module WashOut # The WashOut::Dispatcher module should be included in a controller acting # as a SOAP endpoint. It includes actions for generating WSDL and handling # SOAP requests. module Dispatcher # A SOAPError exception can be raised to return a correct SOAP error # response. class SOAPError < Exception attr_accessor :code def initialize(message, code=nil) super(message) @code = code end end class ProgrammerError < Exception; end def _authenticate_wsse begin xml_security = request.env['wash_out.soap_data'].values_at(:envelope, :Envelope).compact.first xml_security = xml_security.values_at(:header, :Header).compact.first xml_security = xml_security.values_at(:security, :Security).compact.first username_token = xml_security.values_at(:username_token, :UsernameToken).compact.first rescue username_token = nil end WashOut::Wsse.authenticate soap_config, username_token request.env['WSSE_TOKEN'] = username_token.with_indifferent_access unless username_token.blank? end def _map_soap_parameters @_params = _load_params action_spec[:in], _strip_empty_nodes(action_spec[:in], xml_data) end def _strip_empty_nodes(params, hash) hash.keys.each do |key| param = params.detect { |a| a.raw_name.to_s == key.to_s } next if !(param && hash[key].is_a?(Hash)) value = hash[key].delete_if do |k, _| k.to_s[0] == '@' && ! { |a| a.raw_name.to_s == k.to_s } end if value.length > 0 hash[key] = _strip_empty_nodes, value else hash[key] = nil end end hash end # Creates the final parameter hash based on the request spec and xml_data from the request def _load_params(spec, xml_data) params = spec.each do |param| key = param.raw_name.to_sym if xml_data.has_key? key params[param.raw_name] = param.load(xml_data, key) end end params end # This action generates the WSDL for defined SOAP methods. def _generate_wsdl @map = self.class.soap_actions @namespace = soap_config.namespace @name = controller_path render :template => "wash_out/#{soap_config.wsdl_style}/wsdl", :layout => false, :content_type => 'text/xml' end # Render a SOAP response. def _render_soap(result, options) @namespace = soap_config.namespace @operation = soap_action = request.env['wash_out.soap_action'] @action_spec = self.class.soap_actions[soap_action] result = { 'value' => result } unless result.is_a? Hash result = inject = lambda {|data, map| result_spec = [] return result_spec if data.nil? map.each_with_index do |param, i| result_spec[i] = param.flat_copy unless data.is_a?(Hash) raise ProgrammerError, "SOAP response used #{data.inspect} (which is #{}), " + "in the context where a Hash with key of '#{param.raw_name}' " + "was expected." end value = data[param.raw_name] unless value.nil? if param.multiplied && !value.is_a?(Array) raise ProgrammerError, "SOAP response tried to use '#{value.inspect}' " + "(which is of type #{}), as the value for " + "'#{param.raw_name}' (which expects an Array)." end # Inline complex structure {:foo => {bar: ...}} if param.struct? && !param.multiplied result_spec[i].map =, # Inline array of complex structures {:foo => [{bar: ...}]} elsif param.struct? && param.multiplied result_spec[i].map ={|e|,} # Inline scalar {:foo => :string} else result_spec[i].value = value end end end return result_spec } render :template => "wash_out/#{soap_config.wsdl_style}/response", :layout => false, :locals => { :result =>, @action_spec[:out]) }, :content_type => 'text/xml' end # This action is a fallback for all undefined SOAP actions. def _invalid_action render_soap_error("Cannot find SOAP action mapping for #{request.env['wash_out.soap_action']}") end def _invalid_request render_soap_error("Invalid SOAP request") end def _catch_soap_errors yield rescue SOAPError => error render_soap_error(error.message, error.code) end # Render a SOAP error response. # # Rails do not support sequental rescue_from handling, that is, rescuing an # exception from a rescue_from handler. Hence this function is a public API. def render_soap_error(message, code=nil) render :template => "wash_out/#{soap_config.wsdl_style}/error", :status => 500, :layout => false, :locals => { :error_message => message, :error_code => (code || 'Server') }, :content_type => 'text/xml' end def self.included(controller) entity = if defined?(Rails::VERSION::MAJOR) && (Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 4) 'action' else 'filter' end controller.send :"around_#{entity}", :_catch_soap_errors controller.send :helper, :wash_out controller.send :"before_#{entity}", :_authenticate_wsse, :if => :soap_action? controller.send :"before_#{entity}", :_map_soap_parameters, :if => :soap_action? controller.send :"skip_before_#{entity}", :verify_authenticity_token end def self.deep_select(collection, result=[], &blk) values = collection.respond_to?(:values) ? collection.values : collection result += values.each do |value| if value.is_a?(Hash) || value.is_a?(Array) result = deep_select(value, result, &blk) end end result end def self.deep_replace_href(element, replace) return element unless element.is_a?(Array) || element.is_a?(Hash) if element.is_a?(Array) # Traverse arrays return{|x| deep_replace_href(x, replace)} end if element.has_key?(:@href) # Replace needle and traverse replacement return deep_replace_href(replace[element[:@href]], replace) end element.each do |key, value| # Traverse hashes element[key] = deep_replace_href(value, replace) end element end private def soap_action? soap_action.present? end def action_spec self.class.soap_actions[soap_action] end def request_input_tag action_spec[:request_tag] end def soap_action request.env['wash_out.soap_action'] end def xml_data xml_data = request.env['wash_out.soap_data'].values_at(:envelope, :Envelope).compact.first xml_data = xml_data.values_at(:body, :Body).compact.first || {} return xml_data if soap_config.wsdl_style == "document" xml_data = xml_data.values_at(soap_action.underscore.to_sym, soap_action.to_sym, request_input_tag.to_sym).compact.first || {} end end end