= Facets ChangeLog 0.x.x (Alpha Series)
== 0.10.30 Halloween
* Change OrderedHash (ohash.rb) to Dictionary (dictionary.rb).
* Change BlankSlate (blankslate.rb) to BasicObject (basicobject.rb).
* Old versions of the above should still work, but throw warnings
and will stop working come next version.
* 1.rb has been renamed to one.rb (I know, two more characters,
but you can do it! ;)
* Methods enumerable/op_mod (%) and enumerable/eF are deprecated.
Use #every or #ew instead.
== 0.10.11 Palapable
* Merged Mega into Facets. I put the old Mega ChangeLog at
the bottom of this document.
* This represents the One-Point-Oh realease (albeit RC1) of
Facets, but from now on I'll be using date versioning
--if you look at the versions below you may understand why.
The versioning sequence has no real rationality.
Instead I will use this simple Rational Versioning Policy:
* If YYYY-MM-DD it's a development release.
* If YYYY-MM it's an official release.
* If just YYYY it's hella stable.
One might argue this is not as robust as a compatability
significant point-based versioning system, but I'd say that's
all well and good in theory, now give me something that actually
works in practice.
== 0.9.5 Rebirth
* Rebirth of Facets! As cool as the name Nano is, it became clear
that most people are drawn toward the name Facets. So we are
reverting back. Nonetheless Nano will remain a viable alias for
* Must now use require 'facets'
prior to using
other Facets. This does two things. First it loads the
base methods, which ensures that all programs have them
readibly available when using Facets. Secondly it supplements
#require to handle aliases. In essence, require 'facet/...',
require 'facets/...' and require 'nano/...' all point to the
same place(s). (NOTE This is a precursor to a more universal
system that will handle aliasing automatically.)
* kernel/require_esc has been removed. #require_nano will be also
in the next release. These will no longer be needed thanks to
the aliasing system.
== 0.9.2 Littles
* Added string/starts_with? and string/ends_with?
* Fixed module/memoize to cache on a per class/module bases.
* Added module/is as an alias for /include.
* Added module/shadow_method and shadow_all.
* Renamed module/superup (which was module/supers) to module/as. And defined a new
method called /superior which is like /super but skips to a sepecified ancestor.
* Renamed module/super_send to module/send_as.
== 0.9.1 Wraps
* Added module/nesting (not to be confused with the class method Module::nesting).
* Thanks goes to Gavien Kistner for new string/word_wrap methods
(with additioanl thanks to Dyane Borderson for his suggestions).
* Added hash/each_with_key and each_with_index, as well as array/each_with_key;
increasing polymorphism between the two classes.
* Moved array/each_pair to enumerable/each_pair and changed how it worked to
what one might expect.
== 0.9.0 NotUorI
* Deprecated object#special_class, which was a method for (class< meta.attr.
* Added array/unzip
* Added logger/format and logger/format_message (stub).
* Added string/dequote.
* Class method file names now begin with '::' to separate them from instance methods.
== 0.8.2 Nano Revolution
* Name Change! What was Ruby Facets is now Nano Methods!
* New minor version as there has been a change of plans with the integration of what was Carats.
The classes and modules have been reseperated into their own project called Mega Modules.
* Modified the #firstxxx/#lastxxx methods to be more congruent and comprehensible.
* Renamed object/supers to object/superup. Better!
* Got rid ot symbol/gen. Use object/generate_method_name or module#generate_instance_method_name
instead ( Is that the longest non-foo method name ever? :)
* The file 1st.rb has moved to object/method. This modifies #method to persist the returned
Method object. The original non-persitent version of #method is aliased to #original_method.
(This arrangement is not set in stone though, and is still be considered.)
* Added module/clone_using, module/clone_ranaming and module/clone_removing.
* Added module/integrate (I love this one!)
* Added many new enumerable methods: #filter_map, #compact_map, #commonality, #frequency,
#probability and #find_collisions.
* Moved some methods from array to enumerable: #each_permutation, #each_combination,
#each_unique_pair and the class method ::combinations.
* Added string/bytes per ruby-dev summary 26385-26467.
* Moved #cattr_reader, #cattr_writer and #cattr_accessor from Class to Module.
* Renamed numeric/octet_units to numeric/bytes_to_s and added a #bits_to_s as well.
* Added class/descendants (alias subclasses) and class/remove_descendents, as well as
object/descendents_of and object/remove_descendents_of.
* Added methods to comparable: #cap, #clip. There are also #at_least and
#at_most, although FYI #cap and #clip handle the same functionality.
* Removed string/table_name and string/class_name (they were too Rails specific).
Note: A new module has been added to Mega Modules, called orm-inflect.rb. It contains numerous
methods for doing this sort of thing.
* Added numeric/ceil_multiple (not sure about name though, perhaps a better name like "ceil_to"?).
* Added string/soundex for calculating the soundex code of a word/name.
* Added io/expect. I thought Ruby already had this but can't find it, so here it is for now.
* Placed Florian's binding-of-caller.rb in binding/of_caller. Makes more sense there.
* Fixed bug with Continuation::create (it wasn't defined as a class method and should have been).
* Fixed bug with string/capitalized? which wasn't always giving the correct result.
