require 'helper' class ChargifyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "When hitting the Chargify API" do setup do @client ='OU812', 'pengwynn') end should "return a list of customers" do stub_get "", "customers.json" customers = @client.list_customers customers.size.should == 1 customers.first.reference.should == 'bradleyjoyce' customers.first.organization.should == 'Squeejee' end context "when finding customers" do should "be able to be found by a " do stub_get "", "customer.json" customer = @client.customer("bradleyjoyce") customer.success?.should == true end should "be able to be found by a " do stub_get "", "customer.json" customer = @client.customer_by_id(16) customer.success?.should == true end should "return an empty Hash with success? set to false" do stub_get "", "", 404 customer = @client.customer_by_id(16) customer.success?.should == false end end should "create a new customer" do stub_post "", "new_customer.json" info = { :first_name => "Wynn", :last_name => "Netherland", :email => "" } customer = @client.create_customer(info) customer.first_name.should == "Wynn" end should "update a customer" do stub_put "", "new_customer.json" info = { :id => 16, :first_name => "Wynn", :last_name => "Netherland", :email => "" } customer = @client.update_customer(info) customer.first_name.should == "Wynn" end # Depends on Chargify: # should_eventually "delete a customer" do # # end should "raise UnexpectedResponseError when reponse is invalid JSON" do stub_post "", "invalid_subscription.json" options = { :product_handle => 'monthly', :customer_reference => 'bradleyjoyce', :customer_attributes => { :first_name => "Wynn", :last_name => "Netherland", :email => "" } } assert_raise Chargify::UnexpectedResponseError do @client.create_subscription(options) end end should "return a list of customer subscriptions" do stub_get "", "subscriptions.json" subscriptions = @client.customer_subscriptions(16) subscriptions.size.should == 1 subscriptions.first.customer.reference.should == "bradleyjoyce" end should "return info for a subscription" do stub_get "", "subscription.json" subscription = @client.subscription(13) subscription.customer.reference.should == 'bradleyjoyce' end should "return nil if a subscription is not found" do stub_get "", "subscription_not_found.json", 404 subscription = @client.subscription(18) subscription.should == nil end should "update a customer subscription" do stub_put "", "subscription.json" options = { :product_handle => 'monthly', :customer_reference => 'bradleyjoyce', :customer_attributes => { :first_name => "Wynn", :last_name => "Netherland", :email => "" } } subscription = @client.update_subscription(123, options) subscription.customer.organization.should == 'Squeejee' end should "set success? to true when subscription is updated successfully" do stub_put "", "subscription.json", 200 options = { :product_handle => 'monthly', :customer_reference => 'bradleyjoyce', :customer_attributes => { :first_name => "Wynn", :last_name => "Netherland", :email => "" } } subscription = @client.update_subscription(123, options) subscription.success?.should == true end should "set success? to false when subscription is not updated successfully" do stub_put "", "subscription.json", 500 options = { :product_handle => 'monthly', :customer_reference => 'bradleyjoyce', :customer_attributes => { :first_name => "Wynn", :last_name => "Netherland", :email => "" } } subscription = @client.update_subscription(123, options) subscription.success?.should == nil end should "create a customer subscription" do stub_post "", "subscription.json" options = { :product_handle => 'monthly', :customer_reference => 'bradleyjoyce', :customer_attributes => { :first_name => "Wynn", :last_name => "Netherland", :email => "" } } subscription = @client.create_subscription(options) subscription.customer.organization.should == 'Squeejee' end should "create a customer subscription with a coupon code" do stub_post "", "subscription.json" options = { :product_handle => 'monthly', :customer_reference => 'bradleyjoyce', :customer_attributes => { :first_name => "Wynn", :last_name => "Netherland", :email => "" }, :coupon_code => "EARLYBIRD" } subscription = @client.create_subscription(options) == 'Squeejee' end should "set success? to true when subscription is created successfully" do stub_post "", "subscription.json", 201 options = { :product_handle => 'monthly', :customer_reference => 'bradleyjoyce', :customer_attributes => { :first_name => "Wynn", :last_name => "Netherland", :email => "" } } subscription = @client.create_subscription(options) subscription.success?.should == true end should "set success? to nil when subscription is not created successfully" do stub_post "", "subscription.json", 400 options = { :product_handle => 'monthly', :customer_reference => 'bradleyjoyce', :customer_attributes => { :first_name => "Wynn", :last_name => "Netherland", :email => "" } } subscription = @client.create_subscription(options) subscription.success?.should == nil end should "reactivate a subscription" do stub_put "", "subscription.json", 200 subscription = @client.reactivate_subscription(123) subscription.state.should == "active" end should "set success? to nil when subscription is not reactivated successfully" do stub_put "", "subscription_not_found.json", 500 subscription = @client.reactivate_subscription(123) subscription.success?.should == nil end should "set success? to false when subscription is reactivated successfully" do stub_put "", "subscription.json", 200 subscription = @client.reactivate_subscription(123) subscription.success?.should == true end should "cancel subscription" do stub_delete "", "deleted_subscription.json", 200 subscription = @client.cancel_subscription(123) subscription.state.should == "canceled" end should "set success? to nil when subscription is not cancelled successfully" do stub_delete "", "deleted_subscription.json", 500 subscription = @client.cancel_subscription(123) subscription.success?.should == nil end should "set success? to true when subscription is cancelled successfully" do stub_delete "", "deleted_subscription.json", 200 subscription = @client.cancel_subscription(123) subscription.success?.should == true end context "when creating a one-off charge for a subscription" do setup do stub_post "", "charge_subscription.json", 201 @options = { :meno => "This is the description of the one time charge.", :amount => 1.00, :amount_in_cents => 100 } end should "accept :amount as a parameter" do subscription = @client.charge_subscription(123, @options) subscription.amount_in_cents.should == @options[:amount]*100 subscription.success?.should == true end should "accept :amount_in_cents as a parameter" do subscription = @client.charge_subscription(123, @options) subscription.amount_in_cents.should == @options[:amount_in_cents] subscription.success?.should == true end should "have success? as false if parameters are missing" do stub_post "", "charge_subscription_missing_parameters.json", 422 subscription = @client.charge_subscription(123, {}) subscription.success?.should == false end should "have success? as false if the subscription is not found" do stub_post "", "", 404 subscription = @client.charge_subscription(9999, @options) subscription.success?.should == false end end context "for metered subscriptions" do should_eventually "list usage for a subscription" do stub_get "", "list_metered_subscriptions.json", 200 subscription = @client.list_subscription_usage(123, 456) subscription.success?.should == true end should_eventually "record usage for a subscription" do end end should "migrate a subscription from one product to another" do stub_post "", "migrate_subscription.json" subscription = @client.migrate_subscription(123, 354); subscription.success?.should == true == 354 end should "return a list of products" do stub_get "", "products.json" products = @client.list_products products.first.accounting_code.should == 'TSMO' end should "return info for a product" do stub_get "", "product.json" product = @client.product(8) product.accounting_code.should == 'TSMO' end should "return info for a product by its handle" do stub_get "", "product.json" product = @client.product_by_handle('tweetsaver') product.accounting_code.should == 'TSMO' end end end