# danger-textlint [Danger](http://danger.systems/ruby/) plugin for [textlint](https://textlint.github.io/). ## Installation $ gem install danger-textlint `danger-textlint` needs `textlint` to lint your files. Please check the [installation guide](https://github.com/textlint/textlint#installation) and install it before you run Danger. `danger-textlint` will first try local `node_modules/.bin/textlint` then the global `textlint`. My recommend is installing `textlint` in local. Create package.json (`npm init`) and then install (`npm i textlint`). ## Usage
Run textlint and send violations as inline comment.# Lint added and modified files only textlint.lint
Keep severity until warning. It allows merging pull request if there are violations remaining.#### Attributes `config_file` - .textlintrc path `max_severity` - Set max danger reporting severity choice: nil or "warn" #### Methods `lint` - Execute textlint and send comment ## Development 1. Clone this repo 2. Run `bundle install` to setup dependencies. 3. Run `bundle exec rake spec` to run the tests. 4. Use `bundle exec guard` to automatically have tests run as you make changes. 5. Make your changes.textlint.max_severity = "warn" textlint.lint