#TODO: change this to application name set :application, 'application' #TODO: change this to repository set :repository, 'git@github.com:author/application.git' # set :deploy_subdir, '' set :default_stage, :vagrant # Uses Brightbox Next Generation Ruby Packages # http://wiki.brightbox.co.uk/docs:ruby-ng # by default. # Change to specific version in ruby-build format # if exact version needed. set :ruby_version, :brightbox set :care_about_ruby_version, false set :postgresql, version: '9.1', listen_all: false #TODO: changes this to `true` for TCP connectivity set :monit, notify_email: 'admin@application.com', #TODO: change this to your email to receive monit alerts poll_period: 30 set :railsapp, server_names: '_' #TODO: change this to domain name(s) of the project # For other options look into cookbooks/*/attributes/default.rb # and other cookbook sources. set :run_list, %w( recipe[monit] recipe[monit::ssh] recipe[postgresql] recipe[nginx] recipe[railsapp] ) after 'deploy:restart', 'deploy:restart_unicorn'