require_relative 'spec_helper' describe SimpleFormulaCell, "when result is a number" do before do @cell = mock(:worksheet,:name => 'sheet1', :class_name => 'Sheet1', :to_s => 'sheet1'), Nokogiri::XML("1+23").root ) end it "should use the FormulaPeg to create ruby code for a formula and turn that into a method" do @cell.to_ruby.should == "def c3; @c3 ||= 1.0+2.0; end\n" end it "should create a test for the ruby code" do @cell.to_test.should == %Q{it 'cell c3 should equal 3.0' do\n sheet1.c3.should be_within(0.30000000000000004).of(3.0)\nend\n\n} end it "has a method that says it cannot be replaced with its value" do @cell.can_be_replaced_with_value?.should be_false end end describe SimpleFormulaCell, "when result is a boolean" do before do @cell = mock(:worksheet,:name => 'sheet1', :class_name => 'Sheet1', :to_s => 'sheet1'), Nokogiri::XML('AND(1,2)TRUE').root ) end it "should use the FormulaPeg to create ruby code for a formula and turn that into a method" do @cell.to_ruby.should == "def c3; @c3 ||= excel_and(1.0,2.0); end\n" end it "should create a test for the ruby code" do @cell.to_test.should == %Q{it 'cell c3 should equal true' do\n sheet1.c3.should == true\nend\n\n} end end describe SimpleFormulaCell, "when result is a string" do before do @cell = mock(:worksheet,:name => 'sheet1', :class_name => 'Sheet1', :to_s => 'sheet1'), Nokogiri::XML('"Hello "&A1Hello Bob').root ) end it "should use the FormulaPeg to create ruby code for a formula and turn that into a method" do @cell.to_ruby.should == %Q{def c3; @c3 ||= "Hello "+(a1).to_s; end\n} end it "should create a test for the ruby code" do @cell.to_test.should == %Q{it 'cell c3 should equal "Hello Bob"' do\n sheet1.c3.should == "Hello Bob"\nend\n\n} end end describe SimpleFormulaCell, "can list the cells upon which it depends" do before do @cell = mock(:worksheet,:name => 'sheet1', :class_name => 'Sheet1', :to_s => 'sheet1'), Nokogiri::XML("A1Hello Bob").root ) end it "in simple cases knows what it depends upon" do @cell.work_out_dependencies @cell.dependencies.should == ['sheet1.a1'] end end