# Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Michael Dvorkin and contributors. # # Fat Free CRM is freely distributable under the terms of MIT license. # See MIT-LICENSE file or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe HomeController do # GET / #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "responding to GET /" do before(:each) do require_user end it "should get a list of activities" do activity = FactoryGirl.create(:version, :item => FactoryGirl.create(:account, :user => current_user)) controller.should_receive(:get_activities).once.and_return([ activity ]) get :index assigns[:activities].should == [ activity ] end it "should not include views in the list of activities" do activity = FactoryGirl.create(:version, :item => FactoryGirl.create(:account, :user => @current_user), :event => "view") controller.should_receive(:get_activities).once.and_return([]) get :index assigns[:activities].should == [] end it "should get a list of my tasks ordered by due_at" do task_1 = FactoryGirl.create(:task, :name => "Your first task", :bucket => "due_asap", :assigned_to => current_user.id) task_2 = FactoryGirl.create(:task, :name => "Another task for you", :bucket => "specific_time", :calendar => 5.days.from_now.to_s, :assigned_to => current_user.id) task_3 = FactoryGirl.create(:task, :name => "Third Task", :bucket => "due_next_week", :assigned_to => current_user.id) task_4 = FactoryGirl.create(:task, :name => "i've assigned it to myself", :user => current_user, :calendar => 20.days.from_now.to_s, :assigned_to => nil, :bucket => "specific_time") FactoryGirl.create(:task, :name => "Someone else's Task", :user_id => current_user.id, :bucket => "due_asap", :assigned_to => FactoryGirl.create(:user).id) FactoryGirl.create(:task, :name => "Not my task", :bucket => "due_asap", :assigned_to => FactoryGirl.create(:user).id) get :index assigns[:my_tasks].should == [task_1, task_2, task_3, task_4] end it "should not display completed tasks" do task_1 = FactoryGirl.create(:task, :user_id => current_user.id, :name => "Your first task", :bucket => "due_asap", :assigned_to => current_user.id) task_2 = FactoryGirl.create(:task, :user_id => current_user.id, :name => "Completed task", :bucket => "due_asap", :completed_at => 1.days.ago, :completed_by => current_user.id, :assigned_to => current_user.id) get :index assigns[:my_tasks].should == [task_1] end it "should get a list of my opportunities ordered by closes_on" do opportunity_1 = FactoryGirl.create(:opportunity, :name => "Your first opportunity", :closes_on => 15.days.from_now, :assigned_to => current_user.id, :stage => 'proposal') opportunity_2 = FactoryGirl.create(:opportunity, :name => "Another opportunity for you", :closes_on => 10.days.from_now, :assigned_to => current_user.id, :stage => 'proposal') opportunity_3 = FactoryGirl.create(:opportunity, :name => "Third Opportunity", :closes_on => 5.days.from_now, :assigned_to => current_user.id, :stage => 'proposal') opportunity_4 = FactoryGirl.create(:opportunity, :name => "Fourth Opportunity", :closes_on => 50.days.from_now, :assigned_to => nil, :user_id => current_user.id, :stage => 'proposal') FactoryGirl.create(:opportunity_in_pipeline, :name => "Someone else's Opportunity", :assigned_to => FactoryGirl.create(:user).id, :stage => 'proposal') FactoryGirl.create(:opportunity_in_pipeline, :name => "Not my opportunity", :assigned_to => FactoryGirl.create(:user).id, :stage => 'proposal') get :index assigns[:my_opportunities].should == [opportunity_3, opportunity_2, opportunity_1, opportunity_4] end it "should get a list of my accounts ordered by name" do account_1 = FactoryGirl.create(:account, :name => "Anderson", :assigned_to => current_user.id) account_2 = FactoryGirl.create(:account, :name => "Wilson", :assigned_to => current_user.id) account_3 = FactoryGirl.create(:account, :name => "Triple", :assigned_to => current_user.id) account_4 = FactoryGirl.create(:account, :name => "Double", :assigned_to => nil, :user_id => current_user.id) FactoryGirl.create(:account, :name => "Someone else's Account", :assigned_to => FactoryGirl.create(:user).id) FactoryGirl.create(:account, :name => "Not my account", :assigned_to => FactoryGirl.create(:user).id) get :index assigns[:my_accounts].should == [account_1, account_4, account_3, account_2] end it "should assign @hello and call hook" do require_user controller.should_receive(:hook).at_least(:once) get :index assigns[:hello].should == "Hello world" end end # GET /home/options AJAX #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "responding to GET options" do before(:each) do require_user end it "should assign instance variables for user preferences" do @asset = FactoryGirl.create(:preference, :user => current_user, :name => "activity_asset", :value => Base64.encode64(Marshal.dump("tasks"))) @user = FactoryGirl.create(:preference, :user => current_user, :name => "activity_user", :value => Base64.encode64(Marshal.dump("Billy Bones"))) @duration = FactoryGirl.create(:preference, :user => current_user, :name => "activity_duration", :value => Base64.encode64(Marshal.dump("two days"))) xhr :get, :options assigns[:asset].should == "tasks" assigns[:user].should == "Billy Bones" assigns[:duration].should == "two days" assigns[:all_users].should == User.order("first_name, last_name").all end it "should not assign instance variables when hiding options" do xhr :get, :options, :cancel => "true" assigns[:asset].should == nil assigns[:user].should == nil assigns[:duration].should == nil assigns[:all_users].should == nil end end # POST /home/redraw AJAX #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "responding to POST redraw" do before(:each) do require_user end it "should save user selected options" do xhr :post, :redraw, :asset => "tasks", :user => "Billy Bones", :duration => "two days" current_user.pref[:activity_asset].should == "tasks" current_user.pref[:activity_user].should == "Billy Bones" current_user.pref[:activity_duration].should == "two days" end it "should get a list of activities" do @activity = FactoryGirl.create(:version, :item => FactoryGirl.create(:account, :user => current_user)) controller.should_receive(:get_activities).once.and_return([ @activity ]) get :index assigns[:activities].should == [ @activity ] end end # GET /home/toggle AJAX #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- describe "responding to GET toggle" do it "should toggle expand/collapse state of form section in the session (delete existing session key)" do session[:hello] = "world" xhr :get, :toggle, :id => "hello" session.keys.should_not include(:hello) end it "should toggle expand/collapse state of form section in the session (save new session key)" do session.delete(:hello) xhr :get, :toggle, :id => "hello" session[:hello].should == true end end describe "activity_user" do before(:each) do @user = mock(User, :id => 1, :is_a? => true) @cur_user = mock(User) end it "should find a user by email" do @cur_user.stub!(:pref).and_return(:activity_user => 'billy@example.com') controller.instance_variable_set(:@current_user, @cur_user) User.should_receive(:where).with(:email => 'billy@example.com').and_return([@user]) controller.send(:activity_user).should == 1 end it "should find a user by first name or last name" do @cur_user.stub!(:pref).and_return(:activity_user => 'Billy') controller.instance_variable_set(:@current_user, @cur_user) User.should_receive(:where).with(:first_name => 'Billy').and_return([@user]) User.should_receive(:where).with(:last_name => 'Billy').and_return([@user]) controller.send(:activity_user).should == 1 end it "should find a user by first name and last name" do @cur_user.stub!(:pref).and_return(:activity_user => 'Billy Elliot') controller.instance_variable_set(:@current_user, @cur_user) User.should_receive(:where).with(:first_name => 'Billy', :last_name => "Elliot").and_return([@user]) User.should_receive(:where).with(:first_name => 'Elliot', :last_name => "Billy").and_return([@user]) controller.send(:activity_user).should == 1 end it "should return nil when 'all_users' is specified" do @cur_user.stub!(:pref).and_return(:activity_user => 'all_users') controller.instance_variable_set(:@current_user, @cur_user) User.should_not_receive(:where) controller.send(:activity_user).should == nil end end describe "timeline" do before(:each) do require_user end it "should collapse all comments and emails on a specific contact" do comment = double(Comment) Comment.should_receive(:find).with("1").and_return(comment) comment.should_receive(:update_attribute).with(:state, 'Collapsed') xhr :get, :timeline, :type => "comment", :id => "1", :state => "Collapsed" end it "should expand all comments and emails on a specific contact" do comment = double(Comment) Comment.should_receive(:find).with("1").and_return(comment) comment.should_receive(:update_attribute).with(:state, 'Expanded') xhr :get, :timeline, :type => "comment", :id => "1", :state => "Expanded" end it "should not do anything when state neither Expanded nor Collapsed" do comment = double(Comment) Comment.should_not_receive(:find).with("1") xhr :get, :timeline, :type => "comment", :id => "1", :state => "Explode" end it "should collapse all comments and emails on Contact" do where_stub = double where_stub.should_receive(:update_all).with(:state => "Collapsed") Comment.should_receive(:where).and_return(where_stub) xhr :get, :timeline, :id => "1,2,3,4+", :state => "Collapsed" end it "should not allow an arbitary state (sanitizes input)" do where_stub = double where_stub.should_receive(:update_all).with(:state => "Expanded") Comment.should_receive(:where).and_return(where_stub) xhr :get, :timeline, :id => "1,2,3,4+", :state => "Expanded" end it "should not update an arbitary model (sanitizes input)" do where_stub = double where_stub.should_receive(:update_all).with(:state => "Expanded") Comment.should_receive(:where).and_return(where_stub) xhr :get, :timeline, :id => "1,2,3,4+", :state => "Expanded" end end end