module DiamondTest open Diamond open System open NUnit.Framework type DiamondTest() = let split (x: string) = x.Split([| '\n' |], StringSplitOptions.None) let trim (x:string) = x.Trim() let leadingSpaces (x:string) = x.Substring(0, x.IndexOfAny [|'A'..'Z'|]) let trailingSpaces (x:string) = x.Substring(x.LastIndexOfAny [|'A'..'Z'|] + 1) [] member this.``First row contains 'A'`` (letter:char) = let actual = make letter let rows = actual |> split let firstRowCharacters = rows |> Seq.head |> trim Assert.That(firstRowCharacters, Is.EqualTo("A")) [] [] member this.``All rows must have symmetric contour`` (letter:char) = let actual = make letter let rows = actual |> split let symmetric (row:string) = leadingSpaces row = trailingSpaces row Assert.That(rows, Is.All.Matches(symmetric)) [] [] member this.``Top of figure has letters in correct order`` (letter:char) = let actual = make letter let expected = ['A'..letter] let rows = actual |> split let firstNonSpaceLetters = rows |> Seq.take expected.Length |> trim |> Seq.head |> Seq.toList Assert.That(expected, Is.EqualTo(firstNonSpaceLetters)) [] [] member this.``Figure is symmetric around the horizontal axis`` (letter:char) = let actual = make letter let rows = actual |> split let top = rows |> Seq.takeWhile (fun x -> not (x.Contains(string letter))) |> List.ofSeq let bottom = rows |> Array.rev |> Seq.takeWhile (fun x -> not (x.Contains(string letter))) |> List.ofSeq Assert.That(top, Is.EqualTo(bottom)) [] [] member this.``Diamond has square shape`` (letter:char) = let actual = make letter let rows = actual |> split let expected = rows.Length let correctWidth (x:string) = x.Length = expected Assert.That(rows, Is.All.Matches(correctWidth)) [] [] member this.``All rows except top and bottom have two identical letters`` (letter:char) = let actual = make letter let rows = actual |> split |> Array.filter (fun x -> not (x.Contains("A"))) let twoIdenticalLetters (row:string) = let twoCharacters = row.Replace(" ", "").Length = 2 let identicalCharacters = row.Replace(" ", "") |> Seq.distinct |> Seq.length = 1 twoCharacters && identicalCharacters Assert.That(rows, Is.All.Matches(twoIdenticalLetters)) [] [] member this.``Bottom left corner spaces are triangle`` (letter:char) = let actual = make letter let rows = actual |> split let cornerSpaces = rows |> Array.rev |> Seq.skipWhile (fun x -> not (x.Contains(string letter))) |> leadingSpaces |> Seq.toList let spaceCounts = cornerSpaces |> (fun x -> x.Length) let expected = Seq.initInfinite id |> Seq.take spaceCounts.Length |> Seq.toList Assert.That(spaceCounts, Is.EqualTo(expected)) static member Letters = [| 'A' .. 'Z' |]