# encoding utf-8 require 'nokogiri' module Xampl class FromXML attr :checkWellFormed #1.9.1 , false attr :is_realising #1.9.1 , false attr :tokenise_content #1.9.1 , false @reader = nil @@by_tag = {} @@by_ns_tag = {} def initialize(recovering=false) @recovering = recovering @attribute_name = Array.new(32) @attribute_namespace = Array.new(32) @attribute_value = Array.new(32) @insert_end_element = false @faking_an_end_element = false @just_opened_an_element = false end def FromXML.reset_registry @@by_tag = {} @@by_ns_tag = {} end def FromXML.register(tag, ns_tag, klass) @@by_ns_tag[ns_tag] = [klass] a = @@by_tag[tag] if (nil == a) then @@by_tag[tag] = [klass] else found = false a.each { |thing| found = found | (thing == klass) } a << klass unless found end end def FromXML.registered(name) klass = @@by_ns_tag[name] klass = @@by_tag[name] unless klass klass = [] unless klass return klass end def resolve(name) #TODO -- ??? don't seem to need it, this is for specific named entities return name end def setup_parse(filename, tokenise_content=true, is_realising=false) xml = File.read(filename) setup_parse_string(xml, tokenise_content, is_realising) end def setup_parse_string(string, tokenise_content=true, is_realising=false) @resolver = self @is_realising = is_realising @tokenise_content = tokenise_content =begin STRICT = 0 Strict parsing RECOVER = 1 << 0 Recover from errors NOENT = 1 << 1 Substitute entities DTDLOAD = 1 << 2 Load external subsets DTDATTR = 1 << 3 Default DTD attributes DTDVALID = 1 << 4 validate with the DTD NOERROR = 1 << 5 suppress error reports NOWARNING = 1 << 6 suppress warning reports PEDANTIC = 1 << 7 pedantic error reporting NOBLANKS = 1 << 8 remove blank nodes SAX1 = 1 << 9 use the SAX1 interface internally XINCLUDE = 1 << 10 Implement XInclude substitition NONET = 1 << 11 Forbid network access NODICT = 1 << 12 Do not reuse the context dictionnary NSCLEAN = 1 << 13 remove redundant namespaces declarations NOCDATA = 1 << 14 merge CDATA as text nodes NOXINCNODE = 1 << 15 do not generate XINCLUDE START/END nodes DEFAULT_XML = RECOVER the default options used for parsing XML documents DEFAULT_HTML = RECOVER | NOERROR | NOWARNING | NONET the default options used for parsing HTML documents =end options = Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::RECOVER | Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NOENT | Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NONET | Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NOCDATA | Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::DTDATTR utf8_string = string.force_encoding('utf-8') url = nil encoding = nil @reader = Nokogiri::XML::Reader.from_memory(utf8_string, url, encoding, options) end def parse(filename, tokenise_content=true, is_realising=false) begin setup_parse(filename, tokenise_content, is_realising) element, ignore = parse_element return element rescue => e raise RuntimeError, "trouble parsing file: '#{filename}' -- #{ e }", e.backtrace end end def realise_string(string, tokenise_content=true, target=nil) return parse_string(string, tokenise_content, true, target) end def parse_string(string, tokenise_content=true, is_realising=false, target=nil) begin setup_parse_string(string, tokenise_content, is_realising) element, ignore = parse_element(nil, target) return element rescue => e raise RuntimeError, "trouble parsing string: '#{string}' -- #{ e }", e.backtrace end end def chew xml = @reader.outer_xml depth = @reader.depth @reader.read while depth != @reader.depth do @reader.read end return xml end def parse_element(parent=nil, target=nil) # puts caller(0)[0..5] find_the_first_element return unless start_element? namespace = @reader.namespace_uri name = @reader.local_name existing_element = nil element = nil requires_caching = false build_attribute_arrays if ((nil != namespace) and (0 < namespace.size)) then klass_name = "{#{namespace}}#{name}" klasses = FromXML.registered(klass_name) if (0 == klasses.size) then # The class has not been registered (either it was never generated, or it was never loaded) begin #discard this node and all children, but say something thing = chew puts "#{ ::File.basename __FILE__ }:#{ __LINE__ } [#{__method__}] UNRECOGNISED CHILD ELEMENTS: class: #{ klass_name }\n#{ thing }" return nil, true rescue => e puts "Ohhhh NO! #{ e }" puts e.backtrace raise e end end if (1 < klasses.size) then raise XamplException.new("there is more than one '#{name}' tag in namespace '#{namespace}'\nplease report this error") end else klasses = FromXML.registered(name) if (0 == klasses.size) then raise XamplException.new("do not recognise tag '#{name}' (no namespace specified)") end if (1 < klasses.size) then raise XamplException.new("there is more than one '#{name}' tag (no namespace specified)") end end unless @is_realising then @attribute_value.size.times do |i| FromXML.tokenise_string @attribute_value[i] end end if target then element = target target.load_needed = false target = nil element.init_attributes(@attribute_name, @attribute_namespace, @attribute_value) element.note_attributes_initialised(@is_realising) else if klasses[0].persisted? then @attribute_name.each_index do |i| if @attribute_name[i] == klasses[0].persisted?.to_s then existing_element = Xampl.find_known(klasses[0], @attribute_value[i]) if