require 'kconv' require 'blackbook/importer/page_scraper' if RUBY_VERSION > "1.9" require "csv" unless defined? FCSV class Object FCSV = CSV alias_method :FCSV, :CSV end end else require "fastercsv" end ## # Imports contacts from GMail class Blackbook::Importer::Gmail < Blackbook::Importer::PageScraper RETRY_THRESHOLD = 5 ## # Matches this importer to an user's name/address def =~(options = {}) options && options[:username] =~ /@(gmail|googlemail).com$/i ? true : false end ## # login to gmail def login page = agent.get('') form = page.forms.first form.Email = options[:username] form.Passwd = options[:password] page = agent.submit(form,form.buttons.first) raise( Blackbook::BadCredentialsError, "That username and password was not accepted. Please check them and try again." ) if page.body =~ /Username and password do not match/ if'//meta').first.attributes['content'] =~ /url='?(http.+?)'?$/i page = agent.get $1 end end ## # prepare this importer def prepare login end ## # scrape gmail contacts for this importer def scrape_contacts unless agent.cookies.find{|c| == 'GAUSR' && (c.value.include? "mail:#{options[:username]}")} raise( Blackbook::BadCredentialsError, "Must be authenticated to access contacts." ) end contacts = [] csv = agent.get('') body = Kconv.toutf8(csv.body) FCSV.parse(body) do |row| next if row[0] == "Name" and row[1] == "E-mail" contacts << {:name => row[0], :email => row[1]} unless row[1].blank? end return contacts end Blackbook.register(:gmail, self) end