# tar-fs filesystem bindings for [tar-stream](https://github.com/mafintosh/tar-stream). ``` npm install tar-fs ``` [![build status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/mafintosh/tar-fs.png)](http://travis-ci.org/mafintosh/tar-fs) ## Usage tar-fs allows you to pack directories into tarballs and extract tarballs into directories. It doesn't gunzip for you, so if you want to extract a `.tar.gz` with this you'll need to use something like [gunzip-maybe](https://github.com/mafintosh/gunzip-maybe) in addition to this. ``` js var tar = require('tar-fs') var fs = require('fs') // packing a directory tar.pack('./my-directory').pipe(fs.createWriteStream('my-tarball.tar')) // extracting a directory fs.createReadStream('my-other-tarball.tar').pipe(tar.extract('./my-other-directory')) ``` To ignore various files when packing or extracting add a ignore function to the options. `ignore` is also an alias for `filter`. ``` js var pack = tar.pack('./my-directory', { ignore: function(name) { return path.extname(name) === '.bin' // ignore .bin files when packing } }) var extract = tar.extract('./my-other-directory', { ignore: function(name) { return path.extname(name) === '.bin' // ignore .bin files inside the tarball when extracing } }) ``` You can also specify which entries to pack using the `entries` option ```js var pack = tar.pack('./my-directory', { entries: ['file1', 'subdir/file2'] // only the specific entries will be packed }) ``` If you want to modify the headers when packing/extracting add a map function to the options ``` js var pack = tar.pack('./my-directory', { map: function(header) { header.name = 'prefixed/'+header.name return header } }) var extract = tar.extract('./my-directory', { map: function(header) { header.name = 'another-prefix/'+header.name return header } }) ``` Similarly you can use `mapStream` incase you wanna modify the input/output file streams ``` js var pack = tar.pack('./my-directory', { mapStream: function(fileStream, header) { if (path.extname(header.name) === '.js') { return fileStream.pipe(someTransform) } return fileStream; } }) var extract = tar.extract('./my-directory', { mapStream: function(fileStream, header) { if (path.extname(header.name) === '.js') { return fileStream.pipe(someTransform) } return fileStream; } }) ``` Set `options.fmode` and `options.dmode` to ensure that files/directories extracted have the corresponding modes ``` js var extract = tar.extract('./my-directory', { dmode: 0555, // all dirs and files should be readable fmode: 0444 }) ``` It can be useful to use `dmode` and `fmode` if you are packing/unpacking tarballs between *nix/windows to ensure that all files/directories unpacked are readable. Set `options.strict` to `false` if you want to ignore errors due to unsupported entry types (like device files) To dereference symlinks (pack the contents of the symlink instead of the link itself) set `options.dereference` to `true`. ## Copy a directory Copying a directory with permissions and mtime intact is as simple as ``` js tar.pack('source-directory').pipe(tar.extract('dest-directory')) ``` ## Performance Packing and extracting a 6.1 GB with 2496 directories and 2398 files yields the following results on my Macbook Air. [See the benchmark here](https://gist.github.com/mafintosh/8102201) * tar-fs: 34.261 ms * [node-tar](https://github.com/isaacs/node-tar): 366.123 ms (or 10x slower) ## License MIT