module Polymer
  # Given a Sprite, DeviantFinder checks to see if the sprite has any sources
  # which are significantly wider than the average.
  class DeviantFinder

    # Given a Sprite, checks to see if the sprite has any sources which are
    # significantly wider than the average. Images with a small standard
    # deviation in source width or fewer than 3 sources will be skipped.
    # @param [Polymer::Sprite] sprite
    #   The sprite whose source widths are to be checked.
    # @return [Array<String>]
    #   Returns an array of source images whose width is greater than the
    #   standard deviation.
    # @return [nil]
    #   Returns nil if all of the source images are an approriate width.
    def self.find_deviants(sprite)
      # Need more than two sources to find deviants.
      return false if sprite.sources.size < 2

      mean, std_dev = standard_deviation( do |source|

      return false if std_dev < 100 # Skip images with a < 100px deviation.

      deviants = do |source|
        width = source.image.columns
        width > mean + std_dev || width < mean - std_dev

      deviants.any? and deviants

    # Print a warning if the sprite contains wide sources.
    def self.format_ui_message(sprite, deviants)
      if deviants
          Your "#{}" sprite contains one or more source images
          which deviate significantly from the average source width. You might
          want to consider removing these sources from the sprite in order to
          reduce the sprite filesize.

          Wide sources: #{', ')}

    private # ----------------------------------------------------------------

    # Knuth.
    # @param [Array<Integer>] data
    #   An array containing the widths of each source image.
    # @return [Array<Integer, Integer>]
    #   Returns a two-element array whose first element is the mean width of
    #   the source images; the second element is the standard deviation.
    def self.standard_deviation(data)
      n, mean, m2 = 0, 0, 0

      data.each do |x|
        n = n + 1
        delta = x - mean
        mean = mean + delta / n
        m2 = m2 + delta * (x - mean)

      [ mean, Math.sqrt(m2 / (n - 1)) ]

  end # DeviantFinder
end # Polymer