existing_element then # so we've found the element. Now what??? We can do several # reasonable things: # # 1) continue parsing into the found element # 2) simply return the found element # 3) replace the found element with the new element # # The first one is dubious, so we won't. # The second and third option both make complete sense # # We are going to do the second # # BTW, 'existing element' means a representation of this element already in memory # puts "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" # puts "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" # puts "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" # puts "FOUND AN EXISTING THING... #{ klasses[0] } #{ @attribute_value[i] }" # puts "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" # puts "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" # puts "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" # caller(0).each { | trace | puts " #{trace}"} # existing_element.reset_contents # element = existing_element # existing_element = nil # puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)} #{__LINE__} EXISTING ELEMENT: #{ existing_element }" # puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)} #{__LINE__} WOW, must handle the existing element correctly" element = existing_element #TODO -- IS THIS RIGHT???????????????????????? end unless element then element = klasses[0].discriminate(@attribute_name, @attribute_namespace, @attribute_value).new requires_caching = @recovering # puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)} #{__LINE__} WOW, what about recovering????" #TODO -- IS THIS RIGHT???????????????????????? requires_caching = true #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! unless @recovering then element.force_load if parent end element.note_created(@is_realising) end break end end end unless element then element = klasses[0].discriminate(@attribute_name, @attribute_namespace, @attribute_value).new element.note_created(@is_realising) end element.note_initialise_attributes_with(@attribute_name, @attribute_namespace, @attribute_value, @is_realising) element.init_attributes(@attribute_name, @attribute_namespace, @attribute_value) element.note_attributes_initialised(@is_realising) Xampl.cache(element) if requires_caching && element && element.persist_required end while next_reader_event do if @reader.value? then text = @reader.value text = text.force_encoding('utf-8') unless 'UTF-8' == text.encoding the_text = element.note_adding_text_content(text, @is_realising) if element.has_mixed_content then element << the_text else element.add_content(the_text, false) end elsif Nokogiri::XML::Node::ELEMENT_NODE == @reader.node_type then child, ignore_child = parse_element(element) unless ignore_child then case child when XamplObject then child = child.note_add_to_parent(element, @is_realising) if child child = element.note_add_child(child, @is_realising) if element child.append_to(element) if element && child when XMLText then #TODO -- get rid of this puts puts "UNRECOGNISED Well-formed XML: #{child.to_s[0..25]}..." else #TODO -- get rid of this puts puts "WHAT IS THIS??? #{child.class.name}" end end elsif Nokogiri::XML::Node::ELEMENT_DECL == @reader.node_type then element = element.note_closed(@is_realising) return element if @recovering return existing_element || element else puts "WTF??(#{ @reader.depth }) name: #{ @reader.name }, #{ say_node_type(@reader.node_type)}/#{ @reader.node_type }\n#{ @reader.outer_xml }" end end return element if @recovering return existing_element || element end def FromXML.tokenise_string(str, strip=true) return nil unless str str.strip! if strip str.gsub!(/[ \n\r\t][ \n\r\t]*/, " ") return str end def current_node_type if @faking_an_end_element then Nokogiri::XML::Node::ELEMENT_DECL else @reader.node_type end end def next_reader_event if @insert_end_element then @faking_an_end_element = true @insert_end_element = false return end @faking_an_end_element = false begin okay = @reader.read rescue => e raise RuntimeError, "WHAT?? -- #{ e }", e.backtrace end @just_opened_an_element = self.start_element? @insert_end_element = (@just_opened_an_element and @reader.empty_element?) okay end def start_element? current_node_type == Nokogiri::XML::Node::ELEMENT_NODE end def whitespace? #there is no whitespace type with nokogiri #TODO -- this is not actually called, so... @reader.value? && @reader.value.match(/\S/).nil? end def find_the_first_element while true do break if start_element? break unless next_reader_event end @just_opened_an_element = start_element? @insert_end_element = (@just_opened_an_element and @reader.empty_element?) end def build_attribute_arrays @attribute_name.clear @attribute_namespace.clear @attribute_value.clear return unless @reader.attributes? @reader.attributes.each do |name, value| @attribute_name << name @attribute_namespace << nil @attribute_value << value end end def attributeCount return @attribute_name.length end def attributeName(i) return @attribute_name[i] end def attributeNamespace(i) return @attribute_namespace[i] end def attributeValue(i) return @attribute_value[i] end def depth return @reader.depth end def line return @reader.line_number end def column return @reader.column_number end end end