require 'spec_helper' describe Trackerific::Services::USPS do let(:usps_url) { %r|http://testing\.shippingapis\.com/.*| } it { should be_a Trackerific::Services::Base } describe "environment dependent methods/properties" do before do Trackerific.stub(:env).and_return(env) Trackerific.reload!('trackerific/services/usps.rb') end after(:all) { Trackerific.reload!('trackerific/services/usps.rb') } context "when Trackerific.env is 'production'" do let(:env) { 'production' } describe "#base_uri" do subject { described_class.base_uri } it { should eq '' } end describe "#xml_endpoint" do subject { described_class.xml_endpoint } it { should eq '/ShippingAPI.dll' } end end context "when Trackerific.env is not 'production'" do let(:env) { 'development' } describe "#base_uri" do subject { described_class.base_uri } it { should eq '' } end describe "#xml_endpoint" do subject { described_class.xml_endpoint } it { should eq '/ShippingAPITest.dll' } end end end let(:valid_ids) { ["EJ958083578US"] } let(:invalid_ids) { %w[these are not valid tracking ids] } it "should match valid tracking ids" do valid_ids.all? {|id| described_class.can_track?(id) }.should be_true end it "should not match invalid tracking ids" do invalid_ids.all? {|id| described_class.can_track?(id) }.should be_false end let(:credentials) { { user_id: '123USERID4567' } } let(:usps) { } describe "#track" do let(:id) { 'EJ958083578US' } before do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, usps_url, body: fixture) end after(:all) { FakeWeb.clean_registry } context "with a successful response" do let(:fixture) {'usps/success.xml') } subject { usps.track(id) } it { should be_a Trackerific::Details } its(:package_id) { should eq id } its(:summary) { should eq "Your item was delivered at 8:10 am on June 1 in Wilmington DE 19801." } its(:events) { should be_a Array } its(:weight) { should be_nil } its(:via) { should be_nil } describe "#events" do subject { usps.track(id).events } its(:length) { should eq 3 } it "should populate the properties from the XML" do subject[0].date.to_s.should eq "2013-05-30T11:07:00+00:00" subject[0].description.should eq "NOTICE LEFT" subject[0].location.should eq "WILMINGTON, DE 19801" subject[1].date.to_s.should eq "2013-05-30T10:08:00+00:00" subject[1].description.should eq "ARRIVAL AT UNIT" subject[1].location.should eq "WILMINGTON, DE 19850" subject[2].date.to_s.should eq "2013-05-29T09:55:00+00:00" subject[2].description.should eq "ACCEPT OR PICKUP" subject[2].location.should eq "EDGEWATER, NJ 07020" end end end context "with an error response" do let(:fixture) {'usps/error.xml') } it "should raise a Trackerific::Error" do expect { usps.track(id) }.to raise_error Trackerific::Error end end end end