require 'dpla/map' FactoryGirl.define do factory :source_resource, class: DPLA::MAP::SourceResource do collection { |collection| collection.association :collection, :strategy => :build } contributor 'Norma Ford' title 'Stonewall Inn [2]' creator 'Davies, Diana (1938-)' subject ['Lesbians', 'Gay activists'] description 'Window of the Stonewall Bar N.Y. 1969. The other half of the graffiti was erased by the time Diana photographed it.' extent '10x12 cm' format 'Silver Gelatin Print' identifier '510d47e3-57d2-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99' language { |language| language.association :language, :strategy => :build } place { |place| place.association :place, :strategy => :build } publisher 'Penguin Books' relation ['Stonewall Inn [1]', 'Stonewall Inn [3]'] rights "The New York Public Library is interested in learning more about items you've seen on our websites or elsewhere online. If you have any more information about an item or its copyright status, we want to hear from you. Please contact with your contact information and a link to the relevant content." genre { |genre| genre.association :genre, :strategy => :build } temporalCoverage '1969' dctype { |type| type.association :dctype, :strategy => :build } end factory :aggregation, class: DPLA::MAP::Aggregation do aggregatedSourceResource { |sr| sr.association :source_resource, :strategy => :build } dataProvider 'Manuscripts and Archives Division. The New York Public Library' originalRecord 'Stonewall Inn [2]' hasView { |wr| wr.association :web_resource, :strategy => :build } intermediateProvider 'NYPL' isShownAt '' object '' provider { prov ='') prov << RDF::Statement(prov, RDF::SKOS.prefLabel, "The New York Public Library") prov } rightsStatement {'') } end factory :web_resource, class: DPLA::MAP::WebResource do format 'image/tiff' rights 'Public Domain' rightsStatement {'') } end factory :place, class: DPLA::MAP::Place do name 'New York, NY' # city 'New York' # county 'New York County' # coordinates '40.7127, 74.0059' end factory :collection, class: DPLA::MAP::Collection do title 'Diana Davies photographs, 1965-1978' description 'Photographs of Diana Davies; LGBT and HIV/AIDS Activist Collections' end factory :language, class: DPLA::MAP::Controlled::Language do initialize_with do new('eng') end end factory :dctype, class: DPLA::MAP::Controlled::DCMIType do initialize_with do new('Image') end end factory :genre, class: DPLA::MAP::Controlled::Genre do initialize_with do new('300132472') end end end RSpec.configure do |config| config.before(:suite) do FactoryGirl.lint end end