Say 'Hello' to Marjoree at Release 0.0.1 Details Marjoree is a ruby library which has been created to provide easier access to a database. The main driver behind the development of Marjoree was to allow easy unit testing, and more specifically test driven development, of stored procedures. When combined with rUnit, Marjoree provides a suitable unit testing environment. Currently the only db vendor that is supported is Sybase and was developed under Ruby v1.8.5 Running Marjoree: Marjoree uses ODBC to connect to a dataserver, therefore you need an (Sybase) ODBC connection setup. * To set up and ODBC connection on Windows, Go to 'Control Panel', 'Adminstrative Tool', and select 'Data Sources (ODBC)' and enter the appropriate details of your database. Tests Suite: First you will need to enter the ODBC details in marjoree\tests\all_tests.rb to allow Marjoree to connect to the dataserver. To run the tests suite open a command prompt and move to the 'marjoree' dir and run rake test Examples: These can be found in marjoree\examples, again you will need to enter the ODBC connection details in each file you wish to run. Contacts: Peter Aitken ( ) Contributers: Peter Aitken Ian Davies Angus 'Chopper' MacCuish