== v0.7.2 George II
* Added a class method dir/recurse which allows one to loop through a dir and all its
subdirs, etc. It also has an alias #ls_r. Thanks goes to George Maschovitis for this.
* Changed array/permute to array/each_permutation.
== v0.7.1 Quick George
* Added facet.rb, although expiremental it makes it possible to use atomic methods without
specificaly requiring them. It uses Object#method_missing to require them as needed.
* Improved on "molecules", i.e. files that require numerous related atoms in a single go.
These will see a great deal of continued improvement in the future.
== v0.7.0 Georgian Transform
* All methods with names containing non-alphanumeric characters now have facet
files without those special characters. This removes some incompatibilites with
certain systems (including Windows). All such symbols have been replaced with
CGI escape sequences, for instance 'in?.rb' becomes 'in%3F.rb'. To avoid having
to use these "ugly" names, a new method has been added, kernel/require_facet.
* Methods that were grouped together in the same file have been separated
into their own files. Pure Atomicity has been achieved!
* The method array/put has been dropped in favor of array/top (as a better alias for #unshift).
* Methods #matchdata/post_match_from and #matchdata/pre_match_from have deprecated
in favor of more generalized methods that serves the same purposes,
matchdata/matchtree and matchdata/matchset.
* Added module/include_as.
* Added array/permute.
== 0.6.3 Gemstone
* Gem is now avaliable!
* Added kernel/require_all which allows one to require a pattern of files,
making it easy to require every file in a directory.
* Added hash/traverse and hash/traverse!, which takes a block and iterates over
each key-value pair descending into subhash values and applying the block.
(Thanks goes to Ara T. Howard and robert for their help.)
* Added hash/collect. This uses enumerable/graph so that
hash/collect will return a hash rather then an array.
* Added numeric/before and numeric/after in place of #ago and #since
and aliased #ago and #since to them, per the suggestions of
Francis Hwang.
* Added "poor man's profiler", time/elapse. (Thanks goes to Hal Fulton).
* Changed enumerable/build_hash to enumerable/graph. The method #build_hash
has been aliased to #graph for the time being for backward compatability.
* Added array/last_index. (Thanks goes to Jabari)
== 0.6.2 Refinement I
* Added kernel/resc as a shortcut for Regexp.escape.
* Renamed hash/keys_to_string to hash/key_to_s and
hash/keys_to_symbol to hash/keys_to_sym to be more consistant
with other methods and what these methods specifically do.
The old names have been deprecated.
* Added hash/has_keys?, which allows for checking mutliple keys at once.
Also includes #has_only_keys?
* Added Rail's Time and Byte modules for Numeric with
numeric/times.rb and numeric/bytes.rb (I've been informed that
thanks go to Richard Kilmer for this. Thanks!)
* Added numeric/octet_unit which utilizes numeric/bytes.
(The name of this method may change in the future though.)
* Added enumerable/uniq_by.
* Added module/abstract.
* Added module/redirect which is similar to alias, but does not
copy the method, but rather wraps it. It also takes a hash so
multiple methods can be redirected all at once.
* Added string/shatter which is similar to split but includes
the matched portions of text.
== 0.6.1 Florian's Mixes
* Updated the current set of mix files which were still from
version 0.5.0. (2004-12-31)
== 0.6.0 Florian's Onslaught
* Major revisions made by Florian's onslaught. (2004-12-28)
* First general public release.
== 0.5.0 Fit for First
* This is the beginning of offical releases. (2004-12-23)
* Now called Facets.
* Changed layout to be completely atomic! (2004-10-30)
== 0.4.0 Raspberry
* Scoured the Ruby world for useful additions.
* Changed name again from A.B.C. to Raspberry.
I can't seem to settle on a name. Even the new
subsections have changed five times. (2004-08-08)
* Adjusted Tuple to use Tuple::[*args] instead of ::new, which now takes
a single argument instead, either an Array or a String which it splits.
* Removed services.rb unitl in gets fixed and a better name.
== 0.3.3 Mega2
* Added inheritable.rb, a lib for creating class vars inherit from ancestors
* Addes annotations.rb, a lightweight metadata system good for annotating
methods esspecially. It is built on top of inheritable.rb.
== 0.3.2 Mega
* Added services.rb, a lib for managing methods as first class objects
* Fixed/cleaned-up orm_supprt.rb
== 0.3.0 ABC
* Reorganinzed all of this together in a nice neat way.
* Changed name of library from Succ to A.B.C.
which stands for All Base Common. (2004-02-02)
* Name change to Mega Modules!
* Added a few important files: multipliers.rb, binary_multipliers.rb,
time_in_english.rb and orm_inlectors.rb.
* Each one of these is a "Methods Module", i.e. They are a collection of
closely related methods that modify one or more core classes/modules.
Individually these methods could have very well ended up in Nano Methods,
but given there quantity and interrelation they were more suitable to a
module, and thus placed here.
== 0.3.1
* Aliased #autoload_classes with #autorequire.
* Added #strfbits and #strfbytes to binary_multiplers.rb.
== 0.2.0 Succ
* A number of new methods added.
* Renamed it Succ for "successor". (2003-05-31)
* Initial public release
== 0.1.0 Carats
* Early Development as Ruby Carats
== 0.0.0 TomsLib
* Tomslib's just a few useful methods. (2002-07-01)