#Copyright (c) 2008-12 Peter H. Boling of 9thBit LLC
#Released under the MIT license

module SanitizeEmail
  class Bleach

    mattr_reader :deprecate_in_silence
    mattr_writer :deprecate_in_silence
    self.deprecate_in_silence = false

    class MissingTo < StandardError; end
    class UnknownOverride < StandardError; end

    # Can override global configs at the instance level.
    attr_accessor :engage, # Turn sanitization on or off just for this instance
      :sanitized_to, :sanitized_cc, :sanitized_bcc, # Replace non-white-listed addresses with these sanitized addresses.
      :good_list, # White-listed addresses will not be molested as to, cc, or bcc
      :bad_list, # Black-listed addresses will be removed from to, cc and bcc when sanitization is engaged
      :injected  # Track whether or not the subject has been injected with usernames

    def initialize(args = {})
      # Not using extract_options! because non-rails compatibility is a goal
      @sanitized_to = args[:sanitized_to]    || SanitizeEmail[:sanitized_to]
      @sanitized_cc = args[:sanitized_cc]    || SanitizeEmail[:sanitized_cc]
      @sanitized_bcc = args[:sanitized_bcc]  || SanitizeEmail[:sanitized_bcc]
      @good_list = args[:good_list]          || SanitizeEmail[:good_list]     || []
      @bad_list = args[:bad_list]            || SanitizeEmail[:bad_list]      || []
      @engage = args[:engage]                || SanitizeEmail[:engage]
      @injected = false

    # If all recipient addresses are white-listed the field is left alone.
    def delivering_email(message)
      if self.sanitize_engaged?
        message.subject = self.subject_override(message.subject, message.to) if SanitizeEmail.use_actual_email_prepended_to_subject
        message.to = self.to_override(message.to)
        message.cc = self.cc_override(message.cc)
        message.bcc = self.bcc_override(message.bcc)

    def activate?
      SanitizeEmail.activation_proc.call if SanitizeEmail.activation_proc.respond_to?(:call)

    # This method will be called by the Hook to determine if an override should occur
    # There are three ways SanitizeEmail can be turned on; in order of precedence they are:
    # 1. SanitizeEmail.force_sanitize = true # by default it is nil
    # 2. Mail.register_interceptor(SanitizeEmail::Bleach.new(:engage => true)) # by default it is nil
    # 3. SanitizeEmail::Config.configure {|config| config[:activation_proc] = Proc.new { true } } be default it is false
    # Note: Number 1 is the method used by the SanitizeEmail.sanitary block
    # Note: Number 2 would not be used unless you setup your own register_interceptor)
    # If installed but not configured, sanitize email DOES NOTHING.  Until configured the defaults leave it turned off.
    def sanitize_engaged?

      # Has it been forced via the force_sanitize mattr?
      forced = !SanitizeEmail.force_sanitize.nil?
      #puts "forced: #{SanitizeEmail.force_sanitize.inspect}" if forced
      return SanitizeEmail.force_sanitize if forced

     # Is this particular instance of Bleach engaged
      engaged = !self.engage.nil?
      #puts "engaged: #{self.engage.inspect}" if engaged
      return self.engage if engaged

      # Should we sanitize due to the activation_proc?
      #puts "activated: #{self.activate?}"
      return self.activate?


    def subject_override(real_subject, actual_addresses)
      if !actual_addresses.respond_to?(:join)
        "(#{actual_addresses.join(',').gsub(/@/,' at ').gsub(/[<>]/,'~')}) #{real_subject}"

    def to_override(actual_addresses)
      to = override_email(:to, actual_addresses)
      raise MissingTo, 'after overriding :to there are no addresses to send in To: header.' if to.empty?

    def cc_override(actual_addresses)
      override_email(:cc, actual_addresses).join(',')

    def bcc_override(actual_addresses)
      override_email(:bcc, actual_addresses).join(',')


    def address_list_filter(list_type, address)
      # TODO: How does this handle email addresses with user names like "Foo Example <foo@example.org>"
      has_address = self.send(list_type).include?(address)
      case list_type
        when :good_list then has_address ? address : nil
        when :bad_list then has_address ? nil : address

    def inject_user_names(real_addresses, sanitized_addresses)
      real_addresses.inject([]) do |result, real_recipient|
        if real_recipient.nil?
          new_recipient = sanitized_addresses
          new_recipient = sanitized_addresses.map{|sanitized| "#{real_recipient.gsub(/@/,' at ').gsub(/[<>]/,'~')} <#{sanitized}>"}
        result << new_recipient

    def clean_addresses(addresses, list_type)
      # Normalize addresses just in case it isn't an array yet
      addresses.map { |address|
        # If this address is on the good list then let it pass
        self.address_list_filter(list_type, address)

    def sanitize_addresses(type)
      case type
        when :to then Array(self.sanitized_to)
        when :cc then Array(self.sanitized_cc)
        when :bcc then Array(self.sanitized_bcc)
        else raise UnknownOverride, "unknown email override"

    # Allow good listed email addresses, and then remove the bad listed addresses
    def good_listize(real_addresses)
      good_listed = self.clean_addresses(real_addresses, :good_list)
      good_listed = self.clean_addresses(good_listed, :bad_list) unless good_listed.empty?

    def override_email(type, actual_addresses)
      # Normalized to an arrays
#puts "override_email 1: #{type} - #{actual_addresses}"
      real_addresses = Array(actual_addresses)

#puts "override_email 2: #{type} - #{real_addresses}"
      # If there were no original recipients, then we DO NOT override the nil with the sanitized recipients
      return [] if real_addresses.empty?

      good_listed = good_listize(real_addresses)
#puts "override_email 3: #{type} - #{good_listed}"
      # If there are good_list addresses to send to then use them as is, no mods needed
      return good_listed unless good_listed.empty?

      # If there are no sanitized addresses we can't override!
      sanitized_addresses = sanitize_addresses(type)
#puts "override_email 3: #{type} - #{sanitized_addresses}"
      return [] if sanitized_addresses.empty?

      # At this point it is assured that the address list will need to be sanitized
      # One more check to ensure none of the configured sanitized email addresses are on the bad_list
      sanitized_addresses = self.clean_addresses(sanitized_addresses, :bad_list)
#puts "override_email 4: #{type} - #{sanitized_addresses}"

      # If we don't want to inject the 'email' in the 'user name' section of the sanitized recipients,
      # then just return the default sanitized recipients
      return sanitized_addresses unless SanitizeEmail.use_actual_email_as_sanitized_user_name

      with_user_names = self.inject_user_names(real_addresses, sanitized_addresses)
#puts "override_email 5: #{type} - #{with_user_names}"
      # Otherwise inject the email as the 'user name'
      return with_user_names

  end # end Class Hook
end # end Module SanitizeEmail