#### # This is an example coverband configuration file. In a typical Rails app # it would be placed in config/coverband.rb # # Uncomment or adjust the code to your apps needs #### # Coverband.configure do |config| #### # set a redis URL and set it with with some reasonable timeouts #### # redis_url = ENV["COVERBAND_REDIS"] || ENV["REDIS_URL"] || "redis://localhost:6379" # config.store = Coverband::Adapters::RedisStore.new( # Redis.new( # url: redis_url, # timeout: ENV.fetch("REDIS_TIMEOUT", 1), # reconnect_attempts: ENV.fetch("REDIS_RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS", 1), # reconnect_delay: ENV.fetch("REDIS_RECONNECT_DELAY", 0.25), # reconnect_delay_max: ENV.fetch("REDIS_RECONNECT_DELAY_MAX", 2.5) # ) # ) # Allow folks to reset the coverband data via the web UI # config.web_enable_clear = true ### # Redis Performance Options. If you running hundreds of web server processes # you may want to have some controls on how often they are calling redis # This can help a relatively small Redis handle hundreds / thousands of reporting servers. ### # reduce the CPU and Redis overhead, we don't need reporting every 30s... This is how often each process will try to save reports # config.background_reporting_sleep_seconds = 400 # add a wiggle to avoid cache stampede and flatten out Redis CPU... # This can help if you have many servers restart around a deploy and are all hitting redis at the same time. # config.reporting_wiggle = 90 # ignore various files for whatever reason. I often ignore the below list as some are setup before coverband and not always # tracked correctly... Accepts regex or exact match strings. # config.ignore = %w[config/* # config/locales/* # config/environments/* # config/initializers/*] # config options false, true, or 'debug'. Always use false in production # true and debug can give helpful and interesting code usage information # they both increase the performance overhead of the gem a little. # they can also help with initially debugging the installation. # defaults to false # config.verbose = false # allow the web UI to display raw coverband data, generally only useful for coverband development # config.web_debug = true # end