require 'puppetlabs_spec_helper/rake_tasks' require 'puppet-lint/tasks/puppet-lint' require 'puppet-syntax/tasks/puppet-syntax' # These two gems aren't always present, for instance # on Travis with --without development begin require 'puppet_blacksmith/rake_tasks' do |t| t.tag_pattern = "v%s" # Use a custom pattern with git tag. %s is replaced with the version number. end rescue LoadError end PuppetLint.configuration.relative = true PuppetLint.configuration.send("disable_80chars") PuppetLint.configuration.log_format = "%{path}:%{linenumber}:%{check}:%{KIND}:%{message}" PuppetLint.configuration.fail_on_warnings = true # Forsake support for Puppet 2.6.2 for the benefit of cleaner code. # PuppetLint.configuration.send('disable_class_parameter_defaults') # PuppetLint.configuration.send('disable_class_inherits_from_params_class') exclude_paths = [ "pkg/**/*", "vendor/**/*", "spec/**/*", ] PuppetLint.configuration.ignore_paths = exclude_paths PuppetSyntax.exclude_paths = exclude_paths task :metadata do sh "metadata-json-lint metadata.json" end desc "Run syntax, lint, and spec tests." task :test => [ :syntax, :lint, :spec, :metadata, ] def io_popen(command) IO.popen(command) do |io| io.each do |line| print line yield line if block_given? end end end desc 'Vagrant VM power up and provision' task :vagrant_up, [:manifest, :hostname] do |t, args| args.with_defaults(:manifest => 'init.pp', :hostname => '') Rake::Task['spec_prep'].execute ENV['VAGRANT_MANIFEST'] = args[:manifest] provision = false io_popen("vagrant up #{args[:hostname]}") do |line| provision = true if line =~ /is already running./ end io_popen("vagrant provision #{args[:hostname]}") if provision end # Cleanup vagrant environment desc 'Vagrant VM shutdown and fixtures cleanup' task :vagrant_destroy do Rake::Task['spec_prep'].execute `vagrant destroy -f` Rake::Task['spec_clean'].execute end