module HasMachineTags module SingletonMethods # Takes a string of delimited tags or an array of tags. # Note that each tag is interpreted as a possible wildcard machine tag. # # Options: # :conditions - A piece of SQL conditions to add to the query. # # Example: # Url.tagged_with 'something' # => fetches urls tagged with 'something' # Url.tagged_with 'gem:' # => fetches urls tagged with tags that have namespace gem # Url.tagged_with 'gem, something' # => fetches urls that are tagged with 'something' # or 'gem' # # Note: This method really only needs to be used with Rails < 2.1 . # Rails 2.1 and greater should use tagged_with(), which acts the same but with # the benefits of named_scope. # def find_tagged_with(*args) options = find_options_for_tagged_with(*args) options.blank? ? [] : find(:all,options) end # :stopdoc: def find_options_for_tagged_with(tags, options = {}) tags = return {} if tags.empty? conditions = [] conditions << sanitize_sql(options.delete(:conditions)) if options[:conditions] conditions << condition_from_tags(tags) default_find_options_for_tagged_with.update(:conditions=>conditions.join(" AND ")).update(options) end def condition_from_tags(tags) tag_sql = {|t| if match = Tag.match_wildcard_machine_tag(t) string = {|k,v| sanitize_sql(["#{tags_alias}.#{k} = ?", v]) }.join(" AND ") "(#{string})" else sanitize_sql(["#{tags_alias}.name = ?", t]) end }.join(" OR ") end def taggings_alias "#{table_name}_taggings" end def tags_alias "#{table_name}_tags" end def default_find_options_for_tagged_with { :select => "DISTINCT #{table_name}.*", :joins => "LEFT OUTER JOIN #{Tagging.table_name} #{taggings_alias} ON #{taggings_alias}.taggable_id = #{table_name}.#{primary_key} AND #{taggings_alias}.taggable_type = #{quote_value(} " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN #{Tag.table_name} #{tags_alias} ON #{tags_alias}.id = #{taggings_alias}.tag_id", # :group => group } end # TODO: add back in options as needed. # Options: # :exclude - Find models that are not tagged with the given tags. # :match_all - Find models that match all of the given tags, not just one (doesn't work with machine tags yet). def old_find_options_for_find_tagged_with(tags, options = {}) #:nodoc: # options.reverse_merge!(:match_all=>true) machine_tag_used = false if options.delete(:exclude) tags_conditions = { |t| sanitize_sql(["#{Tag.table_name}.name = ?", t]) }.join(" OR ") conditions << sanitize_sql(["#{table_name}.id NOT IN (SELECT #{Tagging.table_name}.taggable_id FROM #{Tagging.table_name} LEFT OUTER JOIN #{Tag.table_name} ON #{Tagging.table_name}.tag_id = #{Tag.table_name}.id WHERE (#{tags_conditions}) AND #{Tagging.table_name}.taggable_type = #{quote_value(})", tags]) else conditions << condition_from_tags(tags) if options.delete(:match_all) group = "#{taggings_alias}.taggable_id HAVING COUNT(#{taggings_alias}.taggable_id) = " if machine_tag_used #Since a machine tag matches multiple tags per given tag, we need to dynamically calculate the count #TODO: this select needs to return differently for each taggable_id group += "(SELECT count(id) FROM #{Tag.table_name} #{tags_alias} WHERE #{tag_sql})" else group += tags.size.to_s end end end default_find_options_for_tagged_with.update(:conditions=>conditions.join(" AND ")).update(options) end # :startdoc: end end