session) @session = session @socket =, :encrypted => true, :session => session) @channels = [] @callbacks = [] end def subscribe(*entities) entities = do |entity| entity = entity.pusher_entity while entity.respond_to? :pusher_entity @channels.concat(entity.pusher_channels) entity end yield entities.any? ?, entities) : self if block_given? end def on(*events, &block) events = events.flat_map { |e| e.respond_to?(:to_str) ? e.to_str : EVENTS.grep(e) }.uniq events.each { |e| @callbacks << [e, block] } end def on_connect socket.bind('pusher:connection_established') { yield } end def listen @channels = default_channels if @channels.empty?! { |c| c.start_with?('private-') ? c : "private-#{c}" } if session.private_channels? @channels.uniq.each { |c| socket.subscribe(c) } @callbacks.each { |e,b| socket.bind(e) { |d| dispatch(e, d, &b) } } socket.connect end def disconnect socket.disconnect end private def dispatch(type, json) payload = JSON.parse(json) entities = session.load format_payload(type, payload) yield, entities['repository'], entities['build'], entities['job'], payload) end def format_payload(type, payload) case type when "job:log" then format_log(payload) when /job:/ then format_job(payload) else payload end end def format_job(payload) build = { "id" => payload["build_id"], "repository_id" => payload["repository_id"] } repo = { "id" => payload["repository_id"], "slug" => payload["repository_slug"] } build["number"] = payload["number"][/^[^\.]+/] if payload["number"] { "job" => payload, "build" => build, "repository" => repo } end def format_log(payload) job = session.job(payload['id']) { "job" => { "id" => }, "build" => { "id" => }, "repository" => { "id" => } } end def default_channels return ['common'] if session.access_token.nil? session.user.channels end def pusher_key session.config.fetch('pusher').fetch('key') rescue IndexError raise Travis::Client::Error, "#{session.api_endpoint} is missing pusher key" end end end end