Account Information <% if can? :update, Kaui::Account %> <%= link_to 'Edit', kaui_engine.edit_account_path(@account.account_id), :class => 'btn btn-xs' %> <% end %> <% if @children.size > 0 %> <%= link_to "Children (#{@children.size})", kaui_engine.account_children_path(@account.account_id), :class => 'btn btn-xs' %> <% end %> <% if can_close_account? && !account_closed? %> <%= link_to('Close'.html_safe, '#closeAccountModal', :class => 'btn btn-xs text-danger', data: {toggle: 'modal', name: || '(not set)', account_id: @account.account_id}) %> <% end %> <% unless @account.parent_account_id.nil? %> <% end %> <% if @children.size > 0 %> <% end %>

<% unless @tags.find { |tag| tag.tag_definition_name == '__PARK__' }.nil? %>
This account is parked, meaning the system detected inconsistent state which could lead to mis-billing. For safety, no more invoices will be generated. <% if can? :trigger, Kaui::Invoice %> Once the data is fixed, you can unpark it by manually <%= link_to 'triggering an invoice run', kaui_engine.trigger_invoice_path(params.to_h), :method => :post %>. <% end %>
<% end %>
<% unless @available_tags.blank? %>
Tag As: <%= render :partial => 'kaui/account_tags/form_bar', :locals => {:account_id => @account.account_id, :tag_names => { |tag| tag.tag_definition_name }, :available_tags => @available_tags} %>
<% end %> <%= render :partial => 'kaui/custom_fields/list_bar', :locals => {:custom_fields => @custom_fields} %>
<% if @account.notes %> <% else %> <% end %> <%= render :partial => 'parent', :locals => {:account_parent => @account_parent} %>
ID <%= @account.account_id %>
External Key <%= @account.external_key %>
Currency <%= @account.currency %>
Timezone <%= @account.time_zone %>
Locale <%= @account.locale %>