# Added to effective email templates mailers module EffectiveEmailTemplatesMailer extend ActiveSupport::Concern def mail(headers = {}, &block) email_template = Effective::EmailTemplate.where(template_name: action_name).first return super if email_template.blank? assigns = (@assigns || {}) # Parse body content if given body = assigns.delete(:body) || headers[:body] || headers['body'] email_template.body = body if body.present? # Parse subject content if explicitly given # Otherwise the :subject key is a default and should be ignored in favor of the email template subject instead subject = assigns.delete(:subject) || headers[:subject] || headers['subject'] email_template.subject = subject if subject.present? # If the body or subject are nil, they will be populated from the email_template # Add any _url helpers assigns = route_url_assigns(email_template, assigns).merge(assigns) # Render from the template, possibly with updated body and subject rendered = email_template.render(assigns) # Merge any other passed values merged = rendered.merge(headers.except(:body, :subject, 'body', 'subject')) # Finalize the subject_for Proc if respond_to?(:subject_for) # EffectiveResourcesMailer if (prefix = EffectiveResources.mailer_subject_prefix_hint).present? subject = subject_for(action_name, merged[:subject], email_template, merged) if subject.start_with?("#{prefix}#{prefix}") || subject.start_with?("#{prefix} #{prefix}") subject = subject.sub(prefix, '') end merged[:subject] = subject end end # Process body as plain text or html body = merged.fetch(:body) || '' # For text/plain emails if email_template.plain? stripped = body.strip if stripped.starts_with?('
') || stripped.ends_with?('
') raise("unexpected html content found when when rendering text/plain email_template #{action_name}") end return super(merged) end # For text/html emails layout = mailer_layout().presence || raise("expected a mailer layout when rendering text/html email_template #{action_name}") super(merged.except(:body, :content_type)) do |format| format.text { strip_tags(body) } format.html { render(layout: layout, inline: body) } end end def mailer_layout try(:mailer_settings).try(:mailer_layout) || EffectiveEmailTemplates.mailer_layout end private def strip_tags(html) return html if html.blank? view_context.strip_tags(html.gsub(/<\/(div|p|br|h[1-6])>/, "\n")) end def route_url_assigns(email_template, existing) route_variables = email_template.template_variables .select { |name| name.ends_with?('_url') } .reject { |name| existing.key?(name) || existing.key?(name.to_sym) } route_variables.inject({}) do |h, name| h[name] = public_send(name) if respond_to?(name); h end end end