# # Prawn::Svg::Interface makes a Prawn::Svg::Document instance, uses that object to parse the supplied # SVG into Prawn-compatible method calls, and then calls the Prawn methods. # module Prawn module Svg class Interface DEFAULT_FONT_PATHS = ["/Library/Fonts", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/**"] @font_path = [] DEFAULT_FONT_PATHS.each {|path| @font_path << path if File.exists?(path)} class << self; attr_accessor :font_path; end attr_reader :data, :prawn, :document, :options # # Creates a Prawn::Svg object. # # +data+ is the SVG data to convert. +prawn+ is your Prawn::Document object. # # +options+ must contain the key :at, which takes a tuple of x and y co-ordinates. # # +options+ can optionally contain the key :width or :height. If both are # specified, only :width will be used. # def initialize(data, prawn, options) @data = data @prawn = prawn @options = options @options[:at] or raise "options[:at] must be specified" prawn.font_families.update(Prawn::Svg::Font.installed_fonts) @document = Document.new(data, [prawn.bounds.width, prawn.bounds.height], options) end # # Draws the SVG to the Prawn::Document object. # def draw prawn.bounding_box(@options[:at], :width => @document.width, :height => @document.height) do prawn.save_graphics_state do proc_creator(prawn, Parser.new(@document).parse).call end end end private def proc_creator(prawn, calls) Proc.new {issue_prawn_command(prawn, calls)} end def issue_prawn_command(prawn, calls) calls.each do |call, arguments, children| if rewrite_call_arguments(prawn, call, arguments) == false issue_prawn_command(prawn, children) if children.any? else if children.empty? prawn.send(call, *arguments) else prawn.send(call, *arguments, &proc_creator(prawn, children)) end end end end def rewrite_call_arguments(prawn, call, arguments) if call == 'relative_draw_text' call.replace "draw_text" arguments.last[:at][0] = @relative_text_position if @relative_text_position end case call when 'text_group' @relative_text_position = nil false when 'draw_text' text, options = arguments width = prawn.width_of(text, options.merge(:kerning => true)) if (anchor = options.delete(:text_anchor)) && %w(middle end).include?(anchor) width /= 2 if anchor == 'middle' options[:at][0] -= width end space_width = prawn.width_of("n", options) @relative_text_position = options[:at][0] + width + space_width when 'transformation_matrix' arguments[4] += prawn.bounds.absolute_left * (1 - arguments[0]) arguments[5] += prawn.bounds.absolute_top * (1 - arguments[3]) when 'save' prawn.save_graphics_state false when 'restore' prawn.restore_graphics_state false end end end end end